Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 186

Pete's still sitting in the girls room trying to get Hailey to sleep. It's been over an hour again. She's sleepy...but keeps waking up when he tries to leave. Last night I said 'mommy has to pee on the potty...I'll be right back' and left. She fell asleep. We're going to work on a new plan this weekend because the current one isn't working at all and I'm not sitting in their room every night until they fall asleep. Maybe it's time to give up naps. ;-)

Today was a good day. The girls slept all night last night - yippie! Then they went to Pete's parents while Pete and I worked. When the girls and I got home - we let Pete cook out on the grill while we went for a walk. We (ummm...the girls) like to walk around the building again and again and again get the picture. They say 'c'mon mama' as they turn to me and gesture for me to come. Or they say 'mo walk, mo walk'. They CAN say more. There's a lot that they CAN say. But for some reason they DON'T. ie: they can say 'GO' yet when they say 'going' it comes out 'OIN'. Instead of 'time out' they say 'IME OUT' (yes - the T at the end but not the beginning). No worries...I have a speech therapist on speed dial.

After we walked - we came in and had dinner then a tea party and then time for bed.

Now time for more work on the computer.

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