Thursday, April 8, 2010

Oh Boy

This is exactly why we camp out at the ICU waiting room. Because things happen and someone needs to be here when they do.

I brought the girls in to the hospital today to have breakfast with the family. We got here and enjoyed a nice breakfast before I took them to Pete's parents house. This isn't the place for them to be...but sometimes I think I get over protective about them not being around germs. They miss Uncle Joey and since he's not leaving the hospital...we had to improvise. It was nice because my Mom, Amanda, Christina, Peter, Kristin and Joey were all here. We went to the cafe and brought breakfast back down to the waiting room. We hung out for about and hour and then headed out.

After I dropped the girls off I headed to work so I could pick up the paperwork I need filled out for this hiatus I'm currently taking. I wanted to fill in the people I work with as well. They aren't just coworkers...they're friends and they care too.

While I was there (and NOT here) the doctor went in to talk with Joey and Amanda (they were the one's here at the time). He basically said we need to talk about what dad would want. What kind of quality of life he would be willing to have. He said that dad is going to need a trachea and ventilator for the rest of his life. Also dialysis.

I can't even finish this post right now.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I'm so so very sorry your having to make or even think about these things with your dad... Hoping and praying for peace and comfort.
