Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day 185

Ugh...Hailey woke up at 12 again and again she ended up in our bed. I finally came down and slept on the couch. I was up from 12 - 4! Grrrrrrr

I had 2 doctors appts today - one with the stroke specialist and one with the pulmonologist. Both went as well as can be expected. No clear cut answers as to the 'why'. But here's what we do know:
1: I had a stroke (a small one)
2: I still have a clot (a big one)
3: I had a Left VAD (vertebral artery dissection)
4: My left vertebral artery is useless now
5: My right vertebral artery is working just fine
6: I shouldn't have another dissection forever ;-)
7: I have Pleurisy (it hurts...still)
8: It won't go away for a while
9: It better not come back
10: I don't have lung cancer, a tumor, TB, infection...or any other lung thing other than...
THE COUGH - still no answer what's causing it but the current guess is an allergic reaction to something. Probably laundry. I don't think I can ever do laundry again. Forever.

On a serious note - I'm still in a lot of pain from the Pleurisy. The only thing that's offered are pain meds and I don't see the point in taking them. They don't take away the problem - just mask it. The stroke/dissection/clot are all under 'control' with the anti coagulation meds. For now - I'm not taking the Lovenox injections because my INR is therapeutic. If it falls out of the range it needs to be - I may/may not have to take the injections again. I'm hoping not. I'm weak. I have no strength in my entire body. It's lack of sleep, being sick and not being able to work out...all at once. And it sucks.

Current meds: Prednisone, coumadin, omeprazole, tessalon perles, advair, fluconase and claritin. From nothing at all to 7 meds in no time flat. It won't be forever though - and that's a relief!

I have an MRI/MRA of the Brain and Spine scheduled for next month. Checking for a few things - to see if there is any brain damage and to see if the clot is better. Also to make sure there isn't any more damage happening (that would suck). There was some talk about the possibility of me having Fibromyalagia (I can't even say that word don't ask me to explain it). I'm not sure that it's an official diagnosis but more tests are needed (of course). I saw a total of 4 doctors today. 3 in the stroke clinic (ooooooohhhh it's an 'interesting' case). 1 in Pulmonary. And yet none of them have the power that 2 year old triplets do.

Trips trump top docs any day of the week. Cuz they can make me smile ;-) Nothing feels better than that!

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