Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Kristin and LB went to S&S and bought lunch meat, rolls, soda and drinks. We had lunch in the ICU waiting room as if we were home. It was nice.

The doctors came in this morning...I wasn't here (this is exactly why none of us leave...because we miss things!). The docs said that his kidney's aren't working and it's more likely than not that he'll start dialysis tomorrow. They also said we shouldn't be disturbing my dad. Don't wake him up, don't try to get him to squeeze your hands, do not disturb. I think I'll get a sign and put it on his bed. It's hard for us - but I can imagine that it's harder for him. But who knows. They also warned us that he could change for the worse at any given moment. Yes he's doing better now than he was doing yesterday but that doesn't mean he's still not very sick and in grave danger. Ugh...it's so hard. We're staying positive though.

Joey - this kid has himself on the operating table ready to donate a kidney to my dad right now. But don't worry - this kidney comes with restrictions...it's conditional. Sure sure sure...when you donate an organ it then technically becomes the rightful owner of who's body it's in. But it's different when you're family. You see - the kidney will mean that we have some say in what my dad does. We aren't going to let him smoke with this kidney. And he has to take his kidney for a walk everyday. He'll have to feed the kidney healthy - no more foods full of fat and salt. Ah yes...a kidney with restrictions. They'll be all good restrictions though so it won't be too hard to obey the rules of kidney donation.

Peter was suppose to go to work today. He left. Went home. Showered. Then texted me and said "Hey. I'm fighting with myself if I should call out of work or go in." Immediately followed by "I don't have a lot of days to use. But I feel like an asshole if I go in with dad being the way he is." Funny because I had texted him earlier today knowing that he was planning to go in to work. I had already known that he was going to feel this way and I had planned on letting him know that he can take FMLA. So we talked on the phone and I explained that in situations like this you can call HR and fill out some paperwork so that you can take some time off. Sure - he'll have to use his time that he has saved up - but he won't be calling out sick. He'll be out of work legitly and won't have to worry about it. So that's what he did. He called HR and his Sergeant and has the next 8 days off. He's back here with us now. ;-)

We can't save my dad. We don't have magical powers that heal. But we feel the need to be here for him and that's what we'll do. We can't be here 24/7 but we can make sure that someone is here. It's important to us that my dad isn't left alone. So we're here. It's the least we can do.

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