Tuesday, April 13, 2010

How much more?

12:30 this morning Hailey woke up out of a sound sleep throwing up. She threw up 7 times in 1.5 hours...finally we decided she needed to go the ER so they could give her something to help with the vomiting. Pete brought her and had to stop 2 times on the way there. Then she threw up another 5 times at the ER. They gave her a pill (that dissolves on the tongue) and as soon as they gave it to her...she threw up again.

Not 1/2 hour after they left - Emily woke up throwing up. Are you kidding me?!?! I brought both Hannah & Emily into our bed and proceeded to text Pete and tell him what was going on. Then Emily threw up another 5 times in the next 2 hours. Hannah of course woke up every time to inform me that "Emmie sick". (And she said it like I truly didn't know). I told Pete to make sure he gets some of the medicine they gave Hailey so I could give it to Emily when he got home.

They came home @ 6:30. Wow - a long night. We've been up since 12:30. Pete HAS to go to work today and I HAVE to get stuff done for the funeral. Lord help us!

I am at the end of my 'God only gives you what you can handle' limit. Tapped out. Done. No more to give. So if you think of calling me today - I won't answer my phone. Because I won't have anything nice to say!!!!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR


  1. Okay - so I can't stop all the stuff you are dealing with; however, I can tell you how much I love you and hope that for a moment you feel okay. XXOO Tant-Tant

  2. Wow Good Luck today:) I also hope everyone feels better soon.
