Wednesday, February 22, 2012


My 'babies' aren't babies anymore. Today they turned the big 04 :)

The girls are on school vacation this week and Pete & I took the day off. We took the girls to Bounce U (still a favorite place!), then out to breakfast at the Cromwell diner. After that we came home so the girls could nap. After tht we went out to dinner at Ichiro for hibachi! Then it was home to have cake. All in all it was a fantastic day ;)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Countdown to 4

I can't believe my babies will be 4 this month *sigh*.  They're not quite sure what to make of their bday yet.  Each year we've had big parties for them but they don't seem to remember.  This is the 1st year we are having a 'kid' bday party for them with their friends and cousins.  We will be partying it up at the bowling ally where all the kids will get to play t-bowl and all the adults will get to enjoy pizza and soda while watching the kids bowl.  (This was a very thought out plan.  When I attended my nieces 5th bday party I noticed parents were dropping off their kids - AND LEAVING.  This gave me heart palpitations and I swore off bday parties from that moment forward.  However; after some thought and a few drinks...I realized that there must be a way around this.  So in the invitations I made it clear that there will be pizza and soda for all the parents to enjoy while being able to watch their kids bowl and have a good time.  So far the plan is working.....LOL). 

The next day will be a smaller than usual party at the house for the girls.  More pizza and soda and maybe a few pasta dishes.  If you ask the girls what they want for their bday - Hannah & Hailey say they don't know.  Emily though...she wants the following "Christmas cards, Easter cards, toys and candy."  Yes - she is insisting on getting Christmas cards and Easter cards.  So feel free to send some along to her.  I have no idea where or why this idea is stuck in her head but I promise you she will go out and buy her own if she doesn't get any.  I love her determination and's admirable. 

Pete and I were planning to buy the girls each a motorized car (the big ones you see at Toys R Us).  However; I'm thinking we can find some used (I know one is coming to us from my cousin) and since they're so expensive we're going to hold off.  Instead - we bought the girls a set of bunk beds (and again we are also getting a set from my cousin...thank God for hand me downs!).  The new bunk we bought is going to be absolutely perfect because the bottom is a full size futon.  This means that when the girls are sick I no longer have to make them sleep on the couch with me.  I can sleep on the futon in their room and let them be comfortable in their own beds (they don't like sleeping anywhere BUT their beds and complain constantly when I make them sleep on the couch). 

They got report cards at school.  Seriously.  I don't even know what to say about this lol.  I'm happy about their marks and remarks though there is one area they are in need of improvement and that's socialization.  They're having a hard time separating from each other in the class room and playing with other kids.  If one is separated into another group - she will play but it'll be alone.  They don't initiate conversation or play with others.  I'm not surprised by this - and I'm not even sure if it's something that needs to be addressed or if it'll just play itself out in time.  There is only 1 class for each grade in the school they're in.  Separate classrooms is out (which is fine by me!).  I may talk to the teacher and ask if it would be possible to let each one join the PreK 4 class once a week on their own.  They can each spend a day with the students there and not be focused on where or what their sisters are doing in the room.  But again - I'm not sure.  This is my 1st time at the rodeo - I don't have all the answers!  Hopefully the teachers will have some helpful feedback.  The teacher in the PreK 4 room is a teacher they had (and love) at the beginning of the school year.  They still see her everyday and are very comfortable with her.  If this weren't the case I probably wouldn't even consider the idea. 

The girls have been sick for the better part of 2 weeks now.  It all started with the stomach virus and ended up moving to croup, then sinus infections and ear infections.  Today is the 1st day they ALL seem better :)  Man I can't wait for summer!