Monday, January 31, 2011

Bounce U

I wanted to bring the girls to Jump N Jammin today - but they're closed on Monday's.  So I did some searching and have heard about this place called Bounce U near us.  Literally - it's 5 minutes from our house.  AND IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!  The girls loved it (how could they not?!?!).  It's an indoor bounce house gymnasium.  It's smaller than Jump N Jammin but that was good since I had taken the girls by myself.  It was also more geared towards kids that are younger so I didn't have to worry about the girls being plowed over by some tweens.  (Not that I have anything against tweens...but they're BIGGER than the girls). 

After Bounce U we came home for some lunch then naps.  My brother Pete came over to hang out and then Owen and Becca came to visit.  Long day full of fun and kids! 

Potty training is ROCKIN'!  Hailey did poop on the potty today!  Hannah is accident free.  Emily has promised to 'try again tomorrow Mommy'.   :)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Oh yeah!

You go Hannah.  Once again...she's accident free.  AND she pooped on the potty when she wasn't home today!!!!!!!!!!!!  I'm so totally stoked about this. 

Emily & Hailey are still having accidents - but my mood is much better because 1 is better than none at this point! 

Pete took the girls to his parents house and I stayed home.  Lucy, Alex and Brianna came over and started helping me pack.  We're moving....and the move is coming up quickly!!!!   We got a ton of stuff done and the girls were pretty inquisitive about where stuff was and why they had some boxes in their room.  I'm hoping this is an easy transition for them but we shall see. 

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Go Hannah!

Day 4 and she is still accident free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Today we took the girls to Costco to pick up a few (hundred) things.  They were excellent as they usually are when we are out.  But more importantly - they stayed DRY the whole time.  They peed on the potty before we left and after we came back. 

My brother Andrew came to hang out with them tonight while Pete and I went to his parents house for dinner sans kiddos.  The girls didn't know where we were going - just that we were going out.  They were all a bit too happy to see us leave too LOL

Friday, January 28, 2011

Gooooo Hannah!

Day 3 of NO accidents from Hannah.  I wasn't here today when she pooped on the potty.  But apparently she NEEDED me to see it because she told Pete to leave it in her potty till I got home.  When he said no and that he had to put it in the toilet she said 'ok but don't flush it...I wanna show Mommy'.  

And for being so super good about using the potty - she got one of these................

Thursday, January 27, 2011


More snow today.  Potty training itself was eh.  Hannah did GREAT - she peed and pooped on the potty all day long!  She was dry after nap and she stayed dry the whole time we were outside playing.  Super special pop pop for her.

Pete got called this morning and told that he didn't have to go in to work until noon (thanks Gov!).  So I took the opportunity to let Pete take care of the girls while I went and shoveled off the cars.  I took my sweet time too. 

After the girls woke up from their nap we got dressed and headed outside.  We spent the better part of an hour (maybe more) out there and boy did we have fun!  Sledding rocks!!!!!!!!! 

I just figured out how to put videos from my phone to my youtube acct.  So there are 4 new videos up there...but the one MUST see is the girls sledding.  I can't wait to do it all over again tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011




That's a good number.  2 out of 3.  THAT'S HOW MANY KIDDOS PEED AND POOPED IN THE POTTY ALLLLL FREAKIN' DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Hailey had one accident (she did both..but at one time).  The rest of the time was in the potty.  I can certainly handle a day like today all over again tomorrow!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Kids are smart.  Sticking to my word from yesterday - I told them I wasn't going to change them if they pooped in their pants.  But to encourage them...I taped a lollipop under each of their names on the dry erase board.  I said if they used the potty ALL accidents - they get the pop.  OR if they poop on the's theirs!  It was that simple.

Hannah & Hailey- failed. Let's just leave that one alone.

Emily though...she peed on the potty ALL day - no accidents.  At the end of the day - she got her lollipop and was sucking away while getting her pj's and diaper on.  And was sucking away while she shit in her diaper right there...AS SOON AS IT WAS PUT ON. 

Lord help me get through this stage because I just want to scream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

Monday, January 24, 2011

Love and Logic vs Potty Training Triplets

There's a parenting style that we (and a lot of other moms I know...especially triplet moms that I'm friends with on FB) try to use.  It's love and logic.  But let's face it - I'm not all about 100% being 'happy pants mommy' 24/7.  I definitely have a Mommy Dearest side.  Today was a day when both sides reared their heads.  The change happened in less than a minute. 

The morning went well.  Pete was off to work, I gave the girls a bath then my mom showed up.  She stayed long enough for breakfast and lunch.  When she left the girls went right down for naps and I was able to get a few things done in the house.  They woke up after 2.5 hours in great moods.  All day the girls had been in big girl panties.  And they had been doing ok so far.  Hannah pooped once in her panties and the other 2 peed once.  That's not too bad (afterall - that's only 1 accident each). 

After nap I was putting them back in big girl panties (diapers were on for nap time).  Hailey told me "Wait...I'm not done pooping so I can't change yet."  So I try the happy pants mommy "Let's go on the potty and finish!"  It was a no go.  She insisted on pooping in her diaper and that was that.  She did say "Maybe I'll try to go on the potty tomorrow Mommy."  Ok - I can deal with that. 

We all baked some peanut butter cookies (which came out awesome!) and after that we were in the living room playing with the train table.  Hailey works her way over the play kitchen and it didn't take me long to realize why she was there.  I said "Potty time!  Come on...let's all sit on the potty and try to go."  Ohhhh if I didn't hear Hailey AND Emily both say "I did poopy in my big girl panties!" 

Welcome Mommy Dearest! 

I had it.  I'm not cut out for this potty training shit.  IT SUCKS.  Period.  It's not pleasant.  It's not rewarding.  I mean...come on - it WOULD be easier for me to keep them in diapers!  Not cheap...but certainly much easier on the patience front.  I don't have to look for a bathroom every 3 minutes when we're out in public. 

But - they need to be potty trained.  So here I am with my head spinning exocist style and these 2 girls looking at me going "change me!"  What?  Change you?  That's what you want?  Hahahaha!  NOPE! 

That's right.  Mommy Dearest said "YOU pooped in your big girl panties.  I'M not changing you."  Trust me when I tell you this was better than the alternative.  Oh this is sooooo going against any psychology book, love and logic style, or even good parenting.  You're suppose to have PATIENCE and UNDERSTANDING and LOVING words when they have 'accidents'.  You're suppose to embrace the shit hanging off their ass and dripping down their legs with a loving tone and words of encouragement. 

I even went as far as to put together the pieces on the train table so they could run in circles around the table with their trains.  It's a favorite activity of theirs. Hannah was soaking up the moment.  She was able to run all around the table.  Emily cried and cried and said how she wanted to go poop on the potty NOW.  Hailey was semi-standing there yelling at me saying 'You need to change me!!!  I want to play!!!" 

Eventually I did change them.  I don't know why.  I really wanted to just leave them like that until Pete came home.  But something told me that Mommy Dearest needed to leave before then.  However; the threat was made.  "IF you poop in your panties again....I'm NOT changing you!" 

I've had it with this potty training.  If I could pay someone $5,000 to do it for me - I WOULD. 

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Night out

I was out last night and didn't get home until 3:00.  The girls were up at 6:30...and boy oh boy - 3 hours of sleep just doesn't cut it anymore!  But it was worth it. 

Looks like the move is on.  We'll be moving to the new house probably the 3rd week of February.  And I have all of 3 boxes packed.............

Friday, January 21, 2011


I had an extra kiddo today due to the snow storm and schools being closed.  4 kids is a lot of work!  I guess that's why I don't have quads.

We all managed to make it outside to play in the snow (and clean off a few cars). 

Sleepy time.  I'm exhausted! 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The little things

They all add up - so by the end of the day I'm spent.  Today was a good day too! 

I had an appt so I ask my brother Peter to come and babysit.  A task he's not had before :)   I was nervous - I'm not gonna lie!  But he didn't seem to be so that made me feel better.  He got here and I had already told the girls that I was leaving and Uncle Pete was babysitting.  The only one that had a problem with that was Hannah.  She begged and pleaded to come with me.  Then she begged and pleaded for me to stay.  Then she begged and pleaded for me not to leave 'yet'.  She kept saying 'Not yet Mommy!'  When it was time for me to go I said "I'm am leaving.  And I'm leaving now."  Gave kisses and walked out the door.  Not a tear was shed.  She was fine!

They were eating lunch when I left and the plan was for my brother just to clean them up and put them to bed for their nap.  I was going to be home by the time they woke up.  Somehow the girls conned him into doing their whole bedtime NIGHT time routine!  They brushed teeth, PUT ON PJ'S and read books.  LOL  I'm literally laughing out loud at this.  I can just see them trying to get as much time as they could before having to actually get in bed.  But once they were in bed he said they were fine.  They talked and sang for a bit and he gave them the 'Don't make me come up there' from the bottom of the stairs.  That was enough to put them to sleep. 

When I came home they were just waking up.  So funny to see them in the pj's and when I asked about it they started cracking up.  They thought it was funny too :) 

I got them dressed (again) and we had  a snack and went out for a walk.  Then we had to go for a drive to run an errand with my brother Joey.  Well on the way back - just as we were pulling into the driveway...Hannah threw up all over the place.  30 more seconds and I could have had her out of the car.  Too late though.  Luckily Pete was home.  He took care of Hannah, Joey watched the other 2 and I spent time cleaning the car seat.  Cleaning puke out of a carseat sucks!  But let's not forget the girls had bad acid reflux as infants so I'm a pro at getting the car seats clean. 

After dinner (chicken soup) they got baths (thanks to Hannah) and got back into their pj's for bed.  It must have been something Hannah ate because she only threw up once.  At least I'm praying it was something she ate....I don't want to even think it's a virus.

More snow tomorrow.  I hope it's fluffy and fun snow - we wanna go play!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

After last nights battle with Hannah she actually stopped as soon as I told her she would be sleeping in the hallway by herself.  It only took about 3 seconds for them all to fall asleep once she stopped crying.  I think only Hailey woke up in the middle of the night - but I'm not sure since Pete got up with whoever it was.  :)

This morning all 3 of them wanted to be in big girl panties.  AWESOME!  And even more awesome was that from 7:00 - 10:30 we had NO accidents.  Not even after I gave them a bath (they seem to think it's fun to pee on the floor in their room).  They all used the potty when they needed to.  At 10:30 we decided to get dressed and head out.  I needed to make 2 stops - one at Staples and one at Walmart.  Both are right next to each other (we can walk from one to the other on a sidewalk).  Diapers were put on for this little excursion but I did ask if they needed to use the potty before we left and they all said no. 

We get to Staples, park the car and all walk inside.  We had a mission (and a gift card).  We needed notebooks.  So we go in, buy notebooks and leave.  We walked right over to Walmart and at this point it's about 11:30 (it takes us time to get out of the house and get places so an hour had already gone by).  Lunch time!  We opt to eat at Subway in the Walmart.  Lunch menu was great - turkey on wheat (a foot long fed all of us), apples, yogurt and milk.  They ate.  And then I smell something. 

Ugh...Hannah pooped.  I think in a matter of a millisecond I hit my over the edge moment of the day.  I ask and ask and ask and ask and ask and ask...."Do you need to use the potty?"  And I get told "No thank you Mommy.  I'm all set!"  And just a note - I ask EACH ONE INDIVIDUALLY EACH TIME.  "Hannah do you need to use the potty?"  "No thank you Mommy."  "Hailey do you need to use the potty?"  "No thanks Mom"  "Emily do you need to use the potty?"  "No thank you Mommy.  I'm all set."  50 times an hour! 

So here I am at Walmart - no shopping done at all...and I had a list...a long list.  The car is not too far away but it's a decent walk because I parked it next to Staples so we would be able to walk the sidewalk through to both instead of walking through the parking lot.  There's a Basset Furniture store in between - so the walk was the length of 3 buildings.  And it's pouring.  And I'm now so frustrated that I'm miserable. 

So we left.  And didn't go back.  I just didn't have it in me to take them all back out to the car to change Hannah and then take them all back in to go shopping.  It would have wasted about 20 minutes of time.  And our shopping could have been done in 30 minutes.  It was nearing nap time and I was now cranky!  I don't bring the diaper bag in to places like Walmart because the bathrooms are horrible for changing diapers.  I'd much rather change them in the van.  Plus - I didn't want to carry the back pack while trying to keep an eye on them walking while also pushing the cart.  And I didn't want to push 2 carts.  See....I was plain cranky. 

We came home and all of us took naps.  This just means I have to do my shopping later tonight.  I have a Tastefully Simple party to go to (which I'm actually excited about!) and then I'll have to hit Walmart on my way home.  Oh and when we came home - we were stuck parked out in front of the parking lot to our condo for about 20 minutes because they were plowing!  It was an 'it figures' moment.  LOL

We're back in big girl panties now after nap and we're ALL feeling better.  Sleep is a powerful thing. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Temper and Will Power

These are two things that Hannah has.  Tonight at bedtime she was SCREAMING...and it went on for 25 straight minutes - not even a single minute went by where she let up the screaming or the effort!  I finally went up there and gave her the 'IF I HEAR ONE MORE SOUND YOU'RE SLEEPING IN THE HALLWAY!'  Ugh I'm so done with the screaming and whining.....................

Monday, January 17, 2011


For a review of what we did today - just read yesterday's post! I jinxed myself. Emily had a pretty bad croup cough last night and she really hasn't been feeling better since we went to the doc last week. So I figured I'd bring her in just to make sure I wasn't missing something.

I made an appt for 2:00 (that's all they had - kids had the day off today for MLK day). In addition to everything in yesterday's post you can add: wake the kids up from their naps. Oh and it figures that I did NOT have the backpack with diapers & wipes. I always leave it in the car but took it out because the wipes were frozen. I forgot to put it back.

We go there on time but it was a full house and a 1/2hr wait. Just enough time for Hannah to take a massive stinky poop. Well we finally get our butts called in and the nurse was kinda giving me the "you were just here a week ago so I'm sure this is a waste of time" look. But they are always nice and really - I even thought I was wasting my time.

We get in the room and I ask if they have a diaper. This is doubly embarrassing due to the fact that A: what mother leaves the house with 3 kids in diapers WITHOUT diapers? B: these same kids are going to be 3 in a month and shouldn't need me to ask for diapers! Oh and guess what? They didn't have any diapers. Sorry kid - you're sitting shitty...I mean pretty.

Doc comes in and is asking what has changed since last week other than the cough. I say nothing really but that's kinda the point cuz she's not getting better. Sure enough - she has a sinus infection and double ear infection plus croup. Not the kind of validation any mother wants but at least I know to always treat my 1st instinct.

Hannah got a "I'll take ur diaper off and clean u but u better not pee in your carseat!". And as if the day wasn't really shitty already - her pants didn't fit without a diaper on. So ALL the way to the car she was trying to hold her pants and not drop her lollipop...and hold my hand.

I do love my life - but some days I'd like a do-over.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Getting out with triplets

Last night only Hannah woke up and it was only twice.  Hopefully tonight they will all sleep through the whole night. 

Pete has pretty much taken over the kids this weekend and I've been able to get some stuff done.  It's not that I mind taking the kids with me when I go out but right now I'll be honest - it's hard.  The 'job' of getting the kids dressed, to the car, buckled in and on the road isn't hard.  It's keeping a level head and having the patience to get through the whole process...that's the hard part.  The girls are very independent now so they want to do everything themselves.  But when you have three of them and you're sort of pressed for time - letting them do things by themselves isn't always an option.  I try my best to leave plenty of time to get out the door.  We start getting ready very early.  But the patience part is where I need work.  I don't know if I can even explain it but I'll try.

Say we have to be to the doctor at 11:30.  My goal will be to leave the house by takes about 30 minutes to get there so this leaves me some room...but not much and you'll see why. 

We start getting ready around 9:00.  I need to make sure they have eaten (or have food for the car) and something to drink.  I bought them water bottles - and water is what we take to go.  I always leave a bag in the car which has diapers and wipes...but I check it every time I leave to make sure there's enough of both.  The girls will let me dress them - until it's time for coats, shoes, hats, scarves and mittens.  So by 9:30 I give them the 'let's get ready to go...time to put shoes on' warning and I start cleaning up the house a bit.  This means they're stumbling over each other (well Hannah & Hailey are.  Emily waits for the last minute of everything to even start doing something).  By 9:45 I'm feeling pressed for time because I know I have only 1/2 hour left to get ON THE ROAD. 

As I'm getting everything together to leave I tell the girls that I'm going out to start the car.  When I come back in - they better have their shoes on or they lose the choice of doing it themselves and I do it for them.  (Emily scrambles at this point).  I usually have to make 2 or 3 trips to the car depending on where we are going and how much stuff I have.  I need to be empty handed when it's time to take the girls to the car. 

By 9:50 the car is started and packed and I'm inside looking at 2 out of 3 kids with shoes on the wrong feet.  I tell them how they did a great job, explain they should switch their shoes (but I don't make them) and start putting jackets on.  They want to do it themselves.  We have the 'jacket on the floor' trick down pretty good so they do this.  Then hats, scarves and mittens follow.  Remember this is times 3. 

By 10:00 we should be walking out the door.  Getting out the door is a pain.  I have no idea why it is but they always seem to take forever to get thru the front door.  And it's a pain because I have to hold the door open with one hand while shoeing them out with the other.  They want to hold hands, and one wants to go 1st and one forgot her baby and one now wants to change her shoes to the right feet and one needs to go put her baby away......All of this while I'm standing with the door open saying 'Move!  Get out the door!  Walk!  Let's go!  We're going to be late!' 

Ok - we're out the door and it's locked...and we get to the car (hopefully trip/fall/boo boo free).  Once in the car they have to get in their seats themselves.  If I put them in their seat - they will cry and climb out of their seats screaming 'I DO IT!'  It's just easier to foster their independence. 

So they're in their seats and I have to buckle them in.  It's a pain to buckle in 3 kids with jackets on.  But if I let them take their jackets off - that means more time when we get where we are going to put their jackets back on.  I opt to leave the jackets on for trips that are less than an hour drive.  So I buckle them in, take of their hats, tuck in the jacket collar 'just right' so it's not 'bothering' them.  Take off the mittens (we would never find them if they took them off) and wipe their runny noses (a walk to the car in the cold means their noses of course are dripping). 

By this point I've probably yelled/screamed a million times "I will get it when you are buckled in!  Sit down please!  No you may not get out and take your jacket off!"  Along with many other things that I can't think of right now. 

Finally they're all buckled in.  8 out of 10 times I have to run back inside to get something that was forgotten.  By the time I get back to the car to leave - I'm sweating from all the work and peeling off my own jacket and wondering when the hell summer will be here so this isn't such a task. 

IF we leave by our goal time of 10:30 then it's great.  And I have to say that usually that's the case.  So we are on the road and driving.  We arrive (as long as there isn't traffic) at the doctors office by 11:00/11:10.  Time to unbuckle everyone, get them out of their seats but not out of the car.  I need to get out of the car 1st so no one takes off (not that I think they would but....).  So picture me with 3 toddlers packed into the back of a minivan without being in seats.  Lol...I'll have to say that more people have probably seen my ass crack more time than they want to! 

As I get out, I pull them out one by one and we make our human handholding chain while walking through the parking lot to the front door.  Then up the elevator, down a million hallways and finally into the doctors office.  This whole process is usually about 15 minutes.  So we walk in between 11:15 - 11:25 for our 11:30 appt. 

Can you see how keeping my patience at a level playing field can get challenging? 

And we have to do this process for EVERY STOP I make.  So after the doctor - we usually head to CVS for prescriptions.  You think the drive thru would be easier but you can't wait at the drive have to come back.  Sometimes I do drop it off and then ask Pete to pick it up on his way home.  But I also feel like I'm being lazy when I do this.  The girls should be able to enjoy a day out just as much as anyone else.  And simply because it takes longer to do the normal everyday things shouldn't mean they can't do the normal everyday things. 

I'm tired just writing this post. 

So with all of this said.  If you see me kid free out at a store and I'm flying by you like a's because I probably have 78 more stops to make in less than 5 hours and you better believe I'm gonna get it done!  So stay out of my way!!!!!!  LOL

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Where does time go?

If flies by.  The past few days the girls haven't been sleeping well.  We got up 6 times between 10 and 2 last night.  That's when I stopped counting.  At one point I finally yelled down the hallway "We're SLEEPING!  I'm NOT coming in there!"   Grrrrrrrrrrrr I'm so tired.

Thursday I had my niece and also my friend's 8 y/o son here for the day.  That makes 5 kids.  What a chaotic day.  When my girls took naps the other two played (not so quietly and I realized TV and video games are probably a moms best friend in these situations).  It was a good day - but long and tiring. 

By the end of the day - when the extra 2 kiddos were gone, Pete was finally home and it was time for the two of us to head out.  Titi Rosemary came to watch the girls.  She put them to bed and when Emily woke up yesterday morning she came downstairs and wanted to know where Titi was!  Emily thought she slept over on the couch.  When she realized she wasn't here she insisted she needed to go to "Ammas house right now and see Titi!" 

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Another Long Day

Had 5 kids today.  Long day...need sleep. 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Holy Snow!

We woke up to about a foot of snow...maybe more.  SNOW DAY!  Pete got to stay home :)  When all was said and done - we had 2 FEET!  That's a whole lotta snow!  I shoveled out our front walk way and made some 'snow chairs' for the girls.  We couldn't go sledding or do any type of real shoveling because it was too deep, still snowing and pretty windy.  So we made the best of the snow for about 1/2 hour before coming in. 

After the girls took naps we baked some sugar cookies.  The girls were given aprons for xmas and we needed to put them to good use.  Remember when I had to bake 9 dozen cookies for a cookie swap?  Who would have thought that a rolling pin would have helped!  I am NOT kitchen/cooking savvy.  So I just get done what I have to get done however I can get it done and as fast as I can get it done.  LOL 
While reading Sofia's blog - I watched a video of her making cookies with her mother - and wouldn't you know that I watched that video and said 'OMG WHY ON EARTH DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT?!'  Yeah...I baked 9 dozen cookies...flattening the dough with my hands.  But if you see my FB post - you'll see a video of Hannah using a rolling pin to give me a back massage!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We baked cookies, my brother Andrew came over, we moved cars, we shoveled, we played and we had more fun on a snow day than we planned. 

We got our newspaper around 2:00 today - but we did NOT get mail!  That's a 1st!!!! 

Pics of the snow are on the girls blog here (and I'll have pics of the cookies/aprons tomorrow)...

Snow Pink Eye Croup Ear infections

We have all of the above! 

Yesterday Pete went to work while I got myself ready for a long day.  I knew I had to call the doctor to make an appt (I don't know why I didn't call the day before but whatever).  The doc opens at 9:15.  I fed the kids breakfast, gave them a bath and got them ready.  Called the doc at 9:30 and they only had a 2:00 appt.  That means they had to take a nap early and we would have to leave here at 1:15. 

They went to sleep at 11 without much of a problem.  I got everything ready to go while they were sleeping and right before I woke them up I started the car.  I put their snack and juice in the car and prepared for meltdown city.  The girls don't like to be woken up.....I couldn't expect to wake up them up and hear angels singing.  Or could I.....

I woke them up with my nicest mommy happy voice and explained how we had to go.  I said that their snacks and juice were in the car waiting for them and we just had to put on shoes and coats.  Somehow they fell for this happy fairy dust I sprinkled on them and it worked! 

The 'new snack' I gave them was a protein bar.  They didn't have lunch and this is what I came up with for nutrition for the day.  My cousin Jen has a son that loves protein bars - and what a good way to get some grub-on-the-go!  (Better than fries and nuggets).  Well Emily LOVED it.  Hannah ate all the chocolate off the outside of the bar.  Hailey took one bite and said "No thank you Mom.  I don't like this candy bar." 

At the doctors office with all 3 and there is NO FREAKIN' PARKING!  I don't care about taking my kids out...I'll take them anywhere at anytime.  But parking lots SUCK.  People are impatient, never paying attention to what's in front of them (they're always looking for a parking space) and because of this it makes it extra dangerous for us.  Add to this the fact that Emily is so easily distracted.  She loves to look at everything around her besides what is in front of her.  So here we go - human chain walking thru the parking lot with me chanting "Emily!  Pay attention!  Cars!  Emily!  Cars!  Emily!  Look in front of you Emily!  Cars!"  I must look like a nut.  But when it comes to safety - who cares. 

We get into the doctors office and get our confirmed medical diagnosis of pink eye, croup, ear infections and head out with prescriptions, samples and pop pops.  Back to the song and dance in the parking lot to the car.  Then off to the pharmacy to drop off the Rx. 

We decided a trip to Friendly's was next.  Hannah & Hailey didn't eat lunch and I was pretty hungry myself.  Once we were there and seated - there was another little girl that was about the same age as our girls.  She wasn't having a great day.  And her father didn't seem to be having such a good day either.  She kept throwing fits, he kept spanking her and threatening things that just weren't humanly possible.  My girls were staring like they were watching a movie.  Finally Emily said "That Baby needs a time out!!!!"  It was loud.  Really loud.  I don't make judgements because I don't know anyones situation.  And Lord knows I have had my moments of meltdowns in public and I can't stand when people make assumptions. 

But that doesn't mean we can't learn from it!  So I quickly diverted the girls attention by saying 'Would you like if someone was staring at you while you were having a bad day?'  "No."  'Do you like it when people look at you when you cry?'  "No."  And just to make sure my trio didn't try the 'do not try this at home' technique I quietly whispered "She's not getting any ice cream today........"  Well don't you know I had 3 perfect little girls turn around, sit down, grab a crayon and in unison say "I am.  I'm a good girl right mommy?  I get ice cream.  I'm not crying." 

We enjoyed a late lunch/early dinner.  Hannah made us sit there until every ounce of her ice cream sundae was gone.  Then we headed home. 

I'd like to say that giving my kids medicine is a piece of cake.  I know it's not easy for most parents but for some reason my girls don't mind taking their medication.  A few times we've had some issues (the medication for the c-diff was horrible but we made it through that).  However; eye drops are a very different story. 

We had (and will have) to hold Hannah down to get these drops in her eye.  Twice a day.  5 days.  One eye.  Pink eye is contagious.  I'm not doing the math yet.................

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Long day

Post more tomorrow.

Monday, January 10, 2011

I have a blog?

Oh!  I forgot - yes I do! 

Our dishwasher went KAPUT!  Been hand washing dishes for a whole day now.  This needed some immediate attention and fixing.  Between me, Pete, LB & Google - we decided the motor is bad.  No fixing for now so I did the next best thing.  I went straight to Walmart and bought paper plates and plastic cups. 

The girls slept at Pete's parents last night.  Pete and I got 9 (yes that's N I N E) hours of sleep.  He went to work - I had coffee with my mom which was then followed up by my necessary trip to Walmart.  After I got the kids (before nap) we headed home to eat lunch and then for them to take naps.

On the way home I asked the girls if we could move to a new house.  I've been talking to them about this for a week now.  They're pretty apprehensive.  I want it to be a fun, happy time for them with as little anxiety as possible.  I'm REALLY worried that this is going to set them back in more ways than I want to imagine.  Potty training, sleeping, clingyness (is that a word?) just all combined things I think might be delayed/interrupted/intensified....times threeeeeeeeeeeee.  Hannah's reply to my question "I don't think so mom."  Over the weekend Emily came to me and asked if we were moving.  I said "Yes - eventually" so she started pulling on the door frame to the doorway she was standing in.  She was grunting and groaning as she was pulling.  Finally she said "I can't move this house.  I'm too little.  Let's go to Jump N Jammin'"  The simple and very literal minds of these kids never ceases to amaze me. 

Hannah has pink eye (this is a 1st for I'm sure it'll go through the house in no time fast).  Emily has wind burn on her face (too much time outside in the snow...I'll have a great time explaining that to the doctor tomorrow when we go).  And they are all congested.  Times threeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...........

Friday, January 7, 2011


My kids are whiny!  ALL. DAY. LONG.  I think it's because there are 3 of them and at any given point in time - at least one of them is going to be whining about something.  It's the one thing that can get under my skin in less than a second.  I might not make it through the toddler years. 

Today LB was home so we decided to go donate blood.  I haven't donated before (but have been the lucky recipient of 14 transfusions so I'm thankful for those that DO donate).  LB has donated before but not at the Red Cross itself.  Somehow - it turned into a 2 hour process.  An hour for me - while he watched the girls, then an hour for him while I watched the girls. 

After we donated blood & ate a bunch of snacks (a BUNCH due to the fact that it ended up being the girls lunch lol) we headed to my moms house.  After a short visit there we started driving home.

The girls fell asleep and my older bro called to say his battery died in his car.  So we came home, got the jumper cables, went to give him a jump and then finally made it back home. 

It made for a long day.  The girls were cranky and whiny (shocking) and are in bed early tonight.  Hopefully they wake up with their happy pants on tomorrow!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Change in name?

I should consider renaming this blog - since it doesn't look like I can get to it every single day!  Being home is much more demanding than going to 'work' at a 'job' everyday.  By the end of the night the last thing I feel like doing is recollecting what went on during the day.  To be honest - I don't even think I could remember lol. 

Yesterday the girls and I headed up to MA for a visit with the cousins.  It was an all day affair.  We left here around 10:00 and with just one stop to make (grocery store for dinner) we made it up there by noon. 

They have a dog.  And a cat.  And probably some lions, tigers and bears as well (oh my!).  I did what I could to get the girls to at least accept the fact that they were in the dog and cats house and they should be allowed to roam free but to no avail.  The cat landed in the basement while the dog stayed behind the gate in the front room.  I don't know what on earth has made Hannah so fearful of animals but it's a pain in the ass sometimes.  Hailey feeds off of whoever she is with.  So if she's with Emily - the animals are her best friends.  If she's with Hannah - animals mean imminent death and you should scream like hell until you've been picked up.  Trust me - these kids can JUMP like Tigger when it comes to the desire to be held.

After the animals found a second home for the day - we all had a blast.  C was WAY beyond tolerant of the girls.  Imagine being 4 and having your OWN room and your OWN toys just to have 3 whiny girls come over and take command?  They all fought, they all played, they all laughed, they all cried, and most of all - they all had FUN.  Emily woke up this morning and asked if we were going back to visit today.  When I said 'no' she said 'But C misses me!'   Yes - I'm sure he misses you riding his tricycle around the living room while screaming 'No MY bike! MY turn! No thank you!'   LOL 

We got home late - around 10:00 by the time the girls were actually in bed and sleeping.  The ride home was fine but it was a rough 1/2 hour getting them in the house, changed & ready for bed.  They weren't about to let the routine go even though it was so late.  We still had to brush teeth, read books, turn off lights, rub backs, say good night.............

And you would think that going to bed so late they would sleep in right?  NOPE!  Hannah was up at 6 while the other two slept until 7:00.  BUT - I'm blogging now because they took 3.5 hour naps today :)

Oh yeah - I also have awsome video of Hawk dancing to Michael Jackson while playing Wii. 

Monday, January 3, 2011


I'm am SO DONE with the "I can't waaaalk.........."  "My legs are broken!!!"  "Carry meeeeee"  (at the door to their room): "My covers came off!"   I have no idea where they come up with this but it is getting out of hand. 

My new reply is "I'm sorry your legs are broken.  That's a bummer.  Guess you'll have to just use your hands, or scoot on your butt or wiggle on your belly."  But that only goes so far before I say "GETUPONYOURFEETNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  

I'm sure I'll look back and laugh at this one day but for today - it's on my last nerve. 

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Happy New Year! 


I have never in my life despised a period of time before.  That is until last year.  So much happened and the bad certainly outweighed the good. 

Starting off the new year - I had a double ear infection.  Today - Hannah & Hailey both have fevers and aren't feeling well.  But we can handle it!  Colds are certainly nothing new to us. 

Resolutions for 2011?  I guess the usual - work out more, eat less, eat healthy and so on. Pete and I need to work on finding more time for us as a couple.  I am determined to get the girls out to more play dates so they can have friends.  Though if they keep dripping snot from their noses that might not be so easy. 

There's a possibility of a move in our very near future as well.  If all goes well - we'll be in a H O U S E by the girls 3rd birthday.  Speaking of which - I need to get to planning!  They are going to be 3 in less than 2 months!!!!!!!