Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 154

Sunday, girls slept all night. Michelle got up with them today so I was able to get an extra 2 hours of sleep. We have an open house at our condo today so we have a lot to do. I am going to take the girls to my mom's house so Michelle can clean. I took a shower while the girls ate breakfast and then we headed to grandmas. The girls were so excited to see Grandpa and Titi. Grandma wasn't there. We played and had snack then I put them down for a nap. The girls slept for a long time almost 3 hours. Grandma was home when they woke up when they saw her they jump and yelled they were so happy. Grandma fed the girls some pasta with turkey meatballs and then they had an apple. After they ate the girls did some coloring and then it was time to go home. When we got home Uncle Andy was there he helped play with the girls while mommy got dinner ready. After dinner it was bath time and then bed time. Nightie night.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Day 153

Ugh - all I have to say is 'THANK GOD FOR LITTLE BROTHER'. He got up with the girls this morning and let Pete and I sleep in.

We skipped MyGym today and the girls took early naps. We went to Pete's parents for a late lunch for his dad's birthday and then after lunch we went for a walk. It was a quick walk because it was pretty cold out there!

Then we came home and played for a bit. We had cereal for dinner and then Uncle Joey brought home french fries - always a big hit here.

Then it was time for bed. And unfortunately - I wanna go to bed too but there's stuff to be done. So - I'm getting my stuff done so I can get some sleep.

Friday, February 26, 2010


Girls were up at 2:30 again...and again it was only for about 10 minutes that I had to be in their room. Today was Fun Friday with Uncle Joey so the girls were here.

After I was showered and dressed, I opened the closet door in our room to turn on the light and it started sizzling and smoking! Looks like there was a leak on the room and it came through the light socket. Lovely!!!! Did I mention we have an open house on Sunday?

We worked.

The girls had fun fun fun all day.

We came home - to a fully cooked meal thanks to Uncle Andy!

We ate, played and got ready for bed.

The girls are sleeping - and Pete and I are taking advantage of an extra adult in the house tonight. We're going out...

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Passively Negative?

I find that people don't share the same excitement that I carry about triplets. I have had people look at me and say 'oh better you than me!' or 'OMG you've got your hands full!'. I answer both with 'yes - better me than you for sure.' and 'As well as my heart.' But what I don't understand is why people feel they need to be so negative? There's someone that has passed comments about the girls and I remember the very 1st time we met and she found out I had triplets. She said to me 'We wonder about our blessings sometimes don't we?' I immediately replied without thinking and said 'Nope.'

So here you go. If you see someone that you think has a little more on their plate than usual - say something positive! I'm so a believer in the power of positive thinking. And if you can say one thing - it might make a difference. I LOVE when people say to me 'God Bless you!' or 'congratulations!' and they truly mean it! It makes me feel so warm and special. It makes me a proud mama! Because THESE. ARE. MY. BABIES. So no - I don't 'wonder' about my blessings. And I am very excited and looking forward to their 'terrible two's' that you've all warned me about. And you know what? I'm also enjoying the extra kisses, hugs, snuggles and smiles...times 3. ;-)

Day 151

Emily woke up at 2:30 this morning...which means that Hailey & Hannah woke up as well because when something is wrong with their Emmie...they are aware! But she must have just had a nightmare because all she needed was a little loving and then she was ready to go right back to sleep. This girl loves her sleep - that is a fact. The other 2 settled right down after Emily did so it was only a matter of maybe 10 minutes that I was in their room.

Up and out the door.

Girls to Pete's parents.

Pete & I to work.

Pick up the girls.

Come home.

Feed the girls lunch meat for the 1st time.

Watch the girls devour lunch meat.

Give the girls baths.

Do the night time 'thing'.

Housework, school work, computer work, marriage work...


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 150

Woke up.
Had fun.
Time for sleep.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day 149

The girls slept all night - at Grandma's house! Which means Pete and I slept all night as well. And it was much needed sleep I must say.

The girls had a great day but when they got home Hailey was in rare form. She's not usually cranky and whiny...she's our prankster and loves to laugh! But tonight was a different story. We just couldn't keep her happy. She didn't want to sit down at dinner, then she didn't want to take a bath and then she didn't want to get dressed. When I say 'didn't want' I mean she kicked and screamed the whole time. She didn't eat much, took a bath standing up, and then got dressed only because Pete and I held her down. I finally put her outside of the bedroom and in a time out so she could cool down. She was way out of control at this point. Screaming so hard and for so long that she was almost hyperventilating! Yeah - time out did nothing. Finally she stood up in the doorway and threw up all over the place. I guess that was the problem. I think she ate something that didn't agree with her and it was giving her trouble all night. Because once she threw up - she calmed down and was fine.

Now they're sleeping and I'm hoping and praying that she isn't sick and it was just something she ate. We shall see.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 148

Happy Birthday to our baby girls. Hannah Hailey & Emily are 2 years old today. And the day wasn't what we planned - but it was still a great day.

Our plan was to take them to breakfast and then to Build A Bear. But - Pete was really sick today and wasn't in any shape to go anywhere except the doctor.

So the girls and I hung out with Kristin for a bit. Then after nap we went outside and played with sidewalk chalk that Auntie Manda sent us in the mail. And then we decided to go for a nice long walk. The girls held hands the WHOLE time! This is a huge deal for them. Usually they are too 'independent' to hold hands. But today it worked out. ;-)

Then while we were on our walk - LB aka: Uncle Joey came out of nowhere with 3 ICE CREAM CONES! What?!?! The girls were soooo happy to see him (and not because of the ice cream either...). They did love their cones though. It was the 1st time ever that they had an actual ice cream cone. And boy did we make quite the mess walking home! LOL It was great though. It really made our day. Oh - and they didn't miss one lick of their cones either. They all ate the WHOLE thing!

Pete and I had to go look at a house tonight with the realtor so we dropped the girls off at Pete's parents. And since it was pretty late anyway...they ended up sleeping over! Extra bonus for Pete and I since we're both exhausted.

Sleep is going to be great tonight!

Happy Birthday Hailey, Hannah & Emily. WE LOVE YOU!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Day 147

The girls slept all night they were so tired from their birthday party with friends. We gave them a bath and put them to bed at 6pm. They woke up this morning at 5:50am and it was my turn to get up with them so I did. I brought them down stairs and we had milk and Kix. They ate alot. We played until mommy came downstairs and then I made a big breakfast. After we played with some of their new toys but not for long the girls were cranky. They got tired quick today. By 10am they were done so we put them down for a nap. This actually worked to our advantage because we had a whole lot to do for birthday party #2. Today our families are coming over for their birthday. The girls woke up at 1pm just in time as people started showing up. Michelle got them dressed and they made their entrance. The girls had a great time with everyone. The girls wanted me to send a special thanks to Donna for coming. The girls got a bath tonight and were in bed by 6pm. To say they were tired is an understatement.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Day 146

Wow - what a day. We started off the day by getting up and ready to go to MyGym. We haven't been there in almost a month. The girls are in a class with an older group of kids now so it was quite interesting to see how they interacted with all of the 'bigger' kids.

After MyGym we came right home to put the girls down for a nap. They needed to be well rested for the 1st of 3 parties this weekend! They are going to be 2 on Monday so it's a big party weekend.

Just as the girls woke up from their nap the party was getting started. They had fun - we all had fun! They got so many nice gifts and they got to visit with people they haven't seen in a long time.

After everyone left we settled down for a bit, ate dinner, gave the girls a bath and then did the night time thing. Emily stayed up for almost an hour in her bed just talking to herself. Normally I would go get her and let her stay up with us but she seemed quite content to just be enjoying some time to herself.

Round 2 tomorrow!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Day 145

Hannah & Hailey woke up around 2:00 this morning. They were crying for a bit and finally Pete went in to check on them. Hailey was at the door. I think she probably fell out of bed and couldn't find her way back in. Once Pete put her back to bed they both went back to sleep. I was knocked out - took some NyQuil for my cough ;-)

More prepping for the girls parties this weekend. We put up some decorations and made some last minute purchases at the grocery store...only to realize there's more to buy lol.

The girls were at dinner and Hailey has a habit of throwing her whole plate of food on the floor when she's mad. She did that tonight. We had pasta. Grrrr So tonight was the 1st time we actually punished one of them outside of being in time out. She didn't get a Popsicle after dinner & she got a time out. Double whammy. It sucked. After her time out we kept telling her that throwing her food on the floor was not acceptable and she wouldn't be getting a pop pop. The other two were of course enjoying their pop pops and boy was Hailey mad. She'll learn.

These are the crappy parts of parenting. I don't want to put them in time out. I wanted her to get a pop pop - it's an after dinner special here! But if we don't teach them now - they'll never learn that there are rules in life. These are the behind the scenes things that people don't get to see everyday but that go on regularly. At this age it's like a constant battle to keep an even keel. I want to be so positive about things and keep praising them and giving them positive reinforcement but at the same time there's so much that has to be addressed in a negative way. Biting, hitting, throwing food or toys...these things can't go unnoticed because they're not acceptable. It's been hard to find that happy medium.

New videos on YouTube

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Our Prima! Sofia - you're very precious y beautiful! Muchos besos bebe! Love - tus primas,
Hannah, Hailey & Emily

Day 144

The girls slept all night last night but unfortunately I did not. I was coughing so hard for so long that not only did I pull a muscle in my neck but Pete woke me up to say I was coughing really loud. I must have been - because he never wakes me up. He was afraid I would wake the girls. This cough has been persistent for a couple weeks now. I just can't seem to kick it. Grrr

The girls are going to be 2 on Monday. We have 2 parties planned this weekend. One for friends on Saturday and one for family on Sunday. This way there aren't too many people crowded into our house at one time. You can only fit so many people in one little living room! Plus - it makes the Birthday girls feel even more special because the festivities will be lasting all weekend long.

My older brother, Andrew has moved back home from CO. He's been gone almost 15 years...give or take a few lol. Tonight was his 1st time seeing the girls - and all went well. As well as can be expected anyway. Emily still has a hard time with new people - but she's getting better and better everyday.

More on the house search. We went and looked at 3 houses last night while LB stayed with the girls. What makes the decision as to which ones do we like more than others? Right now top on the list is school systems. We won't be moving again for a while so school system is important. I don't plan on homeschooling (at least not right now anyway but who knows - I could change my mind). Next is a yard. We want a yard for the girls to play in. It's hard - we don't have $ of course because we have triplets. And we're taking a loss on our condo even after being here for 5 years. We're ok with that. But the little things add up. The towns where the school systems are great are of course more expensive to live in and offer smaller yards. Oy Vey. I'm too tired to post all this. Eventually we'll find a house that we like - it just might not be for a long time. We looked at over 100 places before we bought our condo and was just Pete and I. No worries about a yard or school systems. It's a different story now!

With that said - it's back to work. Homework, housework and party planning (which doesn't really count as 'work' because it's actually fun!).

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 143

Ugh - I didn't have a computer for the whole day. I have blogging 'work' to do and homework to do. So this blog can't take priority.

The girls slept over Pete's parents house last night and they had a great time. Such a great time that Hailey didn't want to leave. But since she's part of the family...I made her come home. And I kinda missed her.

They're sleeping now - let's hope it stays that way.

Off to blog, do homework & sleep.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day 142

Hannah was up all night. She woke up at about 10, I brought her in bed with us and she still didn't go to sleep. She would toss and turn nothing we did made her happy. We got no sleep, none, zero. We got out of bed at 5:45am and got the girls ready to go to my moms house. We had a big snow storm today. The weather report was for 2 inches of snow but it snowed all day and we got about a foot of snow. The roads were so bad that it took me 20 minutes to get home from work and it usually takes me 5 minutes. Michelle didn't want to chance driving home in the van so we had the girls sleep at my moms house and Michelle went home with a friend from work. Now she is sleeping over there because the roads are still bad. I am home alone and about to go to sleep at 9pm, so tired. Going to get a very good nights sleep that is the only good this storm brings.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 141

Pete was home with the girls today so he should be blogging. Lol. It was a good day - they had fun, peed on the potty, probably watched more TV than they should have, colored...on things they probably shouldn't have colored on, ate...things they shouldn't have eaten...haha. Ok - Pete actually does a great job when he's home so the day really did go well AND there wasn't even one time out today. So that makes it even better.

And the girls slept all night last night ;-)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Day 140

Hannah woke up last night and didn't/couldn't go back to sleep. She slept in out bed for about 1/2 the night before Pete put her back in her bed. They all woke up around 6:30 ready to start the day.

It was a nice day all around but I'm tired...too tired to blog. Still not feeling 100% from being sick yesterday.

Tomorrow is Monday :(

But Pete is home with the girls since he has the day off :)

Happy Valentine's Day!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Day 139

The girls slept at Pete's parents last night. And get this - they slept all night AND slept until 8:00 this morning! Nice huh? Hmmmm

I woke up at 5:00 - sick as sick could be. And continued to be sick (throwing up) every 20 minutes for the next 5 hours.

Pete and I went to get the girls around 2 and they hadn't taken a nap so they were tired. They fell asleep in the car on the way home and when they woke up they were just miserable! We made it through the afternoon and at one point Pete started putting Emily's toddler bed together. That was fun since they ALL helped out by putting the screws in. Emily was the most interested - she loves to put things together and fix things. She walks around the house with a toy screwdriver and pretends to fix everything.

After the bed was done we fed the girls and did the usual night time thing. They were hard to put down tonight though. It took over an hour for them to settle down and go to sleep. A few trips in the room from both Pete and myself. And a fall off the bed for Emily which resulted in a nice bump above her eye. I don't know if they'll sleep all night. Probably not since they were over tired to begin with - and I know that when they're over tired it means a restless night for us all. But one can hope!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Day 138

The girls slept all night.

Today was good.

Good night.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day 137

The girls woke up - so Pete says. Lol...I can't remember. Anyway it must not have been for long because we can't remember much about it.

Got up.

Pete went to work.

I stayed home.

The girls and I went sledding.

My mom came.

My mom left.

The girls took a 2 hour nap.

Pete came home.

We ate.

They took baths and did the usual night time thing.

LB came home.

Kristin came with him.

We all hung out.

I'm going to bed.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 136

The girls didn't sleep all night. Hannah and Hailey woke up around midnight. I went in there but as usual - Hannah wanted nothing to do with me...only wanted daddy. Somehow I'm fine with this when it's the middle of the night. Pete went in and settled them down and they went back to sleep.

Pete stayed home with the girls today since the forecast was calling for 8 - 12 inches of snow. I also got out of work at 12:30. We had the sleds ready, snowsuits out and excitement was high. We got less than an inch of snow. Bummer! Oh well - a snow day is fine with no snow I suppose.

We ate, we snacked, we drank, we had fun. Then we had dinner, took baths, brushed teeth, read books, jumped on beds, said goodnight - and went to sleep.

They're sleeping - we're playing.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 135

The girls slept all night. Now that is what I'm talking about. I put the toddler bed together that we bought for Emily while they slept. We put it in our bed room for the night so the girls wouldn't play with it when they got up. They woke up at 6am and we started the morning routine. I also put Emily's bed in their room. She loves it. The girls are off to my mom's and we are off to work. The girls had a good day and enjoyed their new toddler beds that my parents got for them at their house. When the girls got home it was dinner time and then Michelle had to go to school. I got the girls ready for bed. Emily climbed in her new bed with a book like it was the best thing ever. After I read a book Hannah and Hailey climbed in their beds like big girls. I kissed them all goodnight and went downstairs to clean up. BIG snow storm tomorrow. I'm not going to work, gonna stay home with the girls.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Day 134

Haha...I can't remember if the girls slept all night or if I had to go in there to put them back to bed. LOL - I guess I'll go with they slept all night!

Donna came this morning and was a big help with the girls. I stayed home so that I could bring Emily back to the doctor for a recheck of her ears. I brought all 3 of them along and had Hailey's ears checked too since she's been complaining. NO EAR INFECTIONS!!! Yay!!!! Bringing all 3 of them to the doctor is quite a trip though. We left at 10:15 and didn't get home until 12:30.

The girls took a nap and went down with no problems. Actually - Emily was reading a book a little too loud so Hailey kept saying 'Night Night! Night Night Emmie!!!!' Haha. I love having the monitor to see and hear these things.

When the girls woke up my mom was here and so was LB. We hung out and played for the afternoon. My mom left and then LB left and then not longer after that - Pete came home from work. The day seemed to fly by.

Hailey went on the potty 3 times today. Twice she peed - and once she pooped! She actually asked to go herself too - it wasn't prompted. There was a lot of pop pop eating going on in our house today! LOL I don't mind though.

Pete and I were talking about how the girls are really good. We complain - but it's not that the girls are spoiled or bratty - it's just that there are 3 of them so one tantrum is really 3 and one plate of food on the floor is actually 3 and so on. But at the same time - we get 3 times the kisses, hugs, giggles, laughs and love. ;-)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Day 133

The girls slept most of the night. Either Hannah or Hailey woke up early this morning - can't remember which one of them but I went in and put her back to sleep no problem. It maybe around 4. They slept until 7 this morning so that was nice.

I got up with the girls while Pete slept in (he let me sleep in yesterday morning). The girls were really good this morning. Sometimes in the morning they can be very difficult until after they get their milk. Not today though. They were happy go lucky - yay for me!

Pete had a lot to do today in terms of getting out and buying Emily a toddler bed since her crib didn't turn into one. Haha...she walked in the room yesterday and saw the other two toddler beds and her mattress was still just on the floor. She said 'Where's Emmies?' LOL - so Pete went shopping TODAY. Long story short - we have the bed but it's not set up yet. A few snags along the way but nothing we couldn't handle.

While he was shopping I took the girls to Lucy's house so we could visit with them. We haven't been over there in a quite some time so it was really nice. We went early (much earlier than the normal population would consider visiting someone!) but her door is always open. She even made breakfast ( was that early). Waffles, French toast sticks, sausage, eggs, bagels and coffee - it was yummy! The girls ate a ton and then had a ton more fun playing with Alex and Brianna. They played a bit with Bella (the puppy!) but only through the gate really. The girls did well considering they're not huge fans of dogs.

We left there and came home to nap. Hannah thought she was too big for a nap so I let her stay up (only for her to fall asleep on me later because she was exhausted). But it was good because it made me actually sit on the couch for a little over an hour. I needed the break! I even watched a movie with Pete and LB (Big Daddy I think it was funny).

Girls woke up in not so great moods from their nap and Pete still had to go back out. Not yay for me this time. But we managed. We played with cars in the hallway, danced to some music, ate some cookies, drank some water, and even looked through the Sunday paper picking out things we though were cool to look at. Anything to kill some time and keep from pulling hair, biting, pushing and wrestling. A lot of that going on lately here. You'd think we had boys!

Pete came home, we had dinner, changed into pj's, brushed teeth, read books and then it was in the beds for the girls. We didn't stay in their room tonight. We just put them to bed and left. Hailey got up once but I went back in, put her back to bed and by the time I got to the bottom of the stairs they were pretty much sleeping.

We cleaned. I worked online. We played games online. We watched some of the game. And now - we need sleep.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Day 132

What a night and what a day. Emily and I spent the better part of 4 hours at the ED last night. Final diagnosis - they (the doctors...and more than one) don't know. I get it. They're not Gods - sometimes we'd like to believe they are. When it comes to our kids - we need them to have all the answers. But they had no medical reason for why Emily couldn't use her right leg.

They had me put her down and move to the other side of the room and ask Emily to come to me. She cried and cried, said 'up! up!' with her arms out so I'd pick her up. Then she begged. "Please momma please." OMG it broke my heart. I kept telling her 'come to me baby - come on' and she did. She got down and crawled to me. WTF - I was so freakin' scared.

They didn't do an xray - the doctors didn't believe there was a break or fracture after they examined her. But they also couldn't say what the problem was. So eventually they said 'Go home and come back if it gets worse.'

I brought her home and Pete changed her and put her to bed. Then I had some homework to do. Good thing I got home at 11 because my work was due by midnight lol. Then Pete and I went to bed. Hannah woke up @ 3 and didn't go back to sleep until 5. Lord we are tired.

Up and ready for the home. No MyGym today because we wanted to give Emily time off her leg. She woke up and was able to walk - thank God. But she was limping and complained a couple times of some pain. But as the day progressed - she seemed to get better. By the time they went to bed tonight - she seemed fine. We'll skip the gym for her tomorrow too - another day off the leg might be good.

We had a full day but it all meshed toghether. The girls had a play date today with Owen - you can see pics on the girls blog. It was a great afternoon of fun and playing. The morning was rough - the girls were just hitting, biting and pulling each others hair all morning. But after nap and they were good (which was good cuz that kind of behavior when there's a play date wouldn't be good would it?!?!).

We gave them baths early tonight because Pete was headed over to his parents house for dinner. So I fed the girls after their bath, played for a bit and then we were upstairs to brush teeth, read books and in the beds! Yup beds. Well 2 anyway. Two of the cribs we had turned into toddler beds so Pete spent the afternoon putting them together. We'll buy Emily a toddler bed tomorrow.

They went to bed with somewhat of a battle but nothing I couldn't handle.

They're sleeping - hopefully for the night. Pete got home a little while ago and now we need sleep.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 131

They slept!!!!!!!!!!! Yes they slept on their new beds. Here's how it went. We had to lay in their room for an hour until they fell sound asleep and the we slipped out. We put a gate up in their door so we could shut the door leaving it open a crack. They slept until about 2am, I think it was Hailey that woke up so I went in there and laid on the floor. She was asleep in 10 minutes and I was able to go back to bed. Then they slept till Hannah woke up at 6am. At some point in the night we heard a door close, it was the girls bedroom door. Hannah had inched her way of the mattress and to the door hitting it so it closed. We opened it a crack and put a towel down so it couldn't close anymore. They were all sleeping so we didn't try and move her.

This morning was the usual, gave the girls milk, got ready for work, Joey is watching them. The girls even took a nap on the new beds today. I thought for sure they wouldn't sleep. Joey had to lay in the room for 10 minutes and they were sleeping. They slept for 2 hours.

When we got home Emily would stop walking and hold her leg. She has a yeast infection from the antibiotic she is on so we thought every time she pee it hurt. It wasn't until we were getting them ready for bed that we noticed she was grabbing her leg and didn't want to walk on it. Long story short Michelle is at the ER right now with Emily. The doctor tried to get Emily to walk but she just cried and got on her knees to crawl over to mommy. They are waiting for an x-ray now. We can't figure out what could have happened. No falls today, no pushing, what the hell happened. Anyway, Joey and I got the other two ready for bed and I laid in their room until they fell asleep maybe 30 minutes. I cleaned the kitchen and living room and now I'm waiting to here from Michelle.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day 130

The girls were up from 2 - 5 this morning.

We were late getting the day started.

Hannah tried to practice some sort of maneuver by trying to climb out of her crib today.

She fell.

Hailey bit Hannah today.

Hailey pulled Hannah's hair out today.

I left work early to check on Hannah after she fell.

She's fine.

We all went to Walmart to buy sleeping bags.

Uncle Joey came with us but not before taking apart all 3 cribs at home.

We buy munchkins to munch on at Walmart.

Hannah ate 10 of them by herself. Then asked for more.

We bought 3 Tinkerbell sleeping bags - Kim's idea.

We bought fish food.

We came home and redid the new toddler room.

Mattresses on the floor = new toddler room.

We all ate dinner.

Pete and I spent 1 hour on the floor in the girls room at bedtime.

The girls are sleeping - but not for long.

I skipped (no choice) school to help with the new 'situation'.

We are going to bed.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day 129

Today is Wednesday. The girls slept all night I think. I know I slept and didn't wake up at all. The girls were at my moms today. At about 8am my cell phone rings and its my moms number so I answered. It was Emily!?! She got a hold of my moms cell phone ran to a corner and called me. So funny. The girls took a 3 hour nap today. Wish I could do that. The girls got home and we played while dinner was getting ready then we at. Then we gave them a bath before putting them to bed. Hailey wasn't going to sleep so Michelle went in and calmed her down. Now they are sleeping. Michelle is doing homework. I have some laundry going as well as a list of other stuff I need to do but I'm so tired I'm not doing any of it tonight. Tomorrow is another day.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 128

Only Hailey woke up last night and it was only for a quick minute. I'm not even sure she was actually up - I'm pretty sure she was having a nightmare because she kept crying 'mine, mine, mine'.

We got up and got ready to get the kids to Pete's parents and then we were off to work.

The girls seemed to have a good day.

We came home, had dinner, played - then I was off to school and left LB and Pete to hold down the fort and put the girls to bed.

I'm now home - the girls are in bed and sleeping. I'm only to assume that they did the usual night time thing and that there were no problems since I didn't get a phone call saying '!'.

Now it's time for work on the computer before going to bed to hopefully get a full night of rest.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 127

The girls slept most of the night. Hannah woke up at one point but went back to sleep on her own. Today was horrible. The girls woke up in awful moods and it just didn't end.

Miss Donna came today and helped out a whole bunch. She comes back week after week - willingly! I love her for that.

After Donna left - Jenn came for a visit and so did my mom. I called the doctor at 9:15 to make an appt for Hannah & Hailey and they gave us 11:15. Worked out great because Jenn was able to stay here with Emily while I took the other two and my mom went home.

Hannah has another ear infection. Hailey just has empathy attitude. More antibiotics. And only Lord knows who will be bringing Hailey back to the doctor at the end of the week because her ears have fluid in them but they're not yet infected. Lovely. Basically it's wait and see.

After getting home - Jenn had lunch made (love it!) and then she left. The girls and I ate lunch and then they all went down for a nap - a bit late today since they didn't go down until 1:00. I got some homework done and some computer work done while they napped.

When they woke up at 3:00 - O M G. Hannah and Hailey screamed for about an hour straight. I put them both back in their cribs. I NEVER do that. But enough was enough. Hailey was so out of control that she just kept throwing herself against the floor and smashing her head.

I left them in there long enough to get a snack on the table with some milk. Emily was sitting on the couch the whole time just chillin'. I got up and get the other two and they calm down some. I bring them downstairs and we all sit down to eat snack. It's about 3:30 at this point.

Hannah wouldn't eat her nilla wafers because they were 'too hard'. What??? Ok - they weren't stale - it was a new box. And she's eaten them hundreds of times before! Then she didn't want to drink her milk because she wanted Hailey's cup. And then she she didn't want to sit in her chair because the sun was in her eyes. You know...the sun that was shining on the other side of the house...that one must have seen it's way into her eyes. Along with the nilla wafers I gave them some cheese nips. Hannah refused to even have them on her plate. Until of course I gave some to Hailey & Emily. She cried for some - I gave her some. She cried that they were on her plate. You see where I'm going with this? I just could not win.

Finally I just took her out of her chair and put her in the other room while the other two ate their snacks. Which they did in peace and quiet. Hannah just cried and whined. Pete came home early - thank God. He walked in with ice cream for the girls.

In the eyes of a 2 year cream = giggles and smiles. They all shared an ice cream and were as happy as could be so of course it looked like I was being a miserable tired mommy complaining about nothing. Lol..but not for long!

As soon as the ice cream was gone - the crying and whining came back like a switch was flipped. I was outta here! I needed to go get Hannah's Rx at the pharmacy and go to the bank. So I took this opportunity to get some sanity back. I left and did what I needed to do and when I came back - LB was here with Pete helping with the girls.

We let the girls make their own pizza tonight. I cut some English muffins in 1/2 and let them put the sauce and cheese on them before I put them in the oven. They watched as they were heated up and then it was time to eat! Or not. Maybe pizza's are more fun to play with when you've hit absolute misery on your cranky scale for the day.

It was time for baths, pj's, brush teeth, read books and in the bed. Hannah & Hailey needed to be taken out of their cribs 1/2 hour later to be changed and calmed down. Then it was back in their cribs where they finally fell asleep.

What a freakin' day. They took me for all I was worth today - that's for sure.

After they went to sleep - Pete and I worked out. It was needed. Now it's time to clean and get the girls stuff ready for the week.