Friday, January 27, 2012

Miss Donna

Donna - if you're reading this I MISS YOU!!!!!  I have been thinking about you a lot lately.  I think back to the day when you showed up at my door and you did nothing but help and listen from that point on.  There was NEVER a moment when I felt that you judged me and when you were around I always felt as though you understood me.  You knew how to juggle triplets like no other!!!!!!!!  But more importantly you kept me sane more time than you know.  :)

Bit of everything

The girls will be 4 in less than a month.  I don't know why but 4 seems to be taking a toll on me.  I didn't mind when they turned 1,2 or 3.  But's almost like I'm losing my babies :(   They're becoming little people with their own opinions and their own personalities are really starting show.  Mostly what I'm noticing is that they don't need me as much anymore.  Emily especially.  She's so damn independent it drives me nuts.  It's the small things too - like the other day I handed them each a juice box.  Before I turned around - she had her straw in the box and was help required putting it together.  I know how silly this looks reading it.  But at the moment - it broke my heart.

I also don't see ANYBODY lately unless they happen to knock on my door and walk in.  I work when the girls are in school and once I pick them up it's like time just flies by and all of a sudden it's time for dinner and bed.  Those few hours everyday are what I am cherishing most though.  I am able to spend time with the girls doing things I wouldn't otherwise have time for if I were still working full time.  Today - we printed out some coloring pages online, colored them, put stickers on them and then cut them into little pieces with scissors *that they no longer need help with :(   After that I painted their fingernails and then they put on makeup...a lot of makeup lol.  Then I gave them a bath.  Where they told me they didn't need me to wash them up because they could do it alone.  It's all these little things that are making me realize that 4 is just too old!!!!!! 

I want my babies back. 

The stomach bug returns

Well its been 2 years since the girls had the stomach bug.  Hannah spent 6 hours puking last night.  Not fun. Reset the counter.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

We are almost 4!

My my time fly.  In about four weeks we will have 4 year olds.  WOW

Monday, January 9, 2012

Proud mom

The girls have music classes at school. Recently they had a Xmas concert. They had to get all dressed up and go out on stage with the rest of their class and with the Pre-K 4 students. During the concert there 3 kids that didn't sing a single word. Not one sound. I knew that the girls knew all the songs because they had been singing them for WEEKS alllllllll day long. But they must have gotten stage fright. I was still happy to see them with their class. They stayed where they were suppose to and they followed all directions. They just opted out of singing.

Today they came home from school and upon emptying out their bags I found certificates from their music teacher. They EACH sang a song in front of their class ALL BY THEMSELVES!!!!!!! Hannah was so excited to tell me how she sang "so loud mommy!". This is a huge step for them and I'm proud of all 3 of them.

I'd also like to give their music teacher a high five for acknowledging their accomplishment. She didn't have to send home a certificate but I'm sure glad she did :)