Monday, April 12, 2010


Who knew so much planning needed to go into a funeral. I get why planning needs to be done though - it keeps you so busy that you don't have time to think about anything! I dropped the girls off @ 9:00 this morning and headed to pick up mom. We went to the bank then off to meet Peter and Joey at the funeral home. From there we headed to the cemetery to pick a plot (or two). After that we split up. Peter and Joey took mom home and then headed to buy dad a suit. I headed off to the florist to order the flowers. After the flowers I went to work so I could take care of my time off. Then off to the caterer. After the caterer - Peter called to have me meet them at Men's Warehouse to look at the suits they picked out. Then we headed to the mall where we cancelled dad's cell phone, picked out sunglasses and bought mom a new phone (just added her to one of our plans).

After all that was said and done - it was 4:30 and I headed off to pick up the girls. We came home and had a play date with Owen.

Yesterday - we bought mom a puppy. A pure breed cocker spaniel. He's adorable! (Finally she has a CUTE dog!). Some would think that a puppy at a time like this would be absurd. But if you knew my mother - it's the perfect thing for her. This puppy is going to save her. This puppy is going to save us. Oh - his name is Striker (I might be spelling it wrong but's not my dog).

Our phones have been RINGING OFF THE HOOK! We aren't ignoring people we swear. It's just that there are times when we absolutely can not talk. It's hard to explain. We don't have words and we don't have enough composure right now. Talking via electronic communication is much easier because you won't hear our voices crack and you won't hear us cry. Which we do. At random parts of the day. In random places. I'm not sure it has hit us completely yet - I think it's all too new and we're still kind of numb to the idea.

We've had so many people doing so many wonderful things. We thank you all for this. We need as much support as we can get right now. We were talking today about how many people have shown their love for us and for our family. It's amazing. It doesn't take away the pain but love is strong and when we feel more love - we feel less pain. So bring on the love!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update. Glad that you have support. I haven't called for that exact reason.
