Since the girls were born I've become someone that lives by routine, schedule and structure. I follow the same schedule every single day. We change it up a bit but for the core parts of our day - it's the same. Very very routine. So when things are off schedule and we're out of our normal routine - things just aren't quite right.
So when my father passed away I was prepared to face the stages of grief. In order. One at a time. 1. Denial 2. Anger 3. Bargaining 4. Depression 5. Acceptance
What I wasn't prepared for was to face all of these things all at once, in random order, at different parts of the day, several times a day (insert denial here). It's worse when it's quiet and I have nothing to do but think. Luckily - there isn't much of that quiet down time in my life right now. At the same time - instead of having some quiet, down mind is filled with these emotions that I'm not familiar with. I've read so many books, studied the process in so many classes, passed a million quizzes and exams. Yet nothing prepared me for this. Nothing warned me of the pain - it's physical as much as emotional/psychological (insert depression here).
And then I think 'if I'm going through this...what the hell are my brothers/sister going through?!?!' And my mother. None of them were prepared either. And the worst part is that I don't know how to fix them. I'm use to fixing things for people. I'm the one that smooths things over, makes everything ok and gets things running again. If I can't figure out how to do it for myself - how am I going to help them? (insert anger here).
Then I say if I can work through this - I'll be able to help them and it will make me feel better (insert bargaining here). But then I realize I can't fix everything and sometimes people have to work through things on their own in their own way (insert acceptance here).
The cycle is vicious. It goes around and around like a merry go round that isn't slowing down or coming to a stop anytime soon. But it has only been 17 maybe time will heal. At least one can hope it does.
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