Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Oy Vey

Just kidding! They weren't taking my dad OFF the sedation to wake him up and get him going. They simply give him a sedation vacation everyday to make sure he's not being over-sedated. And the doctors/nurses wake him up...NOT us. A little miscommunication apparently. No harm done though. No matter how hard anyone has tried to wake him - he's knocked out.

So this morning the doctors did what they do and 'rounded'. My mom, Amanda & I were in the room to hear what they had to say. I'm gonna skip the medical babble and break it down:

1. He has another infection but they're not sure where/what/why
2. They think/assume it's an absess in his lung or chest
3. He will be going for a CT scan to look for this absess
4. IF there is an absess AND they can get to it - they will drain it
5. He still hasn't woken up even though he's no longer sedated
6. His kidney are worse today
7. He will start dialysis tomorrow
8. He's in bad shape

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