Saturday, July 31, 2010

Uncle Andy

Rocks! He's watching the girls tonight! Peace out!!!

Friday, July 30, 2010


Friday's are Fun - no matter what!  That's a given...and sort of a rule.  So today was fun due to the fact that it was Friday!!!  We had the girls get their MMR vaccine today.  Since they're starting daycare...they'll need to be on a vaccine schedule now.  They were troopers about getting the shot and even scored some M&M mini's after :) 

I'm still having panic attacks about them starting daycare.  I keep thinking of every horrible scene possible and then replaying it in my head.  I can't even imagine the 1st time they come home and say 'stupid' or some other thing they pick up from *other* children.  Because you kids are perfect.  Ahhhh...

I don't even want to start thinking about when they'll have to take the bus to school....

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Today was another good day.  We have decided to put the girls in daycare.  We applied for daycare assistance and with that and a prayer hopefully we can afford it.  The girls are a lot for Grandma to handle everyday and they are super smart that we think they would benefit alot from being "in school".  If all goes smooth they will start in 2 weeks.  We'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Yes the girls have been sleeping through the night.  They have also been waking up at 6am instead of 5:30am this is so nice.  We'll take it because I know it wont last long. 
Well I fixed my car this morning before work turned out I was right the battery was bad.  Just what I want to do at 7am work on my car but it was easy and I can't complain the car has been good to me.  Busy day at work so I only had time to check in on the girls for a quick minute.  They had a good day and got to play in the pool, they love the water.  Michelle had to go help finish the roof tonight so I made sure dinner was ready when they got home so we could eat and give the girls a bath.  Michelle and Joey got home at 9:30 tonight and the roof is done.  Finally.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

What a day

The girls slept all night and we had the usual morning.  Got them up and dressed and off to Grandma's.  When daddy got in his car to go to work his car sounded a little funny when it started, but it started so no problem.  I (Pete) decided to go home at lunch time and again when I started the car it sounded funny but it started so no problem.  When I got in my car to go back to work it didn't want to start.  Now we have a problem.  After trying to start it and a look under the hood I concluded that the battery died.  I called work told them the car wouldn't start and that I wasn't coming back today.  Michelle left work a little early and came to get me so I could take the battery to Sears, where I bought it, to have it checked.  Then we picked the girls up and went home.  I played with them while Michelle cooked dinner.  After the girls went to bed Michelle headed to her mom's house to help Joey with the roof, again.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Just another manic Monday

Girls were tired for sure they slept 5:30pm - 6am without one peep.  We all slept good but after rockin' this weekend this Monday morning was tough.  Really glad Donna comes over on Monday mornings she is a great help.  When Grandma got here we went to work and the two of them made breakfast for the girls.  When we got home from work we filled the pool and the girls had a good time splashing mommy.  An ant found its way onto Hannah's leg and she screamed like I've never heard her before.  Poor kid she is so sensitive.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


The concert was great last night!  We had a ton of fun and we even slept in - till 7:30!  Lol.  We were 2 hours away and we needed to get up, eat, shower and leave so we could get back and do a quick run to the store for groceries for the week before we picked up the kids.  When we did pick up the kids it turned out to be miserable.  They were tired because they hadn't napped (if I had any incling that they were ready to ditch their naps - today was a reminder that they're SO NOT READY). 

They whined and cried and whined some more.  I took them to the pool with Joey and Andy - and they were good for a while but as soon as we headed home - they whined and cried more.  Finally I decided to just feed them dinner and put them to bed.  They were in bed by 5:30 and sleeping by 5:31.  LOL

I hate the start of the week especially when we haven't had time to prepare.  Since we took a break and went away for the laundry got done, no cleaning got done, no sheets were changed, only the bare shopping got done, no clothes are ready and the girls bags are not packed.  But it was worth the break!  Gonna be a rough week though. 

The girls must have had fun sleeping over Grandma's with Titi because as I was saying good night to them Emily said 'I go to Amma's house.'  Not a question but a statement.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Bon Jovi Concert!

Pete and I are headed up to MA for tonights Bon Jovi concert.  We are KID FREE for the night!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Fun Friday!

Pete and I took the day off today - and after getting some things done...Fun Friday was ON!  We went to Chuck E Cheese for the 1st time and the girls LOVED it!  They didn't go into the playscape area at all since they're too small to go alone and we're too big to tag along.  But they enjoyed the games and rides...and even the ice cream afterwards.  AND - it was only $20 for 1 large pizza, 4 drinks and 35 coins!  We didn't spend a lot of $ and they spent tons of energy.  LOVE IT! 

Now Andy is here and Pete and I are headed out for some fun of our own.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

part 2

Night 2 of sleep over success.  Girls had a good day.  Mommy and daddy are tired.  Good night.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Night 1 with the sleepover was a success!  Christina slept all night and there was no crying before bedtime!  She enjoyed hanging out with Uncle Joey today (who picked her way early from preschool cuz he needed a hang out buddy!). 

Pete and his mom took the trio to their 2nd dentist appt today.  They did fantastic!  All of them let the dentist clean their teeth no problem!  And they all got to pick a prize at the end...and each of them picked out their own super ball....LOL!!!  Like we need more of those in this house!  (For those of you that don't know - I have a collection of over 2000 of them). 

It was a great day and now all the kids are sleeping (I have no idea how moms of multiples + older children do it!).  Luckily for me they're all being good for now.  Although Emily is definitely showing her jealous side and not really being too kind to cousin Christina but we're working on that.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Hailey woke up last night for a hot minute. Pete went in and put her back to sleep in no time though. This morning I brought the girls to Pete's moms house where they seemed to have had a good day.

When we got home we had dinner and did the night time routine of bathing right on thru to bed. They were really good today - and hopefully this isn't just a phase! LOL

Christina is sleeping here until Friday - hopefully that goes well too :) We're having a 'girls only' sleepover in the living room (we = me and her while the trio are in their beds upstairs). But no boys are allowed so Uncle Joey and Uncle Pete were sent to bed already! We're watching Dragon Tales and calming down before we hit the hay!

I'm a little nervous because the last time Christina tried to sleep over - my sister ended up having to come and get her because she was crying so hard to go home. That was only a couple of months ago. I'm hoping that the same thing doesn't happen this time because my sister will be out of state and CAN'T come get her! We'll make it work though. Even if we have to stay up all night and eat popcorn while watching Dora. Not like I haven't pulled an all-nighter before with kids!

Monday, July 19, 2010


Monday's are always fun lol.  The girls slept from 6 - 6 last night.  They didn't wake up at all thankyouverymuch. 

They had fun at home today with Donna and Grandma. 

Pete and I worked...and did not have as much fun as the girls.

Got home.  Ate dinner.  Played.  Put the girls to bed.  Called it a night.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Too tired to blog.  The girls woke up at 6:00 even though they didn't get to bed until 9:00 last night.  But they slept all night :)  

They had a good day - spent most of it with Daddy while Mommy took care of stuff that just never gets done with 3 toddlers around.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Today was a MUCH better day - because last night was a MUCH better night.  The girls slept all night...and woke up in great moods at 5:30 this morning. We had big plans to go to a family bday party today so sleep was essential. 

Every night before I leave the girls room I tell them what we're planning for the next day.  For example during the week I'll say 'Tomorrow we're going to grandma's house.'  And that will be followed by them saying 'and Titi, and grandpa'.  Or I'll say 'Tomorrow is Fun Friday with Uncle Joey' and that is usually followed by 'yeah - Uncle Joey'.  Last night I informed the girls that we were going to a BIG birthday party and there was going to be a pool there.  Emily (who usually doesn't ask too many questions because once she hits her bed she's sleeping) asked if the pool was BIG or a baby pool.  So I explained it was a BIG pool and we were going to have a lot of fun. 

This morning - when I went to get them out of their room Emily was still sleeping (Hannah & Hailey had yet to scream over her bed and say 'Emmie wake up now!').  But she heard me take the gate down and she as she was stumbling out of bed she was saying 'We go to the BIG pool now momma.  BIG pool.'  This is good and bad at the same time.  It means that they are really understanding and retaining what I'm saying (finally!) but at the same time it means I'll have to watch what I tell them now.  I know how quickly plans can change in this household.  If one of them had woken up with a fever that would have been the end of our day.  And to know that I would have had to break that kind of news to a few 2 y/o would have broken my heart.  So from now on we'll just keep the next days events brief. 

Moving on.  The girls and I came downstairs and had some breakfast.  Oatmeal to be specific.  Emily has been asking for oatmeal lately for some reason.  So oatmeal it was.  Then after Pete came downstairs and we all played for a bit I decided to venture out with the girls and take them to D&D.  Pete needed to shower and it was still a bit early to play outside (I like my neighbors!).  So off we went.  We got sprinkled donuts AND chocolate milk :)  Then when we got home - we ate on the steps and waited for my mom and sister to come over to play. 

Once my mom and sister were here - we all played outside in the sprinkler (aka: hose held by momma) and we all had fun.  But the fun must come to end so that naps can be taken. 

The girls slept from 10 - 12:30!  Once they got up from their naps we got dressed and headed off to our bday party!  We got to the party at 2:30 and we were having so much fun that we didn't leave until 7:00!  We NEVER stay out beyond the girls bedtime.  But today we took the gamble that they would be ok and it worked out great.  We swam in the BIG pool, little pool, played with the dog a bit, jumped on the trampoline, played with all the kids (Kaleigh had a bunch of friends over so there was plenty of help in the pool) and all around had a great time.  The girls got some great gifts and more importantly they got to spend a ton of time with their cousins! 

When we left I thought for sure they'd fall asleep on the way home but nope!  They were awake the whole ride!!  When we got home we came in - let them run around for a bit then changed and did the night time thing.  They were all in bed by 9:00........that's late so I'm hoping they sleep in tomorrow!!!!! 

It was a great day and I'm really happy because I needed a day like today.  The girls were really good the whole day and we all enjoyed ourselves.  :)

Friday, July 16, 2010

Toddlers for rent!

Where do I even begin.  It's hard to write so people understand.  You really have to live it to get.  We put the girls to bed without any problems last night.  Pete and I finally got to bed around 10:30 so we're sleeping by 11:00.

The phone rings at 11:40.  I answer in a groggy 'wtf do you want' kind of way.  It's the police dept with an automated message. There is a 14 year old autistic boy in our area that is missing.  They give his age, description of what he was wearing and exact location of where he was last seen.  I have to confirm that I've received this message or they will call back.  It's the new reverse 911 system.  I like it - it works.  The last time we received a phone call about a missing child - someone that had gotten the phone call the night before had seen the kid the next day and reported it to the police.  The kid was found and brought home (he had run away from home).  This is a different story.  This child is autistic.  I know nothing of the family or extent of this child's whereabouts on the spectrum but it still keeps me awake tossing and turning.  If this were my kids I'd be pounding down doors and waking up the world.  I can't, and don't ever want to, imagine what this family is going through.  Even tonight I'm not sure they have found him. 

Then at 1:00 Hailey wakes up.  Screaming.  She wants Daddddda!  Pete goes in - then I hear 'No Dadddda - Momma!!!!'  OMG  I'm tired - I still haven't fallen back to sleep after the phone call.  I'm going to skip over the phone throwing, screaming, swearing, fighting, up and down stairs, changing of diapers and taking away of several loved items from the kids.  It was Hannah & Hailey.  Emily didn't wake up until around 3 and even then she just wanted to go back to sleep.  This all carried on for - no joke - 2.5 hours.  1 - 3:30.  They screamed and cried and we yelled and screamed and it was a complete mess. 

You would think after getting that phone call that I would have more patience for my kids.  But I didn't.  I had less.  Because I'm still sleep deprived!!!!  When they're sick - I have a lot of patience.  I get why they are cranky.  But when they're not sick and they pull this shit like they did last night - it just pisses me off. 

Finally they go to sleep at 3:30 - and trust me - I'm sure it wasn't a peaceful sleep because it's not like we went in there and rubbed their backs and sang them lullaby's. 

So that leaves Pete and I to fall asleep around 4:00 only to get up at 6:30.  Gonna be a lovely day huh?  I get in the shower and Pete brings the girls downstairs.  When I come downstairs I walk into the kitchen and not looking down - I step right in a puddle of milk and smoosh some fruit loops in my toes.  Pete says just a tad bit late 'Watch out.  There's a mess there.'  Thanks.

He goes upstairs to get ready for the day and I'm stuck cleaning the mess on the floor followed by cleaning out 3 potty's...only to clean 2 more because they can't do all their business at once. 

The morning was just a flipping mess to say the least.  And I was PISSED OFF about last night to the point where I just couldn't even find it in myself to be kind to my own kids.  They got the necessities this morning that was it.  Yeah - it sounds horrible and I'm sure some of you are gasping as if I've done the most horrible motherly thing I could do but you know what?  You don't live here so get your jaw up off the floor and shut your trap.  And on top of that - I don't care what you think because this is my blog and it's how I feel.  And this morning I didn't feel like I had it in me to be all snugly and cuddly with the very kids that kept my ass from sleeping more than 3 hours for NO REASON last night!  I'm still pissed I guess.  But the good thing is that I had the day to go to work. 

Little Brother watched the girls today.  And all 4 of them slept for 3 hours today.  While Pete and I worked.  Yeah - must be nice to be able to take a nap after being up 1/2 the night! 

And I'm still thinking about the 14 y/o that's missing.  I really hope they've found him safe and sound.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


The girls slept all night - not a peep out of them :)   When they woke up this morning this is the conversation that occurred in their doorway:

Hannah: Momma sleeping?
Hailey: Yeah - momma sleeping.
Hannah: Dadda sleeping?
Hailey:  Yeah - dadda sleeping.
(Emily was up with them too but not saying anything...sucking her thumb probably!)
Hannah: Eeeeerrybody a DADDA!!!!  K?
Hailey: K
Hannah: Eeeerybody a DADDA!!!!  K?
Hailey: Yeah
Emily:  Noooooooooo

So here's what was happing in adult terms.  Hannah thought we were sleeping.  And she obviously wanted to wake Pete up - but she didn't want to do it alone.  Don't ever doubt that they conspire against us!  She tried to get the other two to yell DADDA at the same time!  What a nut she is. 

They had a cranky day from what we heard - but then night went well.  When we got home they played in the pool for a bit and then we had dinner that Pete cooked on the grill. 

For some reason one night of sleep isn't enough - I need more!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


(Center Of The Universe)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Good Times

Girls had a great day today.  Emily woke up last night and I had to get up with was just long enough to keep me from getting a good full nights sleep!  ARGH!  Have I mentioned I'm tired? 

Here's the thing - people can come and go - and they can see how cute and well behaved the girls are.  And let me tell you - the girls are VERY WELL behaved especially when other people are around.  So people think 'wow - this momma is nuts to complain about anything - her kids are great!'  I'm not complaining about my kids themselves...just the 24/7 aspect of it.  It's having to wake up 7 days a week at 5 or 6 in the morning.  There's no sleeping in on a weekend.  It's the constant laundry battle.  Right now we have to pick out 6 outfits a day.  2 for each of them.   And that's spreading it thin!  They're good - really good.  But it's a lot of work right now.  And we're tired.  How the hell is octomom making it through the day?!?!  How in the world is she potty training 8 of them?!?!

Monday, July 12, 2010


The girls slept all night again last night.  I'm lovin' it!  They had fun with Donna and Pete's mom today here at the house while Pete and I worked (it's over rated). 

The girls were in great moods and went down to bed no problem tonight.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Visit to Meme's!

We had a GREAT trip up to MA to visit the girls GREAT Grandmother and Grumps!  Uncled Bob was there too :)  They woke up a bit early again (still?) so they took an early nap.  Then right after they woke up from their nap we headed out.  They all peed on the potty when we got to Meme's and then they all peed again at Friendly's - luckily they had a big bathroom.  Once back at Meme's - they peed again!  Yay!!!  They are all doing a wonderful job of using the potty.  I knew they wouldn't ask to use the potty while we were out - they still need to work on not defaulting to their pull ups.  But I also know that as long as I keep asking them if they have to go - they'll keep going.  And they all stayed dry right up until the ride home.  Only Emily peed in her pull up.  But the drive was about 1.5 hours and once we got home she pooped in the potty to redeem herself.  :)

When it was time for bed - we gave the girls baths, then did pj's, brushed teeth, ready books and hit the sack.  Pete left to go to the store and I jumped in the shower.  While in the shower I heard the girls start screaming.  (they weren't sleeping yet when I got in the shower).  I had told them I was getting in the shower and figured they were just acting up.  I opened the door (I can reach the door from the shower) and told them to come to the gate where I could see them.  All 3 were there in a split second...2 of them had huge crocodile tears streaming down there faces.  Emily didn't - all she was concerned about was the 'rain' coming down on mommy.  I kept asking them what was wrong but they weren't telling me.  I just told them to stand there at the gate until I was done showering.  Grrrr so much for a nice long shower.  As soon as I turned the water off - I knew what caused the chaos.  THUNDER!  We were having a thunder storm and Hailey & Hannah absolutely hate thunder.  So I told the girls they could get in mama's bed and watch some TV (whaaaaaat?!?!?) until the storm was over.  As soon as they got in my bed Hailey was saying 'mama come lay down with Hailey.  Come mama.'  She just did NOT want to be left alone...and this time her sisters weren't gonna cut it for company.  I got dressed and we all hung out watching America's Funniest Home Videos. 

Once it was over (the storm and the show) the girls went back to their own beds.  Not before they tried really hard to convince me that they should be able to sleep in my bed.  I did say they could stay  in my bed but that I was going to sleep in their bed.  Emily was quick to reply with 'No mama.  You're too big for Emmie's bed.  It's ONLY for Emmie.  Only Emmie fits.  Mama no fit in Emmie's bed.'  And the funny thing is that I'm pretty sure she would have told Hannah & Hailey they wouldn't fit in her bed either.  She was confident that SHE is the ONLY one that fits in her bed.  lol

Ahhh the mind of a 2  year old.  They're all sleeping now - and Pete and I will be sleeping soon too.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Quick Post

Girls slept all night.

Went to a truck museum.

Had a ton of fun.

Girls went to bed no problems.

I'm going to bed to sleep!

Friday, July 9, 2010


Another night of sleep and another great day with the girls.  PLUS they went ALL DAY without an accident (until Hailey pooped in her big girl panties tonight - but I think she was just too tired to care enough to use the potty).  So GO GIRLS!  You Rock!!!!! 

At dinner tonight Hannah slipped out of her booster seat and smashed her chin on the table as she fell to the floor.   She bit her tongue pretty hard - but luckily her chin was fine. was ice cream for dessert!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

July 8, 2010

Ok I'm gonna say it but you better knock on wood when you read this.  The girls are not sick.  They are back to their happy joking selves.  Yes it's true.  They went to bed happy, no fighting or complaining.  They had a great day a Grandma's house.  Emily went to the potty all by her self.  (clap clap clap)  Uncle Joey made the girls big breakfast for dinner and they ate every bite.  Then we all played a bit before taking a bath and going to bed.  Today was a good day.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Where the hell is 2011?

The girls slept all night last night. 

This morning while Pete was getting Hailey dressed he noticed she had a rash ALL over her tummy and diaper area.  He tells me to come check it out.  I take one look and say 'get her dressed, cover it up!  If I don't see it - it doesn't exist!!!!'  I'm just so done with them being 'sick'.  I know I don't have a right to complain because their illnesses are common childhood illnesses that every parent has to go through with their kids.  But c'mon!  It's been 4 straight weeks of not a single day going by when they haven't been 'sick'.  A whole friggin' month!  I'm tired!  Pete's tired! 

I swear it's defeated us.  I think about how I use to be sooooo happy to be a mom and my girls could do no wrong.  I would find fun ways to get them to get dressed or do something that they didn't really want to do.  But now - all I do is bark orders and get pissed at them when they don't listen.  It wears you down.  

After a phone call to the doc (another phone call...) it seems like Hailey has Roseola.  That would explain the high fevers that she had for a few days.  Now the fever is gone - the rash is here for a few days.  Nothing to do except wait it out - and wait for the other 2 to get it.  Great. 

On a better note - the girls were in really great moods when I picked them up and it was actually an enjoyable evening.  Hailey is feeling much better and therefore the rest of the household is in a better mood as well.

Potty update:  Hannah has been 'dry' since yesterday morning.  She didn't pee in her pull up at nap time yesterday or today and she woke up dry this morning...all night long she stayed dry!  She hasn't had an accident in 4 days now.  Hailey still pees when she's sleeping - but went all day today without an accident!  And Emily had only one accident today!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


That's how I'm feeling tonight.  I just don't want to deal with sick, cranky kids anymore.  They better sleep tonight.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Day 5

Hannah has this potty training down.  She can pee on command (and does - just to get M&M's).  Hailey has it - but she's lazy and will pee if she has a pull up on.  Emily I don't think is quite ready.  So what are we to do?  I guess we'll just go with the flow.  Emily will still wear big girl panties and we'll just have to remind her more often to use the potty (she gets very wrapped up in things when she's playing and so I think she forgets that she's not wearing a diaper).  I'm really worried about our outings and how we're going to handle the whole potty thing in public.  But here's what I've decided (and Pete's on board cuz he's really just along for the ride on this issue).  I'm just going to rely heavily on pull ups when we're out.  I tell the girls that if they pee in their pull up - the princess will disappear (it won't really...but it's enough to make them think).  If they have a diaper on (which we now call pull ups...they don't know the difference) - then I say Mickey Mouse will disappear.  It's the concept.  So when we're out I'll keep pull ups on them until one day when I feel really brave and decide that yes - they can wear ONLY underwear. 

It's not the public bathroom that I'm shying away from.  Bring on the seems like my kids are prone to pick up the germs no matter what anyway!  It's just the triplet factor that I'm scared of.  I just KNOW that at one point they are ALL going to have to go at EXACTLY the same time.  And in my dream world - I'll have all 3 of them sitting on a toilet peeing away while whistling.  But in reality - one stall only has one pot to piss in.  And no way in hell am I letting them go in 3 stalls when there's only one of me.  So they're going to have take turns...and until their little bladders can handle the 'two more minutes!' mantra - pull ups it will be.

On the sick front - they are all still miserable...Hailey more so than the other 2.  She had a fever of 103.2 when she woke up today.  I called the doc and there's a virus going around (no shit) that involves high fevers and a sore throat.  If she's not better tomorrow bring her in...same ol same ol.  I love the girls doctor.  But I'm one of those moms that wants an answer to everything right this very minute.  Hailey really was miserable today - and hopefully she gets a good nights rest because we ALL need it.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Potty Training Day 4

Just when you think things can't possibly get any worse for the wear - they do.   As tired as we were last night - we didn't get to bed until almost midnight.  There was just so much to do.  And I assure you - our time wasn't spent watching TV because right now we don't even have cable - so we don't get a single station on the boob tube.  (We cancelled cable - then had it hooked up in LB's name so we can get the 'new' customer discount for a year). 

Hannah & Hailey woke up several times last night.  Each time they got up, I got up and put them back to bed (they like to get out of their beds and come to the door).  At 4:00 this morning Hailey woke up.  I nudged Pete and said 'your turn' and he got up with her.  But then he came in to the bedroom and said 'She's hotter than I've ever felt any of them before'.  I did the hand sweep across her forehead and groggily said 'just give her some Tylenol and put her back to bed.'  But a few minutes later Pete came back in the room and said 'Her temp is 105...I took it in both ears and it's the same'.  SHIT!  That'll wake anyone up out of a dead sleep.  I trek it downstairs with them and as he's giving her Tylenol I'm wetting washcloths with cold water and trying to peel her pj's off.  I have a choice - I can calmly put cold washcloths on her while she lays in my bed or I can put her in the tub where I know she'll scream and wake up the other two.  105 temp is not good.  At this point I'm worried about a febrile seizure.  But then I thought - if she's freaking out and crying...she'll just make herself even hotter.  So I opt for the cold washcloths and pray the Tylenol works. 

We take her back to our bed and she falls asleep holding an ice pack while I rub cold washcloths on her face/head/legs/feet.  When we got up at  6:00 - her fever was down to 101.3.  Phew!  The other two also had fevers of 100+.  I have no idea what is going on - they have never had fevers with sinus infections before.  They had their ears and throats checked at the doctor on Friday and they are all on antibiotics.  So I'm sure it's just a virus - another virus. 

The girls are doing fantastic with potty training.  Hannah went the ENTIRE day without an accident.  She was even dry when she woke up from nap time. 

We went to the pool early today - we were there when they opened at 10:00!  And we were the 1st ones there so we got our usual shaded area and even snagged some chairs.  Andy came over and then my mom and Christina met us at the pool.  While were there - Pete brought us all the makings for PB&J sandwiches and we made lunch right there at the pool side.  After we all ate - we went back in for a quick dip and then it was back home to nap.  We got home around noon - and the girls were sleeping by 12:30.  And since I didn't get much sleep - I crawled into bed myself.  Only to have Pete come in with Hannah a short while later because she was coughing so bad she couldn't stay lying down.  So she fell asleep on his chest while he sat up and he fell asleep sitting up.  I fell asleep and we all napped :) 

After they got up from their naps we had some oatmeal for a snack and then Pete took the girls to his parents house for dinner.  I needed to get some laundry done so I stayed behind.   He left at 4:00 - I got some laundry done then went and grabbed a bite to eat with Andy.  Pete and the kids got home around 6:30 and then we gave them baths, pj's, brush teeth, TYLENOL, books and bed.  Hannah is coughing and coughing and coughing.  Who knows how long she'll last in her bed before we grab her to sleep in ours.  I hate having them sleep in our bed but when they're sick we do what we have to do. 

Now it's time to finish cleaning up some stuff and then head to bed because who knows how many times we will have to wake up tonight!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Day 3

Emily woke up with a sinus infection.  GRRRR   Today was rough.  These past few weeks since they started with the fevers and diarrhea have been simply exhausting on Pete and I.  So the days are rough and the nights are rough as well.  Last night I came home around 11 (went to a Cirque du Solei with my brother Peter).  I went right in to check on the girls and Hailey was on fire.  But she was sleeping.  Do I wake her and give her meds?  Do I let her sleep and worry?  Ugh.  I decided to let her sleep since she was sleeping soundly and she needed it.  I figured if she wasn't feeling well she would wake up. Which she did - an hour after I fell asleep.  So I got up and brought her downstairs.  Gave her some Tylenol, a sip of juice, and then brought her to the changing table to change her pullup (which was soaked - which is a good thing because it means she's not dehydrated....).  As soon as she sat down she started to cry and I saw her mouth watering.  I ran her over to the sink where she threw up.  It's so maddening!  Why does this have to happen to these guys over and over and over again?!?!  Now I'm stuck with not being able to give her more medicine for the fever because I'm not sure how much of it she threw up and how much of it she digested.  It's only been 10 minutes but I'm not taking the risk.  So I change her, bring her up to our bed, take her socks off and let her fall asleep.  I would have put a cold cloth on her had I thought she would tolerate it but she hates it so I didn't bother. 

Hannah woke up at 5:00.  BUT - since there was no Hailey in the room to play with - she went back to sleep and we all slept until 6:30.  Love it!  Hailey woke up without a fever.  Love that too!  But it came back...and Emily woke up with a sinus infection.  Blech!  Blah!  F*ck!

We stayed home today.  Just went to the pool for a few hours and played in the sprinkler when we came home.  They are still doing well potty training in the middle of all of this.  There were a few accidents today - but nothing we couldn't manage and I'm pretty sure they're ready for going diaper free for good (except at nap and bed time).  They really lose focus when they are involved with something so it's just a matter of constantly asking if they have to use the potty.  They'll get it. 

My brother Andy came over to hang out with the girls and then he said he'd watch them after they went to bed so Pete and I could go get some shopping done.  Worked out well.  Hannah & Hailey woke up while we were gone...uh oh.  As soon as they saw him they said 'No Annie (that's what they call!) - Daddddddy!!!!'  So he was quick to think and said "You want Daddy?  No problem.  Just get back in your beds, DO NOT fall asleep, and I'll go downstairs and get Daddy and send him back up here."  Haha...worked like a charm. 

Now it's time for bed (late again) and hopefully they will sleep through the night and wake up feeling a bit better since they are all on antibiotics.  Hopefully.  I'm miserable for them!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Potty Training Day Two

Yes the girls woke up at 5am.  Why?  We got them down stairs and put training pants on them right away.  They did really good this morning telling us when they needed to use the potty.  Hailey woke up with a fever so we called the doctor when they opened.  They told us to come in at 11am.  So when it was time we put Pull-Ups on them and headed to the doctor's office.  We had Hailey and Hannah checked they both have been with a runny nose and cough.  Well just when the diarrhea stopped we get sinus and ear infections. WTF  Hailey has a sinus infection and Hannah has both a sinus and ear infection.  People must think we're crazy because every time they ask how the girls are we say they are sick.  Anyhoo, potty training is going good and if the girls sleep through the night it will be a miracle. I'm so tired I can't write anymore.

Peace and be wild.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Potty Training Day 1

Today was official day 1 of potty training.  THE GIRLS DID GREAT!  Only 3 accidents all day (in addition to poor Cookie Monster getting peed on but only because Hailey was announcing she had to go pee pee and both adults in the room ignored her!).  When they woke up at 5:00 (grrrrrr) I brought them right downstairs and took off their pullups.  I explained how they were all getting big girl panties - and right away Emily said 'Emmie want bopper.'  I said "No Emily - we threw out your diapers remember?  No more diapers.  Only big girl panties now!'  'Noooo Emmie want bopper'.  Lol...sorry kiddo but panties it is. 

I think I must have said 'Do you need to do pee pee on the potty?' about 30 million times today.  But they did great and I'm very proud of them.  Tomorrow is day 2! 

Oh - Hannah fell today and smashed her face into a toy.  I can only assume from the mark and bloody nose that she will have a shiner tomorrow.  We'll see if we can take pics.