Wednesday, March 30, 2011


The girls had their 3 year follow up today.  NO SHOTS!  Yay!!!!  They all had their hearing and eyesight checked.  Looks like we'll be making an appt for all 3 to see the eye doctor soon since they didn't pass the eye test.  They've seen the eye doctor before so we're not surprised by this news.  Their hearing is great and they can all touch their toes (guess that's part of the check up lol).  Here are their stats:

Emily:  weight - 29lbs which is 40%  Height - 37.5in which is 50%.  She great 4" since last year!!!!  And she gained 5lbs.  Imagine growing 4" and only gaining 5lbs?  

Hailey: weight - 23.8lbs which is not on the growth chart.  Height - 36" which is 25%.  She also grew 4" since last year and she gained 2lbs. 

Hannah: 24.4lbs which is not on the growth chart.  Height - 36.25" which is 25%.  She grew 4" and gained 2lbs. 

So all 3 of them grew 4" since last year!!!!  The doctor isn't worried about their weight.  We went over their diet and they eat well - they're not picky with what they eat and we offer plenty of variety.  It's just that they are very active, have high matabolisms and seem to have a good gene pool for being petite. 

I had a lapse in 'mom' judegement today.  We were getting to the doctors office RIGHT on time so I wanted to make sure we didn't waste any time getting inside.  Every time I take the girls somewhere, I get them out of the car one at a time, put them down next to me and say "Stay here - don't move."  I say it with a stern, you-better-listen-to-me-if-you-know-what's-good-for-you kind of voice.  In my haste to get them inside - I took Hannah & Hailey out of the car, put them down without saying anything and then looked at Emily (who was taking her sweet time getting out of her car seat) and I said to her "C'mon - we gotta hurry and get inside...we don't wanna be late."  Well what I didn't realize is that Hannah & Hailey heard last statement and took it as 'Go on ahead without me'.  By the time I got Emily out of the car and turned my head (I literally couldn't have been more than 30 seconds) Hannah & Hailey were walking accross the parking lot ALONE.  This place is MOBBED with cars.  And they're walking through a main part where people driving are looking for parking spaces...not looking for wandering 3 year olds in front of them.   MY. HEART. SANK.  A split second.  That's all it takes. 

Luckily for me - there were no cars coming.  I said "Hannah" and she heard, realized what was happening and she and Hailey came back to me.  I could see the look on Hannah's face.  She was going through her head "Uh oh..I'm in trouble.  I shouldn't have walked in the street.  Oh no.  What was I thinking.  I could have been hurt.  Oh no."  I could tell she KNEW what she did was dangerous.  But I also knew she didn't do this on purpose.  She didn't run away from me.  She didn't run accross the parking lot.  She was simply walking to the doctors office.  But she had forgotten to take me with her.  I didn't yell at her.  I got down to their level and said "Listen - it's very important that you ALWAYS wait for Mommy.  It's too dangerous to walk through the parking lot without me."  She knew this already - but she's 3.  And it's MY job to make sure she's not walking alone...not hers.  Hailey was an innocent bystander in all of this.  She was playing follow the this case Hannah.  

After the office visit we came home, ate lunch and the girls took naps.  It warmed up nice outside so we went out to play!  I set up their t-ball game and they all took turns learning to swing a bat and hit the ball.  At one point they were all playing in their playhouse.  I was sitting on the grass.  Hailey came to tell me something and as she ran away from me she looked back at me.  Well Hannah was running towards me...but looking back at Emily.  Yup.  Just as they each turned forward they smashed heads.  Hailey's nose went smack right into Hannah's head.  I was up off the ground before it happend.  I HEARD the crash.  Then I saw the blood.

As I scoop them both up, one under each arm like I'm carrying 2 footballs, I yell at Emily "Emily get in the house now!"  She had no idea what was happening but she knew it was urgent.  Emily gets in the house, I toss Hannah on the floor and grab the 1st thing I could reach out of the freezer.  It was a of the ones that has some liquid on the side so you can keep a drink cold.  I toss it to Hannah and tell her to put it on her head.  In the meantime I grabbed a towel and had Hailey holding her head back while I'm trying to stop her nose from bleeding.   Hannah had a big knot on her head which was fine - ice would do the trick.  I thought I held enough pressure on Hailey's nose to stop the bleeding so I switched out the towel for a real ice pack which I found in the freezer.  Told her to put it on her nose and used the moment to calm down and switch laundry.  But I guess I didn't wait long enough cuz I heard Hailey say "Ewwww".  I look up and find her nose gushing blood again.  Ugh.  Back to the towel...more pressure...more time. 

We iced the wounds, cleaned up the blood, talked about looking in FRONT of us when we're running and then headed back outside.  We walked around the block and then headed to the park for some time on the playground.  It actually was a pretty good day :)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


It's hard to find titles to these posts sometimes.  I'm not feeling creative so I'm just gonna give it today's date.

The girls and I started off the day being lazy.  Our new routine in the new house is that Pete gets up 1st.  He takes a shower and gets ready for work.  The girls wake up usually before he's left so they'll all come into our room and climb into our bed.  We'll put on the TV and let them watch Mickey Mouse or Dora and I'll get up and get myself ready for the day. 

After I showered and dressed today - the girls still wanted to stay in bed.  So I climbed back in bed with them and we just chilled for a while.  Finally one of them had to pee so we all got up.  We had some breakfast and the plan was to go to the post office today.  We were going to mail out a package to Cousin Christina and get some stamps to mail out our thank you cards.  But then Pete text me and said that Lord & Taylor was giving away $15 to the 1st 200 customers today.  And our plans changed :)

I gave the girls bath, got them dressed and we headed to the mall.  We got our $15 to Lord & Taylor and then went about our normal mall browsing routine.  I say routine because the stores that we frequent had employees that knew us.  Disney, Build-A-Bear, Pink, the Candy Store & Gymboree.  We don't buy things at these stores.  We say Hi to Mickey (and I'm waiting for the sunglasses to go on sale.  Right now they're $4.50 each - but last year I grabbed them for $1.99).  We go into Build-A-Bear and they get all excited to see 'their' bears on the shelf.  So they say Hi to their bears (while screaming to me "Mommy!  Look!  It's my bear!  I have that one!!!").  We browse the Pink store.  I love that store.   We hit up the Candy store for some 'gooey fish' aka: Swedish fish.  And we've been going to Gymboree because they have THE most adorable bathing suits for the girls that I LOVE.  But - they are a 2 piece (picture shorts and a t-shirt but bathing suit material).  And each piece is $22.  So that's $44 x 3.  I can't afford to spend that much $ on bathing suits!!!!!!!!!    So I'm waiting.........because I just KNOW that they will go on sale.  THEY MUST.  And they have matching pink/white polka dot sun hats but those didn't go on sale either and the store only has 2 left now.  So we'll just wait and see.  In the meantime - the girls enjoy browsing with mommy. 

Usually at some point we make a pit stop to the bathroom.  This mall has a kids bathroom, with a tiny toilet and sink just for toddlers.  They love it so I love it and it keeps us all dry and happy. 

The Easter Bunny will be at the mall Friday.  Looks like we'll be back there this week :)

After the mall we headed to UConn and had lunch with Kim.  She was kind enough to buy them a WHOLE BAG OF CANDY......EACH.  So we took ONE piece and agreed that they could leave their bags with her and each time they visit they can have another piece of candy. 

After visiting Kim - the girls went to Pete's mom and stayed there while I went to the gym.  Emily fell asleep late so when I got there to pick them up around 4:15 she had just woken up.  Then it was home for dinner, some play time and then bed.  Hannah & Hailey went right to sleep since they didn't take naps.  But Emily was wide awake.  So I went and got her and we baked cookies.  And we ate cookies.  With milk.  And had some good quality time.  Then she went to bed and fell right off to sleep.  Tomorrow I'll be sure to tell Hannah & Hailey that whatever Emily is talking about must have been a dream.  There's no way I would have gotten just ONE child up out of bed to help me bake and eat some cookies.......

Monday, March 28, 2011


Today the girls and I headed to the library.  Followed by naps and then painting some egg cartons. 

Somehow Emily seemed to be all grown up today.  1st was this morning when I noticed she put her pants on backwards.  Usually I don't say anything about how they put their clothes on.  I'm happy if they do it!  But for some reason I said "Look Emily - your tag is in the front.  How about you turn your pants around and put the tag in the back?"  Her reply:  "Mom - just cut the tag off.  I don't need it."  Way to think outside the box kid :)

Then later tonight we were cooking dinner.  Emily said to me "Mommy - you making Mickey Mouse pasta?"  I said "No - I'm making steak tonight."  Her reply "Awww Man!!!" as she runs off.   So funny! 

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Well yesterday after the girls woke up from their 2.5 hour nap - I knew we had to do something or else they'd be up all night.  So we scooped out some bird seed into 3 separate containers and headed to the school yard.  We fed the birds and then played on the playground for a while before walking back home.  The girls were so excited to feed the birds...they kept saying 'C'mon birdies!  Here's your food!'   Well on the way back...we saw a bird pick a worm out of the ground and eat it!  So funny!  The girls were like "No!  Your supper is over there!"

Then today - we went and hung out with Lucy, Alex and BriBri.  We found our way to T-Bowl and had SO MUCH FUN!  The girls loved it!  I would have never thought to bring them bowling.  But Lucy suggested we go as something different to do (usually it's off to the mall).  They didn't have bowling shoes that fit the girls so they ended up wearing their own shoes but that's ok.  Better for me :)  With bumpers up and brief tutorial...they were good to go! 

After spending most of the day with Lucy and her girls, we headed home for dinner and bed.  The girls were quick to fall asleep after a long day filled with fun. 

This is a really fun age to be around the girls.  They love trying new things and it's the simple things that keep them entertained.  You should see their face when we see a water fountain.  It's great!  They love to push the button and have me hold them to drink some water.  I wish I could get that excited over something so small! 

Friday, March 25, 2011


The girls and I stayed pretty busy yesterday.  1st we went to story time at B&N.  Then they went to Pete's moms for a bit (so I could work out).  Once I picked them up - we headed to the mall for the rest of the day.  Well a good majority of it anyway.  We didn't get home until around 4:30 and we had left the house at 10 so that was a pretty long day.  Rosemary watched the girls last night so Pete and I could go out.  Then it was home to bed.  Busy day but fun.

Today we just hung out.  The girls are sleeping right now...once again they asked to take naps.  The weekends are usually pretty busy so I might keep them home today rather than taking them out somewhere.  We already colored and played with some bird seed.  We also baked a pumpkin bread...yummy!  (Well I haven't tried it yet - I'm just assuming it's yummy). 

I had a woman tell me at the mall yesterday that the kids weren't mine.  She said it was impossible for me to have had 3 kids at one time.  Actually I'm not sure she insuated they weren't really mine - I think it was more along the lines of she thought I was lying about their ages.  We were at the candy store and had more important matters to tend to.  Like what color tootsie pops we all wanted! 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day at home

We spent the day in today.  Well - except for a walk around the block (twice) with our umbrella's.  It's snowing again ugh.  But I did post a new video on their youtube so head over and see my proud mommy moment :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mystic Aquarium

My brother Andrew took the girls to the Aquarium today.  They had a blast...and so did I!  I was able to get my hair done, go to the gym and get some grocery shopping done.  I even managed to make a really nice dinner.  All in one day!  I need more days like today...........

The girls had fun telling me all about their trip - they mostly enjoyed the Penguins.  Andrew had fun as well.  This was his first solo trip with the trio.  Not an easy undertaking...especially now that they're potty trained.  But he managed like a pro.  They even stopped at McD's on their way back for lunch!  He said the girls were very well behaved and there was no fighting.  This is what I love to hear.  :) 

Tomorrow we're expecting more snow *gasp*.  Welcome to New England.  70 degrees last week...snow this week.  Luckily LB & Kristin are in FL enjoying some time with Mickey Mouse (making sure Disney is ready for us in 2 years!).  They get to miss out on the snow. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Night away...

...from the kids!  Pete's parents took the kids last night.  What a nice break that was - but it was nice to get them back.  What in the world did we ever do before we had kids?!?!

Tomorrow I'm getting my hair cut/colored (for the 1st time in a year).  My brother Andrew is taking the kids...alone.  To the Aquarium!!!!!!   They are going to be in for a big surprise because I didn't say anything to them yet. 

And I just might find my way to get a pedicure when I'm done with my hair!!!

Saturday, March 19, 2011


So much for Hannah only peeing her pants in the afternoon.  We were at the park this morning and she looks at me and says "I peed."  Simple.  Matter of fact. 

Friday, March 18, 2011


The girls made a friend - though she was only visiting the neighbor for a couple of weeks...they all got along great.  Her name is Sara and she is 2.5 (but BIGGER than Emily!).  She and her grandmother were staying with one of our neighbors for a couple of weeks.  While we were outside the past few days - she came over to play!  Today when Emily woke up (from her nap) she said "Can I go get my friend?"  AWWWEEEE!!!! 

Hannah has been having A LOT of accidents lately.  She peed at the table during dinner tonight.  She's been peeing in her pants mostly in the afternoon before dinner.  I do ask them to sit on the potty several times a day and she will...but she doesn't always go.  I'm not sure what changed or what's causing this but hopefully it's just a stage and she gets over it soon.  When we're out - they all tell me when they need to use the potty.  And I can even make them hold it for a while if we're not conveniently close to a bathroom.  She has no problem with that.  It's only when we're home that she's having accidents.  She hasn't had one single accident while we're out.  Hmmmmm

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Spring Fever!

Today is absolutely beautiful!  My brother Andrew came over and we went to story time with the girls.  Then we headed right to the park!  I love this kind of weather!!!!!!!!   The girls were soooo excited to be at the park.  And their excitement is contagious. 

They're sleeping right now (they were so tired!).  When they wake up - we'll be outside the rest of the day for sure.  But you know...the sun is getting warmer so I'm thinking we're gonna have to put on SUNBLOCK from now on!!!!!!!!!!!  Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (In the middle of summer I'll look back on this post and cringe because I'll be sick of sunblock by then lol). 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Good girls

My girls are very well behaved (when we're out in public...).  When we're home that's a different story all together lol.

Today we went to story time at Barnes & Noble.  Being behind as usual - I grabbed the girls each a peanut butter granola bar on my out the door.  We get to B&N, park in the street, puddle hop our way over to the book store and make story time with 20 seconds to spare!  The place was pretty crowded (probably about 15 kids today).  So I sit the girls down, open their bars and they sit quietly eating.  I noticed the 'look'.  OMG what did I do now?  (We don't usually visit this particular B&N for story time so this was our 1st appearance here).  So I'm thinking - and my mind is going a mile a minute.  'The girls are quiet. We didn't push anyone out of the way.  WTH is it?!?!'  Then it dawns on me.........holy shit I gave them something with peanut butter.  There are other kids around...what the hell was I thinking?!?!  Now I know why I'm getting the 'look'.  Ok so I make a mental note not to do this again.  And I also decide that we'll skip the craft after story time and get a head start on the rest of our plans for the day. 

With that said - when it came to craft time (the girls are used to stories then crafts...) I said to them "We have to skip crafts today.  But we'll do it next time."  They all got up and said "Ok Mommy."  And we left.  (Yeah...I'm sharing a bragging moment).  Off we went to visit Kim at work - who had some yummy cupcakes for the girls to eat.  Then it was off to the mall (we spend a lot of time at the mall because we live only a 5 minute drive from it!!!). 

Hailey's Boo Boo Bear needed some repairs as did my cell phone.  I had a feeling it was going to take FOREVER in AT&T so I prepared all of us.  I told the girls our plan was to go get Hailey's bear fixed, get some Swedish fish from the candy store and then go to the cell phone store.  We got the bear fixed.  We got the candy (each got their own bag to 'fill' and carry around).  Then I said "Ok - you CAN'T eat your candy till we get to the cell phone store."  I did this so that I would have some much needed SILENCE when talking to the employee at the store.  We walked from one end of the mall to the other - and they didn't touch their candy.  I even stopped for a coffee!  All they kept saying was 'Not yet right Mommy?'  And I kept saying 'Almost!!!!  We're almost there!!!!'   We get there, I say go ahead and eat your candy, sign my name on the list to be helped and go about my business of paying my bill with their kiosk.  Well I didn't hear them call my name (trust kids were chomping on candy so it wasn't them being too loud!).  So I try to sign my name on the list again but the machine isn't working (figures!  This is why I'm here in the 1st place!).  So in my frustration I say 'This thing works about as well my damn phone.'  More to myself than anything.  But to my surprise I got some help :)  Well...not much help.  I was told they couldn't swap out my phone and that I needed to go to the Apple store. 

There is an Apple store in the mall.  I didn't debate going there.  The girls were already being so well behaved that I couldn't make them sit through one more boring store.  So we leave AT&T and my plan WASN'T to leave the mall.  We hadn't visited Mickey Mouse at the Disney store yet.  BUT when leaving AT&T I see a young man with a black hooded sweatshirt, hood up covering his head and he was carrying a black back pack that was full.  This would have NEVER concerned me in the past.  I probably wouldn't have paid any attention to the kid.  But we left the mall :(  It's a sad world we live in some days.  I was thinking in my head "Why on earth am I leaving?"  But at the same time I was saying "Because it's better to be safe than sorry." 

This post rambles.  But I have to say that my girls are good girls and I'm thankful for that.  I'm pretty hard on them but days like today make me realize that we do what works best for us. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Naps/No naps...who knows

Yesterday the girls didn't take a nap at all.  And they did quite fine.  Not much whining and they weren't too tired by the end of the day.  They went to bed at 7:00 and fell right to sleep and they woke up at 7:00.  So 12 hours of sleep and you'd think that was plenty.  But then today - they seemed exhausted so I put them down for a nap at 11:45.  They were sleeping by 11:46 and they slept for 2.5 hours!  I guess it's just hit or miss.  Tomorrow - there won't be naps.  We have plans :)

We visited our local library yesterday and what a treat that turned out to be.  They have tons of books (duh) but they have a HUGE play area for the kids.  There's kitchen stuff, a train table, lego table, baby dolls, dress up clothes for the kids, a HUGE doll house, and even a puppet theater!  Needless to say we didn't read any books.  The girls enjoyed their time playing with all the toys.  But I think I might make this a weekly trip and get some reading done for myself. 

We stayed home today because we had a lot of people coming to visit.  1st was the guy who was suppose to fix the basement stairs.  He ended up taking out 2 support beams (not intentionally) and my brother Andrew almost fell through the floor in the kitchen.  Guess we have more of a mess to 'fix' now. 
Then Miss Donna came to visit - WE MISSED HER SO MUCH!  I was really happy to see her.  You never know how much you truely miss someone until you don't get so see them for a while.  Miss Donna is just one of those people who I know I can be myself around and who doesn't judge me.  She has seen me at my worst, seen my house at it's worst, seen my kids at their worst...and yet she continues to visit :)  Love her!  Then my sister came by.  She took the kids for a walk and Hailey ran into the street.  Grrrrr.  This kid is FEARLESS and DARING at the same time.  She also knows how to push my buttons.  My brother Andrew came and then the cable guy came!  While they were here - Pete came home early (he had to be to work by 6:30 today so he got out early).  Then LB came home.  We even had a brief visit from one of the neighborhood kids who lost their cell phone in our yard while waiting for the bus this morning.  (We found it and returned it).  During the chaos - I left to go to the gym for a much needed work out.  Then somehow - through everything...we all managed to sit down and eat a family dinner.  Steaks on the grill YUM.

What a day!  But it was fun.  Filled with people and things going on.  The girls managed to get a few walks in with some backyard play too. 

And we have cable now *sigh*. 

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Busy Bodies!

That's what we've been for the past 2 days.  Yesterday LB was home so we started the day by taking the girls to Denny's for breakfast.  That was followed by trips to Michaels, Old Navy, Marshals, Target and then McD's for lunch and play time in the play scape!  Once we got home - we played outside for a better part of the rest of the day.  It was gorgeous out! 

The girls went to bed around 6:30 but I wasn't here.  I was out with some friends enjoying some 'me' time.  :)

Today - the girls and I went to the St. Patrick's Day parade.  It was their 1st parade and although it was windy and chilly - we had fun.  I brought blankets so the girls were sitting up on a cement wall and I kept them covered.  Someone offered to buy the wagon from me.  NO!  Someone else bought the girls a pretzel.  Thank goodness!  They had been asking for one and I said yes because the vendor was on his way over to us.  But what ended up happening is that people started going up to the vendor so he didn't quite make it over to where we were.  I couldn't leave the girls and we couldn't leave our spot (it was really crowded).  So when this woman bought them a pretzel - I accepted with a smile :)

We came home after the parade but only long enough to use the bathroom and eat lunch.  Then it was off to the mall where we needed to buy some BDay cards and belts for Hannah & Hailey.  Their jeans are always falling off their little butts!  No more of that..........

After the mall we came home and Pete was kind enough to feed the kids and put them to bed while I went and worked out!!!  Yay!  More 'me' time! 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Story Time

I took the girls to Barnes & Noble for story time today.  They really enjoy it and they sit quietly for the whole book that's being read to them.  After the story they do a craft of some sort (today it was coloring a skunk) and then we usually go to the cafe for a snack.  Usually I bring one with us (today they ate their snack on the way lol).  But they had pizza pretzels!  It was a big, fat, soft pretzel filled with pizza on the inside.  The girls shared one and they loved it!  What a great idea...though I'm not sure I could recreate it at home. 

Back at home and they're napping again.  And again they went to bed on their own.  They napped yesterday and still went to bed without any problems last night.  They also slept the whole night so I guess maybe they're not really ready to ditch the day time snooze?  I don't know.....

Today at Barnes & Noble a woman said something pretty rude and obnoxious to me.  I'm use to this really.  But there are some days when I just don't have the patience to hold my tongue.  Today was one of them.  It started with her pointing to Hannah & Hailey and she said "These 2 are obviously twins but what is she?" as she pointed to Emily.  I simply said "They're triplets."  Because at this point I already don't like her tone so it's not worth my time speaking to her.  Now I'm back to giving them their pretzel and trying to be happy and this woman says to me "Oh you must have done that drug thing.  Well I hope you're happy cuz you got what you asked for!"  Now - if you don't have multiples then you're jaw is probably on the floor.  But if you have triplets or more...then you are shaking your head saying 'yup...been there done that' because this isn't new to those of us who have to explain our offspring on a daily basis. 

I shot my head up and replied "Yes - I asked God for a child to kiss and hug and He gave me THREE.  I asked for a perfect little angel and He gave me THREE.  I asked for a child to call me Mommy and He gave me THREE.  I see you don't have any and it's probably best that way.  Have a nice day."  

I don't get why people can't just accept that A: it's none of your fucking business how I conceived.  B: it's certainly none of your fucking business if I have my hands full and C:  if you don't have something nice to say then don't say a fucking thing at all.  I'm still pretty irritated.  I shouldn't let people get to me like this but it's so hard not to.  Some days I'm worn pretty thin as it is.  Things like this are what can put me over the edge.  I'm simply trying to have a good time with MY kids.  I'm not bothering anyone.  I didn't ask anyone where they got their leather bag or shoes.  Imagine "Hey - what animal did that come from?"  or "Hey - did you know that those shoes were made in a sweat shop by some 8 year old?" 

Shit just leave me the fuck alone when I'm out with my kids.  Or tell me they're cute or that you like their hair.  Tell me how awesome it is to have 3 at the same time.  Tell me I'm a saint for taking them out in public and having to deal with assholes every turn we make.  Tell me they're well behaved...better yet - tell THEM they're well behaved.  Tell THEM how cute they are and how lucky they are to have friends for life.  But leave it that PLEASE. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Boo Boo Bears

My cousin Jen had a great idea.  I was saying how every two minutes the girls are coming up to me complaining they have one boo boo or another.  It's constant.  And yes - I'm their mom and yes I should be kissing all their boo boos and making them go away.  But I have other things to do too!  And trust me - they have A TON of boo boos.  So Jen suggested we get a BOO BOO BEAR!  A special bear the girls can go to when they have a boo boo.  The bear will kiss their little boo boo goodbye and make them all better. 
So yesterday we headed to the mall.  My intent was to let them make ONE bear at Build A Bear.  But since we 'rolling deep' with 2 of my brothers + my sister - the girls conned their way into getting their OWN bears.  So far so good though!  Each one has had about 30483643 boo boos since getting their bears and each one has gotten 100% better after getting a kiss from their bear!  Imagine that!!!!!!!!!!

No worries - I'll continue to kiss boo boos when needed.  But at least I'll have time to do some laundry in between now. 

We got the water out of the basement and permanent sump pump installed today.  Hopefully we won't see any more water down there FOREVER. 

I have been trying to keep the girls up all day without naps.  They seemed to be giving up naps on their own really.  They sometimes sleep for only an hour, other times they don't sleep at all.  So rather than fight with them - I'd prefer to just keep them up all day and put them to bed a bit earlier at night.  However today - they all climbed into their beds on their own.  Emily said "I just need a few minutes mom."  And they've been sleeping for about an hour now.  I guess some days they'll nap and other days they won't.  We'll see how it goes. 

Monday, March 7, 2011

Getting there

I'll get back to blogging when things settle down a bit.  We have been beyond busy.  The girls had croup which I ended up taking Hannah & Hailey to the doctor for.  That was on a Friday - only to have to bring all 3 of them back to the doctor the following Wednesday.  They all have ear infections and all have sinus infections.  They also have this horrible cough that is just persistent and keeping them up at night.  The doctor finally agreed to give them cough medicine.

With 3 sick kids, one new house and lots of stuff to do - God thought I needed more so He filled our basement with 3" of water today.  We had a ton of stuff down in the basement.  I was able to take some stuff out and hopefully it'll dry.  The girls train table, my grandmothers end tables, and an old wooden toy box are what I'm hoping to save.  The couch, treadmill, cribs, bed frame - all are probably going to be a complete loss. 

If I could get away with throwing a complete tantrum and stomping my feet while screaming - I would do just that right now.  But since that won't do any good...I'm gonna put on my snow boots (cuz it's not like I even own rain boots) and go help push this water out of the basement while the kids have fun at Pete's moms house for the day.