Sunday, July 31, 2011

Beach days and walks

The girls and I have been walking with a neighbor and her kids - 2 miles everyday (sometimes we'll go twice to make a total of 4 miles...for those of you who can't add).  It's got dual/multi purpose.  1st and foremost is to get my butt in shape.  I'm GOING to lose these 15lbs that I've put on since last year.  I just wish they would come off as quickly as they went on!  2nd - I get some adult time!  How does that happen?!?!  Well the kids are kinda quiet while they're riding in their wagon.  So that leaves time for some adult conversation (when we're not panting and huffing and trying to catch our breath of course).  3rd - it gets us out of the house for a nice walk and nothing beats a nice walk...except maybe an early morning walk on the beach but since we don't live on the beach......

Speaking of the beach - the girls and I are going today.  Pete is taking a trip to Boston with his sister today so the girls and I are on our own.  My mom is headed to her friends beach house today and asked us if we wanted to come along.  SURE DO!  So we'll be beach bums.

Yesterday we hit the mall to have lunch with Uncle Kim.  That was a lot of fun - and as always the girls were very well behaved.  It helped that they knew they would be going to the candy store for a special treat. 

Oh and on the special treat note - the ice cream man came by yesterday.  Greattttt.  Woke the girls up out a dead sleep from their naps.  No problem - we had their ice cream $ on standby on the fridge.  So we run outside just in time to catch him.  AND I SEE HE INCREASED THE COST OF THE ICE CREAM THAT THE GIRLS ALWAYS BUY!  They like to get the funky spongebob or bugs bunny or some other funny face looking ice cream.  They were $2.50 each.  Which I was already complaining about.  But yesterday they were $3.00 each!  NO THANKS!  We bought ice cream sandwiches for $1 each and the girls enjoyed them just as much.  We'll save the extra $ for the candy at the candy store. 

Now I'm off to wrangle my kids and make sure they leave their whiny attitudes at home so we can actually have fun at the beach.................

Thursday, July 28, 2011

could be worse

I've been so down in the dumps lately.  Nothing and I mean nothing has been working to get me out of it.  I'm considering a trip to the doc.  Days like today though remind me why I quit my job and stay home with my girls.  Time goes by so quickly and I'll never have another chance and raising kids so this is my one and only shot at it. 

We're feeling the financial hit of me being home with the girls now.  I'm working (cleaning) but I'm not making even 1/4 of what I was making before.  The $ is good when I work but work is slow.  I never thought I wouldn't go somewhere because I wasn't sure I could afford gas $ would even be part of my internal thoughts...but it is now.  I know we'll manage and we'll make it through this.  And I know it's not forever - but it just doesn't ease the pain of the here and now of wanting/needing things and not having the $ to just go out and buy them. 

Last night I washed the girls potty seats for the last time.  They're going to have to use the big potty from now on.  They won't have potty seats at school and they have regular bathrooms - so the girls need to learn to adjust to getting up on the seat and wiping themselves and so on.  I was kinda bummed cuz I realized they have had these seats since they turned a year old.  2.5 years now :(

They also had their 1st hair cut yesterday.  I'm not thrilled with it but then again...I'm only good for throwing their hair up in a pony on top of their heads so's not a big deal.  Just adds to the fact that my babies aren't really babies anymore.  Oh - and someone could have told me that I'm suppose to keep their hair from their 1st haircut.  I had no idea....but Pete's mom showed up so she could see the girls get their hair done and she kept it.  Good thing...I would have let it get swept away! 

Then today I woke up and realized I want to go see my grandmother but I really don't think I can afford the gas $ to get there and back this week (me feeling sorry for myself again).  Plus she smokes (a lot!) so I would want to just stay for a little bit and then go out to lunch or something so we're not stuck in the house with the girls. 

I spent a good hour on the computer finding out how I could con my way into a public pool in 2 nearby towns so the girls and I could go swimming.  The rules in every town are just about the same have to be a resident or with a resident to use the pool.  It never occurred to me that my own damn town has it's own damn public pools.  I have no idea what's wrong with my brain sometimes but rather than try to explain it - I just move on.  I finally checked our own town and we have 4 public outdoor pools.  2 of them have wading pools!  So I called one and they open at 10:00, they have a park and it's FREE.  The girls and I packed a lunch and some snacks and headed out.  We travel really light so we put our suits on before leaving, grabbed 3 towels, the sunblock and our lunch bags.  Off we went.  It was SO. MUCH. FUN.  The pool is only 12"-18" deep and they have a lifeguard on duty!  Not that I would let the girls just go and swim alone...but I felt better that someone else would be watching my girls with me. 

One thing I don't do is carry my phone on me when the girls are in water.  I've heard way too many horror stories.  So when there's's all eyes on them and not my phone.  We took a break from swimming so we could eat lunch and during lunch I checked my phone.  I had a message about a dear friend we've been talking to via FB.  Her 8y/o daughter Hailey lost her battle with cancer this morning.  God it hit me so hard - it took my breath away.  And of course it made me realize that life is fragile and can't be taken for granted. 

So these are the days that I am grateful to be able to spend as much time with my girls as I do.  I guess God has His ways of reminding us to keep our minds and hearts on the good and not to focus on the bad.  My girls are healthy, beautiful and full of love. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A day "off"

Lb and Kristin are off to NC for a week and they needed a ride to JFK this morning.  I volunteered to bring them to the airport (before I knew they were flying out of JFK at 8:00am!) and made plans to have Pete drop the girls off at his parents house before he went to work.  We left for the airport at 4:30 and didn't hit any traffic on the way there.  I simply dropped them off and turned around to come back thinking there would be a ton of traffic.  To my surprise there wasn't any traffic (my direction) and I made it home in no time.  The drive was awesome.  2 hours of just ME. 

I just finished a 2 mile run (a new outdoor route I found recently) and now I'm headed for 3 hours of house cleaning for some mula.  No one will be home at this house so I'll be able to just listen to my music and enjoy my day 'off' lol. 

Emily's funny quote of yesterday:

Pete told her "Don't jump off the couch!" and she replied "Don't watch me!" 

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Divide and conquer

Many times Pete and I split up to get things done.  New plan!   We're going to start splitting the girls up as well.  He can take one while I take 2 or vice versa.  This ensures the girls get some quality alone time and it leaves some 'special' time for the other 2 as well.  Emily actually went with Uncle Joey today for some special time.  Pete had to work on his car so I took Hannah & Hailey to church and then to a new park.  Pete's parents have also agreed to take just 1 of the girls whenever we'd like.  I think it's a great idea.  IT'S TIME FOR A BREAK FOR MOM!  Even if only 1 goes someplace - 2 is much more managable than 3!!!!  (I'm going to delete this post before the girls can read....) lol  Plus this leaves the girls to enjoy some alone time.   I'm so ready to let the girls have some fun away from home.  I don't worry about when people take them anymore. 

Emily and Hannah are battling a cold right now (it was Emily 1st now it moved on to Hannah and still lingering with Emily).  That leaves Hailey next (maybe?).  But I have to say - their little bodies seem to be doing so much better with going longer between illnesses and fighting them off better.  Let's hope this summer cold just stays a summer cold and leaves our house fairly quickly :)

Friday, July 22, 2011


My girls aren't into them.  I'm not sure it's because we don't watch much TV and they've never really seen a movie with them (or even watched a full movie all together yet for that matter).  Maybe they're not going to be into them?  Maybe it's too early?  All of the gear and toys geared towards their age range seems to be going from Mickey and Dora to all Disney Princess stuff.  When we were at the Disney store today I noticed they didn't have any back packs or lunch bags with Dora and they only had 1 that had Mickey and 1 that had Minnie on it.  I know it's not a big deal - but it does almost seem like Princess stuff just might take over the world.  Not sure we'll be on the boat though.  I let the girls choose their own lunch bags and back packs.  Here's how it went...


Today's actually temp was 102 - the heat index I think was at 110?  In any case...we were at actual triple digit numbers so outside play wasn't on the schedule.  On the off chance that the rest of the world went to the library - we headed to the mall.  1st we had to stop at the bank (and had to go inside to the desk), then headed over to Walgreens (same parking lot) for some stamps, then we were mall bound.  Once at the mall we hit up Starbucks (coffee...????  I think I will!).  Then it was off to the candy store where the girls scored some Swedish fish.  And then it was off to the Disney Store...where the girls walked out with brand new back packs and lunch bags for school.  I'm seriously going to have to supplement my income more.

We were about to head home when I got a text from Uncle Andy that there was FREE ICE CREAM where he works!  Detour!  We drove to his workplace (another bank) and enjoyed some free ice cream, snacks from the vending machine (thanks to uncle Andy) and I even got a car wash!  Whoooo hoooo!

Now we're home and I think we'll spend the rest of the afternoon cleaning up toys and playing games.  The girls are walking around with their 'pack packs' and lunch bags filling them with everything they can think of. 

Lake fun!

(I'm just going to act like it hasn't been so long since our last post and move right along...).

One thing Pete and I have been wanting to do is take the girls to the beach.  The one day we planned on rained.  It's not a trip I'm willing to take on my own.  I don't think it needs much of an explanation as to why. 

My cousin Jen invited us to her place yesterday where they have a lake not too far from her.  Soooo we jumped on the opportunity to hang out!  OMG IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!  I was full of anxiety about the girls + water + people....I thought it was going to be a pain to keep an eye on them or to even get them in the water.  BUT to my surprise it was the complete opposite!  There wasn't too many people there, the lake water was clear so the girls were happy to get in and with the help of Jen - I was able to RELAX.  The girls were happy to come out to me (in water up to their necks!) and swim back in with some help.  And while they were in shallow water - they were crawling around on their hands with their full body in the water!  For 3 and 1/2 hours they were fish!  We didn't even need buckets and shovels because they were happy just swimming. 

The day wasn't only about swimming either.  Cousin Christopher actually WANTED TO PLAY with the girls.  Rather than parallel play - he was totally interacting with them all day!  It was a super day all around and I'm hoping to go back very very very soon to do this all over again. 

Oh and the girls slept all night - no peeps out of them.  I'm guessing that all that water play tuckered them out.  I know it did me in...I went to bed at 9:00 last night and didn't move until 6:00 this morning.  Ahhhhh what a good nights sleep can do for a mom is truly amazing. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I took the girls to a store today that we hadn't been to before.  It's called The Chalkboard and it's focus is materials for teachers.  We were looking for something very specific that I knew this store would have so rather than having to shop around we went straight to the source.  I must have chosen the perfect day to go because today the store was offering 10% off everything, free raffles every 15 minutes and tons of free stuff on our way out!  We bought 2 things...a border for our newly painted chalkboard wall and a map of the United States.  But we walked out with a ton of stuff.  The store was packed (and it's not a very big store) and the girls were pretty good about using the 'one finger' rule (touch anything you want but with 1 finger only...this eliminates me from saying "don't touch that" 30 million times and gives them the opportunity to explore without breaking).  We were in the store for about 30 minutes...and you can be assured that 30 minutes in a store with 3 kids who have bathing suits on ready to hit the park could be a challenge.  Especially since this was our THIRD stop of the morning.  We had to stop at the school to drop off paperwork, stop at the bank and then The Chalkboard.  Each time the kids get out of the car (our bank doesn't have a drive thru ATM in this town).  On our way to the cash register someone said "Triplets?"  And I though 'great...this was going so well....'  But this time was different because she said to me "I am absolutely amazed!  You would never even know they were in the store because they're so well behaved!"  *BIG cheesy grin from me followed by a "THANKS!"  These are proud mom moments for me.  Because sometimes I forget that they are 3 and there are 3 and I take these moments for granted.  They WERE in fact being good and I was really appreciative that SOMEONE ELSE took the opportunity to tell them that.  It's important for them to hear some positive feedback from people other than myself. 

We did finally make it home to drop off our stuff, hop in the wagon and walk to the park to enjoy some time in sandbox and splash pad.  This was followed by a walk home, lunch, nap and then picnic dinner at the community center. 

Oh and I should just confess now - while 'teaching' the girls the states...I missed the boat on Illinois.  So when they stumble in school - it's because they were 1st taught Idaho, Indiana, Iowa.....

If someone taught ME the states...this wouldn't have been a problem!  LOL

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Life is about compromise.  And if you don't learn to go with the flow and let certain things go - it'll just drive you crazy to have to get out of bed every day.  One thing I was looking for in a program for school for the girls was 2 days a week and only 3 hours on each of those days.  Then next year I was willing to do 3 days a week followed by full time K. is what it is and I can't change school systems or their programs.  So - what we have found that we seem to like a lot is St. Brigid school.  They don't offer a 2 or 3 day a week program but they do offer part time.  It's Mon - Fri from 8-11.  I think I can handle that since I suspect the girls will be home sick for most of the 1st year anyway!  They'll wear uniforms (some of you might cringe but I'm ok with this since it's LESS clothes that I'll have to buy them when school shopping!).  They meet in the gym every morning for morning prayer and then they go to their classrooms.  There is only 1 class for each grade (through 8th).  This might eliminate the 1 vs 3 classroom debate (unless we choose to switch them over the public school).  In the 3y/o program they leave their classroom to go to gym class, music class and library on different days of the week.  By taking them out at 11:00 vs 2:00 (they would leave at 2:00 in the full time program) they are only missing out on lunch, outside play and nap time.  These are things we can do at home together least until we decide they're ready for a transition to full time.  I like the office staff and the principal seems like she'll be running a tight ship in that school!  I didn't get a chance to meet their teacher but she'll be calling me this week sometime.  One thing I liked very much was the number of years each teacher has been in the school.  The girls will share a room with up to 20 students their age, 2 teachers AND 2 aides.  We haven't come to a decision just yet but it seems like a wonderful option to explore.  We shall see..........

Friday, July 1, 2011

What do we do?

What have we been doing in all of our 'free' time?  I wonder this myself sometimes but somehow - time flies.  Monday's and Friday's are set aside for work for me.  I clean on those 2 days (in addition to cleaning on some weekends but it doesn't take long so I'm not away for long).  The great thing is that I don't have to 'clock in/out'.  I get there when I get there...and I leave when I'm finished.  The girls spend time with Pete's parents while I'm working and it's working out very well.  The great thing is not being rushed to get out the door in the morning in addition to getting home early :)

We met a neighbor who has 2 boys.  One is 4 and one is a little more than a year old.  She is amazing and we hit it off pretty quickly.  Her older son asks if his 'friends' can come over all the time and the girls love hanging out at their new friends house because he has cool toys.  We haven't invited them over to play here yet but we will soon. 

There is a splash pad at the park that we walk to all of the time.  That's another great thing about where we live now.  Having the 3 of them in the pool by myself would be impossible this year because they don't know how to swim and they don't know how to be patient either!  But the splash pad offers them TONS of independence and it's PACKED FULL of kids!  However; they don't actually play with the other kids yet.  Actually they get pissed off when the other kids are in their way.  Emily & Hannah just wait their turn but Hailey...boy oh boy.  She is one smart cookie.  She has learned that although mommy doesn't cater to her owl screeching scream - others certainly do!  So if someone is playing where she wants to play she will scream "MOMMY! I WANT TO PLAY HERE AND THERE ARE PEOPLE IN MY WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!"  It's not a tantrum type of scream...but a scream is a scream right?  And here's the thing - she's NOT talking to me.  She must have done this once expecting ME to make someone move.  But I'm sure that didn't happen...what happened was whoever was in her way moved before I did anything.  Who wants to hear a 3 year old scream about how you're in their way?!?!  Soooooo that's what she does EVERY SINGLE TIME now.  I'm letting this one go.  Eventually she'll come up against someone that has a louder voice than her and won't give in to her.  She'll learn................

We also spend a ton of time out in the yard.  Who knew a yard could be so much fun!?!?  We grill probably 5 out of 7 nights a week too.  We play in the pool, with the hose, on the slide and just have fun. 

The girls help around the house too.  They each make their beds, pick up toys and help set the table when it's time to eat. 

Oh - and their new 'thing' is they want a puppy.  With a bed and a leash.  One day...but I just don't think we're ready yet.  I know I'M not!  And since I'M the one that would get a majority of the responsibility...we're just gonna have to wait.  LOL