Monday, February 28, 2011

Crazy Week

Kids Bday was the 22nd

Thur we had some family issues (my usual). 

Friday was suppose to be my day to clean and prepare for the big party Sat.  But Hannah & Hailey were sick.  Both had croup and needed a visit to the pediatrician.  In addition to that we had some unexpected (though welcome) company on Thur night.  So Friday was a bust. 

Which left Saturday to to clean & prepare for the party, have the party and then clean after the party.  Luckily for me I have the best friends and family in the world.  The preparation was done.  Not by me.  I didn't cook a single thing or put up a single decoration.  Nor did I even have to clean up after the party since that too was taken care of. 

The girls received some amazing gifts but more importantly they spent time with people that are the closest to me.  I hope that one day they have the special bonds with people that I have with some of my friends and family. 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


My 'babies' turned 3 today!!!  What a day of fun we had to celebrate too.  Pete took the day off from work and we started the day with little gift bags filled with small goodies for the girls.  They also got to open their new big wheels!  (Which are too big but we'll work on that lol). 

We headed out early and went to Bounce U for some jumpin' fun.  Then it was off to Denny's for birthday breakfast.  After breakfast we headed to the bakery so the girls could each pick out a cupcake for their special day.  Then home to nap and get ready for the family to come over for pizza and cake! 

Just as my mom was leaving we saw there were two packages on the doorstep.  We opened them right away and to the girls surprise it was a gift from their cousin Sofia!  They each got their own doctors dress up outfits!  Along with a beautiful sign that was hand made...and made with love for sure.  So I decided to immediately start a new birthday tradition.  I found a place to hang the sign and each year on their birthday I will take a picture of the girls standing under the sign.  And each year we can see how much they've grown :) 

After the party we gave the girls a bath.  We have another new tradition with that as well.  After they take baths they wrap themselves up in their horse blankets (hand made by my cousin) to keep warm while I dry their hair.  It's so much warmer than a bathrobe!  And much more comfortable too.  I love looking at my babies all snuggled up in their blankets with their hair all wet just waiting for me to blow dry their hair.  I love their wet little noses, little toes, bright eyes and big smiles. 

Happy Birthday my beautiful babies.  Although you're growing up - you'll always be 'my babies' in my heart. 

Today was a good day.  A very good day indeed. 

Friday, February 18, 2011


Yay we have internet back!!!!!!  No cable yet (I'm TOTALLY fine with this - if it were up to me we wouldn't have TV's in the house). 

So much to post about but this post is simply about the fact that I am blessed to have such wonderful friends and family.  This move was no simple task.  However - at one point in time...there were 15 people standing in front of me asking what I wanted them to do next.  15

This help wasn't just about picking up a box and moving locations.  Everyone helped in ways they could and ways that were necessary.  I have 2 cousins that traveled hundreds of miles to help out.  One them took my kids OVER NIGHT.  She came to pick them up and she even came and dropped them off.  THEY HAD A BLAST.  It was a mini vacation for them.  They were greeted at her house with a pool full of bird seed (yes BIRD SEED).  Hidden beneath it all were insects, snakes, frogs...(all fake of course).  They went on a scavenger hunt to find these things and loved every minute of it.  They played with the water table inside, snow outside - they even went sledding down a big huge hill and of course loved that as well.  They spent time with their cousins and even went to bed without a problem when it was time.  It's easy for me to take an extra child for the day.  What's one more?  But flip that around....and it's a HUGE task. 

Without the girls under our feet we were able to accomplish moving the entire condo in 2 days.  With the help of our family and friends of course.  People helped pack, move, unpack, clean, paint, make trips to the store...even cook!  We were delivered a homemade lasagna dinner complete with salad, bread, chicken cutlets, and more pasta on the side (for those of us that don't like cheese!). 

Kim (Hailey's Godmother) gave the girls (more so ME) the gift of redecorating their entire room.  From curtains, to bedspreads and even pictures on the wall.  She did the work herself and the room looks amazing.  When the girls came home - they were EXCITED.  They've NEVER been excited about their room.  It's not a place they play - simply a place they sleep.  But since the makeover - they want to go to their room just to hang out! 

So - from the bottom of my heart:

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!  To everyone that helped and made this move possible.  It was more than I could have imagined and I am so grateful to have wonder friends and family in our lives. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

We're here!!!

We are moved! We just don't have internet, phone or TV yet. Will post more details about everything once we get internet and I can use the computer and not my iPhone to type!
Girls are doing fantastic!

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Tomorrow is the big day!  The closing is at 11:00.  I'm not finished packing yet.  Basically - I think I'll just back the truck up and open the door and start shoving things in. 

The girls are sleeping over my cousins house on Sat.  She's been kind enough to volunteer to come get them, let them sleep over and keep them busy for the duration of our move!!!!!!!!!  YAY for me - I was not looking forward to having them under my feet while trying to move.  Other than Pete's parents house - this will be their very 1st sleepover without me.  I'm not worried about it like I thought I was going to be.  I really think they're going to have a good time and might even wonder why they have to come back! 

Monday, February 7, 2011


Sorry for the delayed posts but we've been a bit busy to say the least.  We are in the condo still - they finally did come shovel off the roof.  But there is a lot of damage.  I can't even think about that right now.  I'm just glad to be leaving the cracked walls in 5 short days!  I'll deal with the insurance companies (ours and the condo association) after the move.  I have to prioritize right now and one thing I've gotten pretty good at in recent years is doing what CAN be done and not focusing on things I can't change. 

I can move!  Yesterday my cousin, Kate, came down from MA to help me pack.  She got my butt motivated and we got a ton of stuff done.  Pete took the girls (who were protesting their naps) out for a drive and they fell asleep.  So he kept them out while we packed.  Currently what's left is mostly stuff that can't really be put in boxes.  We're living out of laundry baskets, boxes and chaos.  But it's ok - there will be relief from all of that by this time next week. 

The girls are doing great with potty training - NO accidents from anyone today.  They are also accepting the chaos better than I thought they would.  They are fine with moving now - we have even put their toys in boxes! 

Rosemary is coming to watch the girls tonight so Pete and I can get out to buy some paint and other stuff for the new house.  5 days!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

What. A. Day.

Where to begin?  We wake up - and...was that crack in the wall there yesterday?  Hmmmm - I'm not sure.  Wait - what about that crack?  Uh oh.  That crack was definitely not there before. 

Pete and I knew what we were in for - with all the snow we've had and all of the building collapses in the state - we weren't taking any chances.  So I immediately packed some essentials while Pete was still here this morning.  I had him throw a bucket in his car with stuff (less for me to carry when we have to leave!). 

Pete had called the condo association to let them know we needed someone to come inspect the condo for some damage.  But after a couple of hours of not hearing back from them - he called the fire dept.  BEFORE letting me know!  LOL I got a text that said "The fire department is on their way.  Let me know how it goes."  There was a knock on the door a few minutes later.  3 fire fighters to the rescue!  Or at least here to check on the cracks in the walls. I sooo wish I had asked them to take a picture with the girls but for some reason that thought didn't cross my mind at the time. 

They said there is structural damage and the cracks are stress cracks.  They called the condo association - and of course someone was here within 5 minutes.  The fire dept said this was the 8th condo in the complex they had been to today.  The maintenance guy has his hands full since he's the ONLY full time employee on site for over 500 units.  He said that the engineers were here earlier in the morning and that the beams are 'flexing' but none have broken yet.  He followed that up with 'If one breaks - you'll know.  Get out as fast as you can.'  He said those words.  Even the fire fighter standing here was like 'Really?  With 3 kids?'  Ugh.  I get the point.  GET OUT NOW.  Why wait for something to happen?

It's all about insurance.  The insurance won't pay for someone to shovel - but they'll pay for the aftermath of destruction.  Well we're not waiting for the aftermath.  So the girls are going to stay at Pete's parents and we're just going to err on the side of safety. 

Just as I was typing this - the maintenance guy knocked on the door to say that they wouldn't get to shovel our roof off until tomorrow.  He said "It's up to you if you want to stay here.  But I don't think anything will happen.  I'm pretty sure the building is safe."  He's 'pretty sure'. 

Doesn't matter - we have a plan in place.  And - I also got some packing done for the move!

The move.  7 days.  The closing on the house in next Friday.  We were planning to move in slowly - but with the recent turn of events - we'll be packed and ready to go!  I haven't said too much about the move because we wanted to make sure everything was in place and it was a go!  But it's a go! 

The house is in West Hartford (close to Pete's parents).  It's 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths and PERFECT in every way.  The yard is amazing.  It HAS a yard.  We currently trample around in our neighbors yards lol.  There is a sidewalk around the entire neighborhood.  It's walking distance to the elementary school (no - I'm NOT home schooling).  It's also walking distance to the middle school.   Did I mention it has a yard?  It has a yard!  Oh and a garage.  AND A YARD!

Even though it has 4 bedrooms - the girls will still be sharing a room.  They really LOVE sleeping in the same room and I think it'll give them some added sense of security with moving to a new place.  They've always slept in the same room - I don't see that changing until later in their teen years when they actually want their own space. 

I will NOT be putting clothes in the their closet though.  Nope.  I learned that lesson.  I'm putting their clothes in the extra room.  Since the only time I have to put away their clothes is when they're sleeping - it is totally pointless to keep clothes in the room where they sleep.  I WISH someone had told me that before I had them!  LOL  

I do see the comedy in all of this. It's like 'Oh you have to plan a birthday party? And you're moving? Here's an added bonus for you! How about you get out now! We'll call you when it's safe to come back lol.

And when all is said and done. With the threat of evacuation and possibly not being allowed back into our home, I was forced to decide what to bring with us. You know - the time when you're thinking to yourself "If I had to leave right now - what would I bring?"

Here's what I did/packed. Clothes for the girls. 9 outfits - 3 for each (they were all ready so that was easy). I told Pete to throw some of his stuff together. He was kind enough to grab some of my stuff as well (all clothes). Then...I accessorized! I threw on all of my jewelry (normally I don't even wear my wedding rings). Less to carry if I have it all on. Then I threw some of LB's clothes in a bucket (they are since back on the floor though). So basically clothes. And jewelry. I really am a simple person. I guess when it boils down to it - I've realized that the most important things in life are not things at all.

We are moving.  The girls are staying at the inlaws tonight.  They better shovel tomorrow.  If they don't - I will force them to declare an official evacuation so that our homeowners will cover the cost of a hotel and we'll just take a freakin' vacation for the next week!  I could so use a vacation.  A hotel with a pool -- the girls and I will be in our glory.  :)  Pete might not like being couped up in a room with 4 girls though haha. 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

8 days

We have 8 days left to the big move.  We have been talking to the girls about the move for a while now.  They've finally come to terms with the fact that yes - we are moving.  And yes they are coming with us.  And yes we will bring their toys.  And their beds.  And their babies.  And.........

Pete had a great idea that the girls should color/decorate some boxes and then pack them with some of their toys.  So we put out 3 big boxes yesterday.  They have had fun playing in them, on them, around them.  Yesterday they colored the boxes with crayons.  Today they put stickers all over (and inside) the boxes.  Tomorrow - we'll be packing the boxes. 

I really really really really hope that the move doesn't effect the progress we've made with potty training.  The girls are doing wonderful.  Today - only Hailey had an accident - and it was only one (she peed while decorating her box). 

I took the girls out to play in the 'snow' today but it was all ice.  Which actually made it more fun to slide!  They are so small that they didn't sink through the mounds of snow!  They were able to climb up on the snowbank and slide down where they made a slide earlier in the week.  So much fun! 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Today was an accident free day for ALL 3 OF MY BIG GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How long...

...before you can say that someone is actually potty trained?  And when do you take them out without a pullup?!?!  And when do you let them sleep without one too?!?!?! 

Hannah is there.  We were on our way outside today.  It takes me a LONG time to get the girls ready to go out and play in the snow.  She was the 1st one ready and just as I was finishing Emily (Hailey was done) - Hannah said to me "I have to go poop on the potty."  I didn't rush.  I knew she was wearing a pull up.  And I wanted to know if she was capable of 'holding' it.  So I said "Ok.  Let me just finish getting Emily dressed and I'll help you."  She waited (maybe 2 minutes...but as we all know that could be a long time when you have to use the potty!).  Then I got her undressed and on the potty.  And she sure did go poop.  Calm as calm can be she said "I pooped.  I can have my pop later after I play in the snow."  LOL 

We went out and played in the snow and she got her pop when we came inside.  Alex was here for the day also...she played with the girls and kept them busy all day long!   When I went upstairs to put the girls down for a nap - I came back down to find that Alex cleaned up all the toys in the livingroom!!!!! 

Hailey & Emily are doing good on the potty but still not 100% there yet.  But it's ok - I have been given the patience I need with Hannah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :)  There's a light and I can see it.