Sunday, January 31, 2010

Day 126

Kids didn't sleep all night. Emily was in our bed all night long. Hannah was there for a while too. We need a bigger bed. I've been beat at the 'everyone sleeps in their own bed' game. They win. But I'm not taking a total loss. California King it is when we buy a house.

The rest of the day was full but the Grammy's are on and we're watching. So - the kids are sleeping and tomorrow is another day. It's the 1st day of their birthday month ;-)

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day 125

The girls slept all night last night - after the way they went down I'm surprised. Both Hannah & Hailey threw their bears out of their cribs. After 3 attempts to give them back and all 3 times they threw them again - we just let them fall asleep without them. Hey - eventually they'll learn to hold on to them.

They woke up at 6 Usually we can count on them waking up, talking for a few minutes and then going back to sleep for a while but since they didn't have their bears it was full speed ahead at 6. That's ok though - they slept and so did we. Don't get me wrong - we're still tired. One 8 hour night of sleep isn't going to cure our deprivation. But I'm taking it!!!

We got up and Hannah was in a horrible mood this morning. She just whined and cried for an hour straight. Even through drinking her milk and eating some cereal. Nothing I did was right for her. She wanted everything that I didn't offer her and nothing that I did offer her. She wore me down pretty quick. Eventually Pete let them help him 'cook' some French Toast. He let them crack the eggs. LOL...pic is on their blog. It's cute.

After breakfast we had appts to go look at 2 houses here in town. Neither one of them was what we are looking for so the search continues.

We got home and fed the girls lunch and then it was time for them to take naps. While they were napping Pete went out to do a few things and I was doing homework. Hannah decided 45 minutes was long enough to nap today. Usually I'm all about them skipping naptime - I can't wait until they don't nap anymore! But today wasn't a good day for short naps. Ugh. I felt like Hannah and I had been at each other for a few days so I put everything aside. Cleaning -homework...laundry - it can wait. I went and got Hannah and we just snuggled on the couch together for over an hour. She didn't sleep. I didn't sleep. We just snuggled and she barely moved the whole time. Surprisingly enough - when I did start to stir her a bit and say 'let's go find daddy' (who was upstairs at this point) she was in a great mood. We got about another hour of just Hannah time before the other 2 woke up (sleepyheads slept for over 2.5 hours).

I think Hannah needed it. I know I needed it! Then it was time for snack and play before heading over to Pete's parents house for a bday party for Titi Rosemary. Pete took the girls over there by himself so I could have some quiet time to get more homework done. Then I met them over there for dinner.

Dinner was great as usual over there. After dinner and cake we headed home so the girls could try to get to bed at a decent hour and get the rest they very much need right now. We were home and they were in bed by 7:15 (not bad since they've been going to bed around 7 lately).

And...they went right to sleep.

I had plans to go out with a couple friends but I can't leave and go out knowing that the girls are sick. I want to go. But I know I shouldn't go. So I stayed. And my friend Lucy came over before going out - just to give me a HUG because she knew what an awful few days we've had. That really is the best feeling in the world when you have a friend who knows just what you need. (well - she knows I need a drink too but since that got put on the back burner...a HUG was in order!). lol

Now I'm going kick Pete's ass in some Scrabble and Yahtzee. I hope he's ready for it!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Day 124

This sick business is for the freakin' birds. I'm tired. And I'm cranky. I have too much work to do and I'm have a pity party so if you don't want to wallow in my party with me then leave now.

Hannah & Hailey were both up last night. Hannah was in our bed for about 30 minutes before we both realized she was snoring so damn loud that if she didn't go back in her crib neither one of us would get any sleep. Yeah - she was in her crib for a whopping 20 minutes before Hailey woke up. She was in our bed the rest of the night. Sleep was minimal to say the least.

LB was here watching the girls today so Pete and I went to work. I texted my Little Brother around 9 to ask how the girls were doing and he replied 'sick and grumpy'. So I called the doctor to make an appt. They haven't really been getting better and with the weekend coming up - I don't want to have to end up bringing them to the urgent care clinic at the hospital (germ infested places creep me out).

The only appt they had was at 12:45. I didn't want to leave work that early. I hate the fact that I strap the people at work every time I have to leave. They can't just call in a replacement on the drop of a dime and I'm the only person that does my job in our office. So basically - when I leave work - I leave my work for the other 3 people to divvy up and that's not cool. Plus today - one of them was out too so that meant I was leave the clinic with only 2 people there. It feels awful and I don't like it. But being a mommy comes before anything else - work included.

So Pete left work also - he went home (he had the van today because we had a feeling this was going to end up happening). He picked up the girls, drove to get me and then off to the doc we went. Their doctor is only about 10 minutes from where I work.

We get there, check in, get the girls weighed (with shoes and clothes on - they're still peanuts) and get in an exam room. Now - in previous visits Pete and I would have to hold Hannah & Hailey to have their ears looked at. Emily we would hold but she was always willing to let the doc take a look. Today - the doc came in, said hello and the girls were all sitting on the table. She started to listen to Emily's chest and back and then checked her ears, nose and mouth. Before she was done - Hannah was saying 'my turn please, my turn'. So the doc moves on to Hannah and she sat there and let her look in her ears no problem! Then Hailey was saying 'my turn, my turn' (in her cute little horse voice). She too let the doc take a look - no problems! They sat there and let the doc look and listen without a peep. Even the doctor kept saying 'what did you do to them?!?! What happened???' LOL

So of course they all got their 'pop pop' (dum dum lollipop) and were happy little campers. And here are the results of the appt:
Emily - one ear infection
Hannah - croup
Hailey - croup (which is causing the horse voice) and upper respiratory infection

We left with antibiotics and steroids. And three pop suckin' toddlers that weren't even acting sick (but sounded horrible). We stopped to eat, went to pick up Pete's car at my work, went to the bank (while the girls were sleeping), stopped at the pharmacy to drop off Rx's and then came home.

The girls were miserable by this point. They were whining and crying and nothing worked. Finally we just made dinner, fed them, gave them a bath, pj's, brushed teeth, books and bed.

Bed gets it's own paragraph tonight. Hannah & Hailey cried so hard that Hannah was about to throw up (we can hear it on the monitor) and Hailey was smashing her forehead against her side rail. So we went back in the room, got them all up and read another book. We do this from time to time just to regroup and get the calmness back. But tonight it wasn't working. They just cried and cried when the book was over (we actually read 2 more books). So finally Pete and I just said 'good night' and let 'em cry. Hailey smashed her head over and over and over again. I'm sure she'll have a nice bruise on her forehead tomorrow. Don't bother calling child services - this will serve as my documentation. Plus whoever comes to do the interview...I'll just leave the girls here with her for 1/2 the day and when I come back...if she's still sane - I'm sure she'll just invite me out for a drink.

Be it what it is. I know they're only 2 (almost) and I know they're sick. I know they get overwhelmed and cranky when they haven't had their 2 hour nap during the day. But with that said - it doesn't make Pete and I less tired or cranky ourselves. I'm overwhelmed. Pete is overwhelmed. When the girls are sick and it digs into out sleep - it just creates this atmosphere of complete hostility and it's not a fun place to be. We know we have the best girls ever. They really are good girls. We couldn't ask for better - that's for sure. But again...that doesn't make our lives less chaotic right now.

We're frustrated, tired, cranky, angry, desperate and did I mention tired? House selling/buying, work, school, doctors visits, family functions...all of it needs a little space in our lives. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 123

The girls all have runny noses. Hannah and Hailey woke up last night. Not fun. They went to Grandma's house today. Had fun playing and didn't let their colds slow them down. Tonight is a school night for Michelle so I got dinner ready so we all could eat when she got home with the girls. After we ate it was time for Michelle to go to school so the girls all gave her a kiss and said "bye bye". The girls didn't seem to tired so we played for a bit. They cooked in their kitchen and we ran around chasing each other. Then it was time for pj's, upstairs to brush teeth and we read a book and in bed at 7pm. Hailey complained by throwing her bear out of her crib but that didn't last long and now they are sleeping. Lets hope they all sleep through the night. Don't hold your breath. With all of them sick I'm sure we'll be up at some point in the middle of the night. Maybe I'll stay home tomorrow. Stay tuned. Make sure you check back tomorrow night to find out how the night went.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 122

It's been a long day. I had class last night and the girls were up again. Hannah & Hailey both woke up and I went and got them. Handed Hannah off to Pete in bed and after 5 minutes we put them back in their cribs. Hailey ended up throwing her bear out of her crib and cried another 10 minutes or so until finally I went back in and just gave her the bear. They eventually went to sleep but I didn't get to sleep until after midnight.

Up at 6:00 and get ready to leave with the girls. Pete dressed and fed them while I got ready then we all headed out the door. The girls went to Pete's parents house and we went to work.

There is someone new helping out with the girls - and once I get permission to blog about her I'll do just that. They enjoyed the extra company and my mother in law enjoyed the help.

Then it was home to eat dinner - Pete made pasta tonight. Uncle Joey was here helping out so we all played, ate and then it was time for baths, pj's, books, teeth and bed. They're sleeping. But they're also all sick. They all have colds and are stuffed up, coughing, sneezing - the whole nine yards (I don't even know what that means but I just know I'm using it in proper context so there you go). Feel free to share if you know - cuz I'm not looking it up tonight.

Now I have a ton of school work to do on top of blogging. I love blogging - don't love school work. But so goes life.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 121

Today we had our game faces on. First day of school for mommy. Class isn't until 6:45pm but the plan starts first thing in the morning. We got the girls up and dressed, everything was ready from the night before. If Michelle can get the girls to my moms house 7:30am and then get to work by 7:45am then she can leave at 4:45pm. This is the plan because she needs to get the girls and get home by 5:30pm so she can leave by 6pm to get to class on time. Still with me? Well, she didn't get out of work early, she picked the girls up and got home at 5:32pm (I was watching the clock). I had dinner ready so we all ate. The girls had a long nap today so they were not tired so Michelle left for school and left me to put the girls to bed. We played for a little and then it was time for pj's. The girls cooperated for the most part. It was a little bit of a challenge to brush teeth but we did it. We then read books and when I was putting them in their cribs they all started asking for mommy. This is the first time mommy wasn't there for bedtime in a long time. They didn't put up much of a fight, lucky for me. That was at 7pm. At 8pm Hailey woke up she stood up thew her bear out of her crib and screamed for someone to get her. I watched her on the nominator for a minute to see if she would go back down but she was wiping her mouth so I when up to get her. I wanted to make sure she didn't spit up. Of course Hannah woke up as soon as I stepped in the room. I picked Hannah and Hailey up and brought them down stairs. I changed their diaper and put them back in their cribs. They fell right to sleep.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Day 120

The girls slept all night. Donna came today and then Pete's mom came. The girls had a good day and Pete and I worked.

Now that the girls are sleeping we did some cleaning, baking and working on the computer. Tomorrow I have class :-( Wait...I shouldn't put a sad face there cuz when the girls read this they'll say something like 'see - you didn't like school either!' I'll make a mental note to edit that out at a later date.

Stove is beeping - that means the baked goods are ready. Not to be eaten by us but for someone special tomorrow.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Day 119

What a day! The girls slept until 7 (THANK YOU!). Once they got up - Pete showered and got ready to drop the girls off a this parents house for the day. I got the girls dressed and fed and ready to go!

Today we had an open house so we needed to clean clean clean this place up and get it ready for people to walk through and make it so they would want to buy it! Pete came home after dropping off the girls and we cleaned straight through from 8 - 12:30.

The realtor stayed here at the house while Pete and I actually went to another open house. We didn't really care for the house we went to so it's off the list. After that we headed to the bookstore to buy my books for school. I'm so ticked because for only 2 classes - it cost me $375 for books for this semester. One of the classes required me to purchase 6 books...that's insane. And I'm sure we won't use them all but whatever. Oh - and the online course I'm taking requires a NEW book (naturally I bought a used book). So I'll need to head back to the bookstore tomorrow to return the used one for a new one. So ridiculous! Grrrrr

After that - and complaining a bit - Pete brought me home and then we split up. He went to have dinner at his parents house and to pick up the girls and I went to the grocery store to do some food shopping (and spend more $$$).

Then they all came home and I was so happy to see the girls. I missed them today ;-) They were in really great moods and we hung out and played for a while before getting ready for bed.

Then it was the usual night time thing. Girls are sleeping soundly and I'm working on the computer. Have to do my online blogging, update our blogs, check into the online course and do my farming on Farm Ville of course! Lol.

Not ready for Monday :-(

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 118

Today is Saturday we get to go to MyGym. The girls love to run around and sing songs with all the other kids. Next week we get to move up to the older kids class. No more babies. After the gym we brought Grammie home and then headed home to wait for our play date with Brooke. The girls were hungry so while they played with mommy and Uncle Joey daddy made pancakes. Then Uncle Joey made sausage, the girls love it. Brooke and the girls played for a long time they took a long nap after she left. So did mommy and daddy, shhh. When we all got up we just played until dinner time and then gave the girls a bath. Tomorrow is a big day we are having an open house so the girls are going to Grandma's house so mommy and daddy can clean the house from top to bottom.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 117

Today was Fun Friday. Well at least for the girls, daddy had to go to work. The girls had "big breakfast" with Uncle Joey and played with their kitchen. Mom came home early and took them out to visit some friends visiting from Italy. I got home before them so I started dinner. When they got home I waited at the door as they walked from the van. Hannah tripped on the curb and got a boo boo on her finger. Just a little scrape but Hannah thought it was the end of the world, she is the sensitive one. She held her hand in a fist and wouldn't use it all night. Emily was out of sorts tonight. She can really be a handful when she wants too. We put pj's on and then went up stairs to brush teeth, read books, and to bed. Hailey didn't fall asleep easy tonight, she stood up and was crying 10 minutes into putting in their cribs. She wouldn't settle down so I went in and got her. Her diaper needed changing (probably why she got up) so I brought her down stairs to change her while Michelle held Hannah and Emily because they woke up when I took Hailey out of the room. We put them back in their cribs and they all fell asleep. Time to start cleaning.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

You WANTED triplets?

I forgot I was going to do a post about someone that wanted to have triplets. Since LB is sleeping and I don't want to kick him out of his own room so I can work out - I'll do the post now.

I'm on Face Book (who's not?). On FB I have a lot of multiples 'friends'. I love to see the updates and posts from these moms because it keeps me up to date on some things that I would not otherwise know about. It's also nice to know that I'm not alone in the world raising 3 babies at the same time. Yes - people have multiple children - I'm one of 5. But having multiples is completely different. It's a whole new world.

Recently on FB there was a 'multiples' impostor. You see - someone claimed to be a mother of triplets and a singleton step-son. She posted pictures, videos and updates. She even had conversations with other moms via the chat and through email. The other day there was some postings about how she's NOT who she says she is and this 'family' isn't even hers. She stole the pics, videos and so on - from the 'real' triplet moms FB page and claimed it as her own. When she was discovered as a fraud - the real mom contacted the police and FB and both pages were deleted. (the real one and the impostor). But before they were deleted the impostor had this to say: "I always wanted to have triplets". She then went on to say how she lives in the same town as this mom of multiples, sees her and the kids around town and how sorry she was that she did this to her and her family. Really? You WANTED to have triplets? And on the triplet blogs this comes up more frequently than I had imagined. People claim to be a mom of multiples when they're not.

I've had people say it to me before. "Oh - I always wanted triplets." or "Oh I wanted twins or triplets - I thought it would be so cool!" And I reply the same: "No you don't." Triplets are not an accessory. They are just as much human as you and I. They need the same if not more attention than a singleton baby and they require more work since there are 3 of them.

Here's what you see when you see my family and I out in public:
3 adorable little girls behaving like angels
3 cute little outfits
a choo choo wagon that people are paying upwards of $800 for on ebay because they're so nifty
3 cute hair do's
3 little soft voices saying 'bye byeeeee' or 'peas' or 'este no!' or 'mama' (my favorite of course)
You see us gather them up and put them in the van or maybe struggle to put their jackets on after having a meal somewhere.
You see 3 healthy, beautiful little girls.

And maybe you think it's always been that way but I assure you - they weren't born like that.

Here's what you didn't see:

You didn't hold my 2lb baby in your arms and pray that God would let her make it through one more night.
You didn't leave your triplets in the NICU for 6 weeks when it was time for you to go home after having them.
You didn't look for doll clothes just to find an outfit that would fit your baby girls.
You didn't look into the faces of the nurses and doctors and beg for your child's life.
You didn't hit your knees every night and beg with God to let you keep what He gave you.
Trust me - desperation brings out the best and worst in people - and you haven't been there.
You didn't see the days spent pumping breast milk just so your 2lb baby could eat since she couldn't digest anything else and she had lost 6 ounces since birth.
You weren't there for the head scans, kidney scans, IV's, ultraviolet lights, feeding tubes and numerous other medical procedures required. No - you didn't see that when you looked at my girls in the grocery store did you?

When you wished for triplets - did you also know that you would be wishing for their eyesight, hearing and brains to all be normal as well?
Because you didn't see the appointments that were made after leaving the NICU. The appointments to check their eyesight to make sure they're not blind. The appointments to check their hearing to make sure they're not deaf.
The brain scans, kidney scans, ultrasounds - you didn't see that when my girls were squealing to pull away from having to put their jackets on. Did you?

You wished for triplets. Did you wish also to quit your job? Did you wish for sleepless nights, weekly doctors visits and a home care nurse to do biweekly weight checks?

When you saw my girls - you didn't see me in the background cringing at every little thing they touch. You didn't see me checking the ingredients of everything they eat because they're so small that we need to make sure they're eating properly. You didn't see me scrubbing down every surface I think they'll come in contact with because germs aren't just one more thing in our house - they could be imminent death. All because they're triplets. All because they were born premature.

So when you wish for triplets - know what you're wishing for. NO ONE asks for this. I've had soooo many people say to me 'You got what you asked for.' And no - we didn't ask for triplets.

Pete and I are blessed. WE now have 3 healthy, beautiful little girls. We also didn't know that we would make it this far with all 3 of them. Every day was and still is a gift from God. We still have to watch what they eat, where they go, who they're with, where we take them...

We still worry with every sneeze and every cough. A simple runny nose could put them in the PICU. A cold in our house lasts months with each one of them...not days or weeks. That's not something people wish for. And it's not something people ask for.

As far as having triplets goes - for us it has been wonderful. For some families - it has brought tragedy, heartache, sickness and death.

We struggle to give our girls attention. We struggle to keep up with their individual needs. We struggle to keep them on an individual single unit rather than as a group. Did you know you would wish for those same struggles when you wished for triplets?

We didn't ask for triplets but that's what God gave us. When people say we're lucky I say "We're blessed". When people say I have my hands full I say "as well as my heart".

Day 116

Too tired to post. Today was a good day...the girls had fun - we had fun. Tomorrow is another day.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 115

I didn't realize how many people had decided to do '365' this year. I enjoy seeing the pics and tidbits everyday - keeps the day interesting and I like keeping updated. I don't usually comment on pages but I certainly read them.

Today we could have slept in but the girls were up at 6:00 of course. Figures lol. Pete and I had the day off because the girls had their very 1st dentist appt today. So we got up and started the day off lazy. Just hung out in our pj's a bit longer than usual.

Around 8:00 we had to start getting ready. Pete and I took turns showering and getting ready. The girls got dressed and fed. We had to be out of the house by 9:45.

We left the house at 10:00 and got to the dentist right on time. Oh - it was snowing. I had all of their paperwork filled out in advance so all I had to was give them a copy of the girls ins cards. They called all 3 of them in at the same time so we went back to the 'chair'. (It was set up kind of weird...about 4 chairs in one big open space). Emily was 1st so I decided to take the other 2 back to the waiting room where they would be able to run around and play with the toys that were there. No need to make them sit and watch Emily scream her head off right?

Haha! Well - would you believe that she DIDN'T scream her head off? Nope. She sat there and let the dentist brush, poke, prod and even scrape her teeth without a peep. Not a single whine, tear or fuss. Are you kidding me???? NO way! Ok - well they got off easy with her. You just wait till the other 2 sit there.

Hannah was next so Pete went out to the waiting room and I went in with Hannah. This way the dentist was able to give us BOTH the run down of the do's and don'ts of dental care. Ok so there's no way Hannah is going to sit in this chair and let the dentist look in her mouth never mind poke, prod, brush and scrape. Not my way. Ummm...really - not a peep out of the kid. Opened wide and even smiled at the end to show off her pearly whites!

I'm floored at this. I figured Hailey would be the worst of the 3 but since the other 2 didn't say a word I was left to wonder at this point. And wouldn't you know - the kid was quiet as a mouse and not a peep out of her either.

Holy cow. Even the dentist was amazed. She said she's never seen kids their age sit and let her clean their teeth without a fuss. They were amazing. They each got a bag full of goodies (coloring book, crayons, reading material for mom and day & a new toothbrush) along with a toy of their choice.

Funny thing about the toy is that even though they didn't see what each other picked...they all picked the same toy. Each of them chose a small yellow rubber duck. we don't have 50 million of them at home in each color of the rainbow...sitting at the bottom of the toy box because they never play with them. But they earned them.

Ok - they're good to go. No cavities but also need to stop eating raisins and she actually suggested we try to get the girls to take a pacifier so they'll stop sucking their thumbs. Yeah - I'm not even going there. I'm soooo not choosing that battle right now. They're going to need braces anyway (their teeth are big - and very close together) soooo what's the point in battling out the thumb sucking. No - we have bigger things we'd like to concentrate on.

Wow - that was longer than I thought it would be. Anyhow - we left the dentist about 11:30 and headed to *gasp* McDonald's for lunch. The girls ate like little piggies and wouldn't you know that every single person in that place was watching us like the circus was in town. One couple sitting behind us actually said 'Did you bring them to Lyman Orchards to pick pumpkins?' Ummm...'yes'. 'And you have one of those triple wagon train things right?' Again - 'yes'. 'Oh I knew it was you! We saw you there and when I saw you here I just knew it was the same family because I remember what the girls look like.' Gotta go now!!!

I love our life but sometimes it gets creepy.

So we head out and the girls fall asleep in the car and rather than wake them up and deal with cranky babies for the rest of the day we drive around and look at some apartments for my sister and niece who might be moving back to CT. Oh and we drove to the bank too. Didn't rob it - that's why we work ;-)

Girls woke up and rather than taking them home (like we should have) we headed to the library. Two '1sts' in a day probably wasn't the best idea. They loved the library but they were just ready to be home by that point so Emily ended up having a meltdown (so much for being quiet). But it was a good trip and they had lots of cool things for the girls to play with...not just books.

After the library we came home and settled in for our usual night time routine. They went to bed no problems and now it's time to work out (Pete is standing here telling me to finish this post because he knows I've made up my mind NOT to work out but if he bugs me - I'll do it). So off we go to the 'gym' in the basement. I think I'll kick his ass in the running dept and challenge him to a game of Scrabble or Yahtzee tonight ;-)

I'm very proud of my girls. They braved the dentist like no other today and I can't wait to tell them the story of their very 1st dentist visit.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 114

Hannah & Hailey woke up last night around 1:00. We had to go in there (chose to go in?) but we just picked them up and settled them down before putting them back to bed. It was only a matter of less than 5 minutes. They went right back to sleep and then none of us wanted to get up this morning!

But we did. I got ready and then the girls and I headed out to Pete's parents where I dropped the girls off for the day.


Picked up the girls, came home, ate dinner, fed Little Lilly aka: Wiwwy (grrrrr), played, pj's, teeth, books & bed.

Started filing taxes.

Computer time (work time/blogging time/facebook time).


Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 113 and a rant

What a day. We didn't wake up until 7:00 this morning. Pete didn't have to work so there was no rush. We all got up and I got ready and left for work (and actually got there on time).

Pete was home with the girls all day. He spent the day hanging out and having fun! The girls played with their kitchen and made lots of cool, yummy things to munch on.

When I got home - the girls were cleaning up and getting ready for dinner. I needed to change Hailey and while she was on the changing table she decided to kick and then hit me. I'm OH SO TIRED of them doing this. Hailey doesn't do it very often - but that doesn't mean she isn't going to get punished just the same. I finished changing her and put her in time out.

Holy meltdown. This kid proceeded to hit her head against the wall, throw her whole body on the floor, bang her head on the floor and just completely melted down. The one thing they all need to do in order to get out of time is say sorry. A kiss or hug or even an offering of a toy - are all acceptable versions of apology in our house. But for some reason - she couldn't find it in her to do any of that tonight. She spent the better part of 1/2 hour in time out. Several times we asked if she would say sorry and every time she said no and cried and screamed her way back to time out.

We finally are all sitting down to eat. She's still in time out (life goes on and we can't stop the schedule to wait for her). Still no apology. Pete goes and gets her to come to the table where she clearly wants to be - and she finally gives me a kiss. But then she refuses to sit at the table! She throws her body all around so that Pete can't put her in her chair. Back in time out she goes. She ended up in time out long enough for all of us to eat and when I finished I went to get their bath ready. By the time I got downstairs she was sitting at the table eating. She didn't need to say sorry to get out of time out for this...all she needed to do was come in the kitchen and sit down. That's the rule - you eat with us or you can sit in time out while we eat. But either way - you're sitting.

I'm sure some of you will think this is harsh - but I really don't care what you think. I've come to the conclusion that if you knew me and my family - you would know that this kind of punishment would actually be necessary. We are lenient with many things when it comes to the girls. Eating at the table and saying sorry to get out of time are not things we are lenient about.

We're also not lenient about schedule. The girls have a schedule and we have found that it works best for US as a family to keep them on this schedule. That means that if we are out somewhere - we leave to get home on time. If we need to go somewhere - we plan it around the girls schedule. If we want to do something - again...the girls schedule comes 1st. I don't ever complain about this and neither does Pete. WE know what's best for OUR family.

Which brings to me to time. Time is not something that we take for granted anymore. We have learned that time is more valuable than most anything we have (other than each other of course). And if you are asking for time from us - you should consider that we probably won't have it to give. Most people in my life are accepting and understanding of this. The people that matter and the people that care. They get it. But there are others that don't understand.

Don't you think that we would LOVE to go have a drink? Go to the casino and hang out for the night? A concert, dinner, movie, night out on the town...anything - YES we would LOVE to go! But we simply can't say YES every time. And what about time for ourselves? Are you asking us to spend time with YOU rather than spend alone time with each other for a good reason? Because we don't get time with each other - and I feel like that if we have time...we owe it to one another to give to each other...not to share it with someone else.

I could go on and on about it but the fact of the matter is that we have to say no more often then we say yes. And that's life. And you know what? I'm totally fine with it. I get my time when the girls go to bed. I work out. I love working out and I'm not giving that time to anyone without a damn good reason. And Pete gets his time when the girls go to bed too - he loves to spend his time on the computer. And he's not giving that to anyone either. And you know what else? I sleep just fine at night knowing that my time was spent wisely with my family.

Right now - I'm going to do my posts for the online website I work for. People don't see the behind the scenes. I'm sure 1/2 if not more of you didn't even know that I have a part time job blogging for a moms website. I do it for the $. But not because we need the $...I take the $ from this job and put it in a separate acct for our Disney trip. We're planning the trip for when the girls are 5 (maybe 6). So when I blog for this site - it's well worth it to see the $ go into their Disney acct every month. I smile when I make the deposit.

And when I'm done with that...I'm going to work on my sisters resume. Why? Because my sister deserves some of my time. She deserves a lot more than that but doing her resume is what I can offer her right now. You know when I was pregnant I could count on her to call every single day. And when the girls came home - she called again...every single day. I didn't always get to answer...but she always called back. She never went a day without checking on me to see how I was doing. Sure she asked about the girls...but she cared enough to ask about me too. How was I doing, how was I managing, how was breastfeeding going, how were the girls treating me, how did I like being a mom...the questions were endless and phone calls were priceless. She cared and she showed she cared. I can certainly offer her some of my time...easily.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 112

Well - I must say that getting a SOLID 9 straight hours of uninterrupted sleep can do a person a world of good. The girls slept at Pete's parents last night and although we had the opportunity to go a few places and hang out with some friends - we chose to go to dinner and then come home. Sleep was our #1 priority and sleep we did! It felt WONDERFUL.

We cleaned up the house today (a deep cleaning that just can't be done when the girls are around). Then Pete went to get the girls this afternoon while some of our friends were here putting together a GRAND WALK-IN KITCHEN for the girls.

When they came home - Emily saw the kitchen through the window and said 'Whoooaaa' in her cute-oh-so-girlie voice of hers. Once inside they were all over this thing. They LOVE it.

Dinner and bed was the usual routine. Then I worked out and Pete did a few more things and Little Brother - well he disappeared saying he was going to the store. Eh...I don't ask him questions - he's a big boy and doesn't need me to grill him about his whereabouts all the time.

Upon LB's (LB = Little Brother) return - I was on the computer and he hands me a sign. He says 'You done working out?' (this is a legit question since usually I work out for an hour to an hour and 1/2 but tonight I was finished in only about 45 minutes). I say 'yeah' and he gives this sign that reads 'BEWARE OF JAWS'. Huh? OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I jump off the couch in an instant - because I know HE BOUGHT A FISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG! I. AM. SO. EXCITED!!!!!!

And there you have it folks - the girls have their very 1st pet. It's official. And I'm so excited!!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day 112

Too tired to post - girls are at Pete's parents with Grandma and Titi. Getting sleep while we can!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Day 111

What a long day. The girls slept all night thankfully. No peeps at all. Pete and I had the day off because the girls all had an appt to have their hearing checked and then to see the ENT MD after.

So we were up and out of the house by 8:15. We headed to the bank then off to the hospital. The girls hearing test was at 9:30 - we arrived at 9:00 because we just know that having to get anywhere 'quickly' with the 3 of them is near impossible. And you NEVER know what might come up that could set you a few minutes behind. It worked out well today because we didn't wait much at all.

They all had their hearing checked and as it turns out - they all can hear just fine. Shocking. So it's really selective hearing problems that they seem to be suffering from right? lol The reason they had to have their hearing checked in the 1st place is because of the ear infections - we weren't really concerned with how well they hear. It's good to know that they CAN hear and that maybe they'll choose to listen one day. ;-)

The whole thing for the 3 of them took about an hour and 1/2. I stayed with the one that was having her hearing checked and Pete stayed with the other 2. After they had the tests it was off to have lunch. We had an hour and 15 minutes until we needed to go back and see the ENT doc.

Lunch went great - never a problem with you throw french fries into the mix! Then we headed back up to the lobby outside of the office - there was plenty of space for the girls to run off some steam. Up and down the hallway...

Once it was time to see the doctor the girls were feeling the fact that it was well past nap time. They were kind enough to keep yelling 'my turn!' in the office but of course when it was in fact their turn - they certainly didn't like it. But all in all - they did much better than we expected them to considering the amount of time we spent there.

Once the appt was over and we got the great news that we wouldn't need to put tubes in their ears right now - Alicia came in with a BIG surprise for the girls. She had a Mr. Potato Head for each one of them! As tired as they were - they were loving their new toys. Emily carried hers all the way to the car - even giving up her baby! Thank You Alicia!!!!!!!!!!

They all were sleeping by the time we left the parking garage so we drove around for an hour and 1/2 looking at houses. Once we were home - even 1/2 awake Emily was sure to grab her Mr. Potato Head before getting out of the car. And for the pics....visit their blog

Uncle Joey made 'breakfast' for dinner and then we took baths, pj's, brushed teeth, read books and are sleeping soundly - hopefully for the night.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 110

Hannah was up last night from about midnight until 2:30. She just couldn't sleep. When she woke up Pete went and brought her in our bed. Then she just couldn't sleep - she didn't cry or whine, she just rubbed my face, smoothed out my hair, patted my back, tried to pick my nose, sucked her thumb, rolled around, covered up/uncovered herself, moved me over to share the pillow and so on...for 2 and 1/2 hours. Finally she announced that she had 'pee pee' and wanted Dada to change her. So Pete took her downstairs, changed her diaper, gave her something to drink and when he brought her upstairs - Hailey woke up. So we both went in their room, I held Hailey - Pete held Hannah and after a few minutes we put them back to bed and they fell asleep.

None of us wanted to get up this morning and it turned out that Pete and I were very late to work. Eh - so goes life. I brought the girls to his moms house today. They had a good day - even went out to play in the snow!

We both had a bad day at work and we're just going to move on from that.

Now we're home and I'm feeling very tired. And Pete is tired. And after a long day at work for the both of us, and minimal sleep last night - I think we're going to keep our distance from each other because otherwise we'll just get on each others nerves.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 109

Hannah woke up last night and she woke Hailey up. Pete and I had gone to bed at 9 but we didn't actually get to sleep until 11:00. The girls slept all night after that but for some reason I was up at 4:00 and in a lot of pain from my wrist.

I got out of bed by 5:30 and just started getting ready for the day. I had to be to work early which meant we had to get the girls out of the house early - not an easy task by any means. They were cranky this morning when Pete was trying to get them dresses so I took the 2 that weren't being dressed and brought them upstairs so they could watch me get ready. Really they just play in our room with Pete's ties for work. They hang them around their necks and look in the mirror. Then I comb their hair after I comb mine, put make up on them after I put mine on and we all look in the mirror and 'smooth out all the wrinkles' in our clothes. They enjoy this to some point but it doesn't take them long to realize they're hungry and would rather be downstairs drinking milk.

We get out of the house on time but Pete has issues putting them in their car seats. This is something we argue over quite often. He says - every single time - 'I'm turning their car seats forward!' and I say 'no - get out of the car and I'll just buckle them!'. And we probably have that same exact conversation about 5 or 6 times a week. One day we'll turn them forward facing - but not yet. And we both know it's safer for them to be rear facing still. It's just frustrating trying to buckle 3 toddlers when they don't really want to be in the car seats.

We both go to work and work. I pick up the girls early (got out early because I went in early). And then we come home, eat and do the usual thing...bath, pj's, teeth, books and bed. They went down no problems. We'll see if it stays that way.

The most frustrating thing that Pete and I face with being parents is getting people to let US be the parents. I'll just leave it at that for now or else this post will be really long. We argue more now than we ever did before. And it's not over the girls, nor is it about money. We argue over family, traditions, what to say to whom, when to say what to whom and so on. Sometimes we're faced with not saying something to one person so we don't hurt feelings. And then we're faced with direct confrontation so that things get done the way we want them to be done but inadvertently this does hurt feelings. And when you mix it all together - it makes a recipe for a tough marriage. As if life isn't tough enough trying to raise 3 kids right the 1st time because we aren't getting a 2nd chance at this parent thing. I just wish people would look at things from a different perspective sometimes rather than just judging us. And trust me - we're being judged on a daily basis.

With that said - we know we'll make it through this because we always do. It's just not as easy as it use to be.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 108

Girls slept all night.

Pete's mom and sister came here today. Girls had fun.

I had a ganglion drained. It's the 2nd time in less than a year...I'm looking at surgery but just don't think that's possible for us right now so the doctor drained it again and gave me a steroid injection. Pete was kind enough to wash the dishes and clean up the kitchen tonight for me ;-)

Girls are sleeping.

We're debating cancelling cable. We haven't turned on the TV for ourselves in a couple of weeks now. And the girls shouldn't be watching TV at all. The cable contract is up this month so we'll see. It'll save us $$$$ anyway.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 107

Last night Hannah woke up around 9:00. Pete went to get her for a few minutes, gave her some Tylenol for teething and then put her back to bed. They slept the night and were up at 6:30 this morning.

Pete's mom came here today. Donna didn't make it - she's sick. Hopefully feeling better now but we love that she cares enough about us NOT to come over when she's not feeling well. Too many times I get irritated with people (and have told people NO YOU MAY NOT COME IN) when they show up and they're sick. Just recently another blogger friend lost her little guy Gavin to RSV. We just can't take chances when it comes to these things.

The girls were born small and underdeveloped. We don't physically see that now but we know that their lungs are still working at full capacity to try to do the work of mature lungs when they're not actually mature. The slightest bug or virus can set us into months worth of illness (read prior blogs and you'll see that). We can't avoid everything but that's why we love when other people help us out by not coming around the girls when they're not feeling well.

Miss Donna - we love you and miss you - get better soon so you can come visit and mommy can drool over your very nice Coach purse. ;-)

Pete and I went to work, worked, came home and played hard. The girls were pretending to take each others noses and put them on their own face. It's a game we use to play as kids and I showed Hannah how to do it ONCE. She now knows that she can annoy her sisters by 'taking' their nose, putting it on her face and running away. The one who's nose she 'stole' will yell and cry and run after her crying 'nose, nose, nose!'. It's a lovely game.

Then it was time for the usual night time routine. Oh - last night Hannah & Hailey actually fought over a toy IN THEIR SLEEP! We heard them on the monitor going 'Mine' 'No - mine!' 'No no no - MINE!' back and forth. It was soooooo funny and cute. Pete and I just laughed.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day 106

What a weekend! The girls had sooooo much fun with Christopher, Daniel and Kaleigh that they didn't even fight over toys (a minor miracle in toddlerland here). Everyone got along fine (well - the toddlers did anyway - I can't say the same for Daniel and -they fight like brother/sister even though they're cousins).

The night started off pretty smooth. The girls went to bed around 6:45 and they were so tired from playing all day that they went down without a tear. Christopher went to bed shortly after and then it was GAME ON for Jen, Kaleigh, Daniel and myself. We played 2 games of Clue and a game of Yahtzee! I absolutely LOVE playing board games.

When I went to bed Hannah woke up (she's such a light sleeper and I was sleeping in the same room as the girls). I picked her up and put her in bed with me. It wasn't long before I realized it was a bit chilly in the room. I had turned the heat up before they went to bed but it wasn't working. Hmmmm....I got up to check on Emily & Hailey (they still don't sleep with blankets) and their little noses were pretty cold. So I woke them both up (yes - I'm putting this in writing but I know that it will be hard to fathom) - I did in fact wake them both up and put them in bed with me as well. Luckily - Daniel has a huge king size bed (maybe a CA King size bed?) so we all fit no problem! There were some mattresses propped up against one side of the bed between the wall and the bed so there was no space for the girls to fall out there - and I was on the other side of them. Cover up's gonna be a long night! And it was. For me anyway. Even though one side of the bed was blocked - the top of the bed had space between the bed and wall so of course that's where Hannah and Emily kept creeping to in their sleep. Hailey sleeps like a rock - she doesn't move. Emily is ALL OVER THE PLACE and Hannah...well she moves AND talks in her sleep. So I kept waking up (if I even really slept) and kept moving them down and covering them up. It was soooo funny too because we were all so full of static for some reason that every time I pulled the covers over us it looked like a bunch of fireflies were under the covers! Haha...I'm laughing just thinking about how it looked. It was pretty funny.

About 4:30 or 5:00 I put the girls in their pack-n-plays so I could get a solid hour of sleep. I knew they would be fine and they were. They went to sleep and so did I! When we did get up at about 6:30...I opened the door and looking right at me was Kaleigh. She must have heard us and was right there with arm wide open looking for a baby! Haha...they were sleeping when she got there last night so she hadn't seen them yet. They love Kaleigh and she loves them so the morning was pretty smooth. Christopher didn't wake up until 7:30! Sleepyhead.

Jen had been up and out of the house with Daniel by 5:40 this morning for Daniel's hockey game. No way - no how - no thank you. Girls...when you read this - Momma's NOT get up that early to bring you to a game. Catch a ride. ;-)

Jen got home - tried to fix the heat (I still don't even know what was wrong) and Kate showed up to pick up Kaleigh for her soccer game. (Do we see a trend here?) Lol...I'm in trouble!

Christopher did amazingly well with accepting 3 little toddlers into his house and letting them play with ALL of his toys (they did in fact get their little fingers on every toy I'm sure). He had so much patience with them and even gave them some things to play with. Nothing was off limits.

It was a fantastic weekend. The trip up and back was great - the girls slept most of the way for both ways. We came home to Pete, Uncle Joey, Kristin AND a clean house! Whooooo hoooo!

We're definitely making more of these trips (we already made Jen promise not to freeze us next time). And the funny thing is that last time we stayed up there - it was boiling hot! Haha...that can only mean next time it will be just right. Well temperature wise anyway - because everything else was perfect!

The girls were so tired that we ate dinner, took baths and did the whole bedtime routine and they were sleeping by 5:30 tonight. Now Pete and I are Wii'ing (is that a word?) LOL

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day 105

We had a great day. We started off the day going to the gym and then decided to make a trip up to MA to sleep over Jens house! The girls and I are here but Pete stayed behind. We hope he's having fun - we sure are!

Friday, January 8, 2010

From Mommy

Ummm...yeah I did get here to read this and let me note that I was NOT out having a good time. And yes the girls and I and Uncle Joey had a good time at Cabella's today - we were going to head to the library but Uncle Joey convinced us that the fish pond at Cabella's was much better. Let's just say - the girls had fun and so did Uncle Joey - which means that mommy had fun too ;-)

Day 104

Emily woke up last night and that woke up Hannah and Hailey. Emily hardly ever wakes up so when she does the other two get worried. We got them up at 3am and changed diapers, gave them a sip of water and put them back to bed. They fell asleep but we couldn't. This interupted sleep is going to be the end for me. It is so hard to go back to sleep when I am awaking in the middle of the night by a crying baby.

Today was fun. We all started the day late, the girls are staying home today with Uncle Joey. No need to get them dressed, so we took our time. Michelle came home early today so I'm sure she has alot to say but she isn't here at the moment and I don't think she will get to this tonight.

It is 10pm and Emily just woke up, so they all woke up. I took Emily out of her crib first, she is easy to calm down. I only had to hold her for a minute and then I put her back in her crib and picked up Hannah and Hailey, yes at the same time. I held them for about five minutes and then put Hailey in her crib, she went right to sleep. I then put Hannah in her crib and left the room with her screaming. She doesn't like to be in her crib anymore, if she wakes up at night she only wants to be in our bed. But she calmed down and fell asleep in about 10 minutes. Now I need to sleep before they wake up again.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 103

Well Hannah was in our bed for a few hours last night. She woke up with a bad night terror (can they even be good?) and it was just as Pete and I were going to bed so I just went and got her and let her sleep with us. I think Pete put her back to bed around 1:00 and she went right to sleep.

The girls went to his parents house today and had a good time as always (as happy as they are to see me when I get there to pick them up - they don't want to come

Got home, had dinner, played (and played a little bit more and maybe stayed up way past our Then did the usual night time routine. No fuss going down tonight - they were sleepy little girls!

I worked out again tonight (after looking at the Victoria Secret bathing suit issue...who wouldn't work out?). Ugh...they so skinny! Ok - I don't want to be that skinny...but pretty close would be nice!!!!!!!!!!

Back to reality - I lost myself for a split second. I'm only working a few hours tomorrow. I have an appt to get my teeth cleaned (and the girls have one coming up too!). I'm not sure what fun place we can visit tomorrow since it might be snowing but I was thinking either the library or Borders. We'll see....

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 102

The girls slept all night. For some reason I'm still tired today though. They went to Pete's parents house today. And they seemed to have a good day.

We got home, ate dinner, took baths and then pj's, teeth, books and bed.

I worked out (haven't done that in a week so it felt good). Now Pete and I are working on updating the blogs and maybe working on a new blog.

Still tired though. lol...I should just go to bed!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day 101

For some reason today felt like a Monday to me! The girls woke up a few times last night but they put themselves back to sleep. They're teething again (still?). They went to Pete's moms today and his sister was there. Hailey peed on the potty which is really great!

Pete and I were both busy at work again so we didn't talk much. I went to Borders at lunch time to look for a certain book (which I didn't find because I was looking up the wrong title). But I found it interesting that the marriage/divorce books were categorized right next to all of the childhood mental disorder books. And I forgot to mention how I went to the bank at lunchtime yesterday and the people behind me were talking about taking their mother off of life support. Would YOU have that conversation at the bank with over 20 people in line?!?! Oh my goodness I was in shock. I didn't know if I should turn around and say 'I'm so sorry' or not! I kept my mouth shut (for the record lol). Anyway - I guess my lunch outings have been pretty interesting lately.

When I got home dinner was waiting and so were Uncle Joey and Pete. We fed the girls and then played for a bit before getting ready for bed. They all went down without a fuss.

Now it's time to clean some stuff (there's always stuff to clean). And then maybe a little R&R for Pete and myself.

No news on the house front. We haven't looked at any more and we haven't had anyone look at ours. I think we're being too picky in what we look at. It's just that we don't have time to waste going and looking at houses like we did last time. We'll figure it out!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 100

Girls slept all night.

Donna came (and brought a calendar from Church) ;-)

Pete's mom came.

Pete and I went to work (we both had very busy days so the conversation between the 2 of us revolved around how the girls were doing).

Came home and did our thing.

Little Brother was here so we conned him into watching the sleeping babies while Pete and I went out to dinner with a gift card that my other brother gave us.

We're now home and ready for bed.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day 99

Hailey has been teething lately so last night she was really uncomfortable. She woke up around 1:00 and couldn't put herself back to sleep so I went to get her. Of course Hannah woke up because she is such a light sleeper that she heard me in the room (she'd hear a pin drop...even on the carpet!). So I picked them both up and just brought them back to bed. I handed Hannah to Pete and kept Hailey and we both let them fall back to sleep on us. After they were sleeping for a few minutes we put them in the bed between us and not even 5 minutes goes by when they realize they're sleeping next to each other. And they started to play! It's 1:30 in the morning! So we brought them downstairs to change their diapers, gave them some water and then put them back in their cribs where they took a whole 20 seconds to fall asleep again.

We all woke up at 7:00 and started the day. I got the girls dressed as soon as we came downstairs and then we had some milk and cereal. When Pete came down - he made a big breakfast for all of us. Then at 10:30 we were really wanting to get out of here. The girls were wired today! We put the girls down for a nap and when they woke up decided to head to the mall. Kim, Little Brother and Kristin all met us there and we hung out for a few hours.

It's amazing how people react when they see us. And even more amazing at some of the things they say. Some days I have a lot of patience - other days I don't. Today I did. ;-) One thing we DO NOT allow is people taking pictures of the girls. Why on earth do you want to take a picture of someone else's kids?!?! Plus - they're not a freakin' display people! We are not a circus act nor are we here for your entertainment.

This is something that comes up a lot with Pete and I. We constantly talk about how people remember us. We can walk through the grocery store without the kids and people will stop to ask 'how are the girls?' or 'where are the girls today?'. One day someone actually said 'wow - they're being good today - better than last time I saw you guys!' One day a looooong time ago Hannah had a melt down in the grocery store. Once. ONE TIME! No one would have remembered that if we had just Hannah with us. But simply because we're different we're put in the spotlight. And some days it's really frustrating. If I want to have a bad day out in public I can't. Because I never know who's around and who knows me.

There's this extra pressure put on us to be the best because people are ALWAYS watching...and remembering. Look back at xmas day when Pete had the run in with the neighbor. The cardboard boxes that Pete was throwing away were not corrugated cardboard (the kind that should be recycled). And I'm sure that no one said a word to the person who put the whole toilet seat in the dumpster. Or the person who redid the floors in their condo and put their entire condo's worth of carpet in this same dumpster. But for some reason people think it's ok to point out all the things we're doing wrong or think we need to improve. Don't you think we have enough pressure on ourselves to make sure we're doing things RIGHT for our girls? But no one stops to think before they speak.

It's one comment after another after another and so on. Someone said to me when they found out I had triplets 'We wonder about our blessings sometimes don't we?' What??? Ugh...I just can't even comment back sometimes because people don't deserve the time. NO YOU MORON - BUT I WONDER ABOUT PEOPLE LIKE YOU!

I could go on and on about this one topic alone. Pete and I won't stop bringing the kids everywhere with us. So this is just something we'll have to deal with on a day by day basis. Some people can be really kind. I absolutely love when people say 'congratulations' and mean it. They're in awe and it makes me feel good inside that someone sees what we really have. And there are other times when people have said 'wow - they're not only beautiful but they're really good girls. You guys are doing a great job with them!' Thank you. These people I would love to stop and chat with.

And there are other times when people say 'triplets?' and I'd love to look back and say 'OMG WHERE IS THE 4TH ONE?!? I CAN'T BELIEVE WE LOST HER AGAIN!!!!!' just to have a little fun. Hehe...maybe one day.

After the mall we came home and colored, played our fishing game and even worked out! I had the girls doing jumping jacks (as best as they could which cracked me up), running in place, touching the 'ceiling' and then their toes, push ups (imagine that!), sit ups and then even a cool down. LOL - they were so wired I tried to get out all of their energy! Then we ate dinner, read books and hit the sack.

I went back up to read one more book because it was taking them a while to settle down. But they're sleeping now. Now it's time to get stuff done.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Day 98

What a day! The girls slept all night last night after they went to sleep. Then they didn't wake up until 7:00 this morning so that was nice to sleep in a bit. We had to be to the doctor at 9:45 and Hannah still has an ear infection. One little ear out of the 6 and the poor girl has not be infection free since Nov. 11th! The doctor gave her some ear drops this time which we haven't tried before. They're starting to get concerned with all of the antibiotics they've been on. The medication causes other problems like rashes, yeast infections and so on. So hopefully the ear drops will work. I'm also working on getting the girls in to see ENT sooner rather than later.

After the doctor we came home and the girls ate then went down for a nap at which point Pete left to get his hair cut and an oil change on his car. I went through all of their toys and sorted through stuff they don't need anymore (trust me there is NO shortage of toys in this house). Then we had a ton of company over (head over to the girls blog for a full After everyone left - Pete made dinner and we ate, changed into pj's, brushed teeth, read books and down for the count.

We cleaned up quickly because we're now the proud owners of a Wii! Oh it's so much fun! I'm not one for video games at all - but this is just really fun with the sports they have!!! I'm sure I'll be bored with it after a few days but until then - I'm enjoying every minute I can get!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Day 97

2010... This is going to be the best year. The girls slept over Grandma's house while mommy and daddy partied like its 2009. The girls had a great time with Grandma and Grandpa. This afternoon we picked the girls up, they were very excited to see us. We came home and played for a while before eating dinner. After dinner we gave the girls a bath, brushed teeth, read books , and bed time. Hailey didn't want to go to sleep tonight she was fussing and kept Hannah from sleeping. We went and got them, changed their diapers and brought them back to their room. By then Emily was up too, so we sat all of them down and read a book. We then said goodnight and put them to bed. They all fell asleep this time no problem.

Tomorrow we go to the doctor for an ear check. It's been 10 days since we started the Rx hopefully the ear infections are gone.