Saturday, October 3, 2009

Day 7

Yippie! The girls slept through the ENTIRE night last night. They went to sleep at 7:00 (we were late getting home) and slept until 7:00 this morning! (insert big cheesy grin here). So...

Our feet hit the floor at 7:00am. We all went downstairs and had some milk and cereal...and coffee. The girls were in great moods. By 8:00 the girls were playing. Pete and I were being lazy so we hadn't gotten showered and dressed yet. I ended up texting Lucy to see if she wanted to meet us at Friendly's for breakfast at 9:00. She agreed! Not many people are up that early so I was excited that she was coming along. Pete and I get the girls dressed and pack their bag. We were out the door by 8:45.

We had breakfast - the girls were great as always. They ate like piggies as always too. Taking them out to eat is actually stress free for us. They have never given us a problem and it gives us something to do on a rainy day like today. Plus - I love when people come with us because it gives us time to visit!

By the time we left it was time for the girls to take a nap. We all went home and the girls went right down. My friend Lucy stayed here to watch them while Pete and I took a quick trip to West Hartford to pick out some new frames for his glasses. He needed new lenses and wanted me to see the frames he chose before he actually bought them. We buy his frames and order the lenses - they should be in soon.

We got home about an hour later. My friend left...and I followed her. She is moving and I wanted to see her new house. So I took a trip over there and was doubly excited because Little Brother is there helping to do some of the work on the house - so I got to see him too. The house is nice and I can't wait for them to move in because it has a yard and we'll be there hanging out and playing!

I got home just after Pete brought the girls downstairs from their naps. They took a 3 hour nap today and are in great moods...still! So we eat lunch and checked my moms website real quick and someone had posted something about a place called MyGym. They were having an open house today and it would be free for the kids to go and play. So we went and played for free!

We got there and the people working there were so nice and so willing to help out. One of them took Hannah and was like 'we're going to play!' The girls had a blast...and I think Pete and I did as well. The place was literally right next door to CVS where Pete's sister works so we walked over there to say hi. The girls were so excited to see her.

Then we got ourselves back in the van and off to the grocery store we went. We shopped and shopped and shopped. The girls ate cheese from the deli and I always bring a snack (who doesn't want to eat when they're shopping?). So they ate their snacks and drank their juice while I pulled the wagon and Pete pushed the cart.

We get home and unload the kids and groceries. Then we feed them dinner, give them a bath, brush teeth, read books and in their cribs they go. They're sound asleep in no time. Pete and I come downstairs and clean. After cleaning I work on my mom site for a bit, facebook a bit, email a couple people, talk Little Brother into bringing blizzards from DQ to us and now we're all sitting in the living room - waiting for me to finish this blog so we can play some Scrabble.

Today was a great day. I love the weekends because I feel like I get so much time with the girls. They really are great kids and they are freakin' smart too. Hannah put her own shoes on help. That was a proud moment for both Pete and myself.

1 comment:

  1. You have to remember the good days...Beacuse there are sooo many hard ones....
