Sunday, October 25, 2009

Day 29

Our feet hit the floor at 7:00. Love lazy Sunday's! We got up and had some milk and cereal. Then we all played and just hung out and eventually Pete made a nice big breakfast of eggs, toast, tater tots, sausage and most importantly - coffee. At 9:30 we put the girls down for a nap. Usually they don't go down until 10 or 10:30 but Emily had a 'date' today with Auntie Jenn and needed to be rested and ready to party by noon. We ALL slept for 2 hours (yup...Pete and I went back to bed too). Then it was time to get up and have some lunch before Jenn picked up Emily.

I didn't get the girls dressed until right about After Emily left - Pete took the girls to his parents house to drop them off so we could both clean the house and get some stuff done. I stayed behind and cleaned like crazy. We use EVERY INCH of space in this of course - every inch of it gets dirty. But even after spending the whole afternoon cleaning...there's still more to do. It's ok though - I feel like it's good enough for me! Our house is lived be it if it's messy.

Oh - I also put away all of the girls laundry. I really wish someone had told me BEFORE having kids that the only time I would be allowed to put away laundry would be when the kids are sleeping. If I knew that beforehand...I would have made their closet in another room. Pete redid their whole closet (it's a walk-in) so that there's plenty of room for all of their clothes, diapers, wipes and other stuff as well. But really - we would have maybe redone our closet or one in the basement if I knew that I'd never be able to put their clothes away! Live and learn.

Emily came home (with a bucket full of candy!) and then we went to pick up Hannah & Hailey. Hailey took a fall right off the chair and smashed her head on the floor. Oh boy. It was a bad hit...worst she's taken yet. And I'm sure it won't be the last. Ugh - the days are full of so many 'near misses' that when something like that does actually happen it makes my heart stop. She's fine though. We came home and played some more before having dinner and then the usual bedtime routine.

Pete went back to his parents house for dinner after the girls went to bed. While he was gone I worked on a presentation I have for one of my classes. And now we're watching the Yankees game! But it's time for bed. We have to work tomorrow and we're both sleeeeeeepy.

1 comment:

  1. What a busy day... Sounds Pretty good except the fall. Glad she's O.K.
