Saturday, October 31, 2009

Day 35

Happy Halloween!

Our feet hit the floor at 6:00.'s Saturday and we don't have to work today. Lol. I got up with the girls so Pete could 'sleep' in a little bit. I know that we don't ever really go back to sleep because when the girls are up - no one sleeps!

I hung out with the girls for an hour or so after they drank their milk and had a poptart. I should have been getting them dressed for the day - I totally forgot that the girls had to be at MyGym @ 9:00! Ahhhhh. It's ok - once Pete came downstairs we made a mad dash to dress the girls and get out the door by 8:15.

We stopped to pick up my mom so she could spend some time with the girls and give us an extra body at the gym to keep an eye on the girls. The girls always have fun at the gym. We left the gym and went to visit Pete's sister Rosemary real quick before heading home to put the girls down for a nap.

While the girls napped - Little Brother, Kristin, Pete and I all packed some stuff up into the cars so it could be brought to storage. There's never enough room when you have triplets!

Then we all took showers and when the girls woke up we had lunch and headed back out. We went to West Hartford Center. There was a show going on with some college students that were performing some songs, drama and other things. The girls were loving the singing. Then we walked over to StrideRite (our original destination!) to buy shoes for the girls. They all got new shoes and walked out of the store with them on. This was great for me. I thought for sure it would be a hassle to get them to give up their 'old' shoes and put on new ones. But with all the 'oooooh's and ahhhhhh's' and 'those are soooooo pretty!' comments - they were totally all about the new ones. ;-)

Then we walked over to Barnes and Noble where the girls played with the train set they have while I found a few new books (can you ever have enough books?). Then it was back to the car and off to Friendly's for dinner.

Girls did great at dinner...even had chocolate milk (for the 2nd time ever!). Then we all came home and played hard before getting into pj's, brushing teeth, reading books (not the new ones though) and then in bed! Emily actually talked to herself for a good 1/2 hour before going to sleep. Hmmm...chocolate milk maybe? Haha.

Now Little Brother, Kristin, Pete and I are watching the game ('s delayed - but hopefully it'll be on!) and playing Scrabble while handing out candy to all the trick-or-treaters.

Oh...we didn't dress the girls up this Halloween. Maybe next year. The neighbors should actually thank me. If the girls knocked on their door and got candy tonight...they'd be knocking every single day @ 7:00 in the morning when I'm trying to get them in the car to leave for work thinking that they'll get candy!

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