Friday, October 16, 2009

Day 20

Emily & Hannah were up from 11:30 - midnight last night. We checked on them once and put them back in their cribs. They cried for 9 straight minutes after that but then slept for the rest of the night.

Our feet hit the floor at 6:30. I'm not even gonna comment on our late wake ups anymore. lol
Pete brought the girls downstairs and I got right in the shower. Joey and Kristin spent the night so I didn't get them dressed today. They bought the girls new outfits and I figured they'd enjoy dressing the girls today. ;-)

I threw dinner in the crock pot before leaving. Chicken, carrots, onions and a bouillon cube. Love the crock pot!

I went to work unwillingly. Fun Friday's are always tough because I want to stay home and play. I know the girls are going to have a blast and I don't want to miss out on it. But I went to work. And they had fun. They built a fort today. And they posted rules. I'll put that on their blog though.

I got home and Pete was making rice to go with dinner so I put the girls winter coats on them and Joey and I took them out for a walk. Sort of. They mostly stumbled...their coats are really big and!

Then it was time to eat, play for a bit, change into pj's, brush teeth, read books and in the cribs. They're sleeping - and of course I hope they stay that way for the night.

Now Pete and I are going to sleeeeeep early tonight. I'd love to stay up and watch the Yankees game but I just need sleep!!

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