Sunday, October 11, 2009

Day 15

Doing the blog early seems to be a 'chore' more than a fun thing to do this evening. The girls didn't sleep last night. Between the 3 of them they were up most of the night. Pete and I got maybe 4 hours of - and not consecutive. Last night was officially the worst night of our parenthood thus far. I think it was acceptable when the girls were infants for them to cry all night. But now that they know becomes less acceptable and wears my patience quickly. The neighbor banged on the wall. I don't know if she thought that would quiet the girls down but all that did was make me even more angry. She's lucky I was too tired to slash her tires...because last night - nothing was beyond me. I don't get it. I don't know why the girls were up and please know - there wasn't anything wrong. As soon as we picked them up they calmed down. At one point...all 3 of them were in our bed. They weren't sleeping of course - how could they?

Our feet hit the floor at 6:00. Today's plan was to go to the pumpkin patch. Scratch that. No sleep and cranky babies means we're not going to attempt something like that. We took a nap early today...all of us. Usually the girls take a nap between 10 and 11. Today we all went back to bed at 9:00 and slept for 2 hours. The girls woke up cranky again. OMG

We decided to get out of the house and head to a family party. No better way than to share your misery with family right? The girls weren't great - but they certainly weren't cranky. They did surprisingly well considering the amount of people that were there. They are getting better at dealing with over stimulation. We left the party at 4:15 (15 minutes later than we planned). Everyone was like 'where are you going? You're leaving already?' YUP! We're on a schedule and apparently we're not ready to deviate from it yet.

So we got home, ate dinner, gave the girls a bath, brushed teeth, read books and in the cribs they went. They're currently sleeping. My hope is that they stay that way all night long.

Oh - wanna know how desperate I was today for some peace and quiet? When Pete was taking a shower the girls were just whiny and clingy...OMG if one of them didn't want to be held then another one did and I was only one person! I gave them a LOLLIPOP TO SHUT THEM UP! Yup...I caved. I did the one thing I swore I would never do. You bet your ass I did. Stuck a dum dum pop in their little hands and said 'sit down and be quiet' and guess what? That's exactly what they did. I got 15 minutes of pure silence. And in that 15 minutes I packed their bags and cleaned the kitchen.

It was a tough night and a tough day. These are the days when I swear Pete and I are alone in the world. No matter how much you explain to people how hard it is sometimes...they'll never understand. I'm not one to give up on things and I certainly am not one to lose my patience over small things with my girls. But today was just horrible. And some of the problem was that Pete and I were both at the end of our rope. Usually if one us is having a bad day - the other one can take over. But today - the babies had us both worn down.

Hopefully tomorrow is a better day.

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