Saturday, October 10, 2009

Day 14 I write this Hannah is having a complete nuclear meltdown in her crib. It's 10:21 and she's been up for 20 minutes now. I've gotten her up to change her diaper and put her back to bed but she refuses to calm down. I'm one of 'those' mothers who won't give in. There's nothing...and I mean nothing wrong with her other than the fact that she wants to be held. How do I know this? Because I'm her mother - that's how. She quiets down the second you pick her up. She'll put her thumb in her mouth and lay her head down on your shoulder. And as cute as it's just not something we can do with triplets. She's losing her voice from crying and I'm losing my mind. I've turned the sound off on the monitor but of course you can hear her through the house. Probably could hear her down the street. She's woken the other two up as well. Lovely. I'm just gonna continue writing...she'll settle down - it'll take some time but she will. She's over tired tonight - and it's our fault...we'll get to that in the post.

Our feet hit the floor at 6:00am. The girls slept all night last night. We started the morning off as if we had to go to work. We got the girls downstairs, dressed and fed while we alternating showers and getting ready for the day. We had to leave by 8:30 for the girls 1st gym class at a place called MyGym.

Out the door by 8:30 (on time!) and get to the class. It was great...the girls were good and the class was really put together well. Very age appropriate and very clean as well. The class was from 9 - 10. After the class we walked over to CVS to visit Pete's sister Rosemary where she was working. Then we took the girls down the street to Pete's parents house so they could take a nap there while Pete and I went shopping. Usually we take them with us - but they really needed a good nap today because they're still getting over their colds.

We went shopping and came home to unload everything...and I decided to take the kid free opportunity and clean like crazy. Then we went back to his parents house to hang out. His sister Stephanie was coming down to visit and his dad was cooking dinner. So we made the decision to stay...hindsight is always 20/20 right? It was a bad move as we now know. We KNOW better than to keep the girls out later than usual. Especially since they're just getting back on a schedule after being sick. We didn't get home until 7:00. The girls were great the whole fussing or whining. But an over tired child is not a fun one. And those of you with children know that when they're over just means that the night will be restless.

That's where we're at right now. The girls went down 7:00...a full hour after their usual bedtime and now we're paying the price as all 3 of them scream in their cribs to be picked up, held, coddled, loved and snuggled. But that's not how it works here. We have changed all 3 of their diapers. They need nothing....except sleep. And we know that the only way they'll get good sleep is if they're in their own cribs.

I'll end it there. It was actually a really good day. But I'm totally bummed right now. I'm pissed off that I didn't just put my foot down and say 'no' to dinner. I guess I was just sick of always being the bad guy to have to say 'no' and just this once I wanted it to work out. I could kick myself in the ass right now because of it. And here's the kicker...I think his dad was rushing through dinner because he knew we needed to leave. And we rushed through eating dinner because we needed to leave. So in the end...did any of us actually enjoy dinner? It was really always is. But next time I think we'll plan better for this. I'm going to take my video camera and let the world listen to our misery and what we deal with when we just let our guard down for one day. One day is all it takes. We should know this by now - but I guess the only way to know if they're ready for a schedule change is to play with it right?


1 comment:

  1. I feel ya, but not triplet style. I know how you want to do things, but it always comes back to haunt you,
