Monday, October 12, 2009

Day 16

Hailey was up last night from 11:00 - 1:30. No sleep...again.

Our feet hit the floor at 6:45! What!!! That's 45 minutes LATE! We didn't hear the alarm of course...we were tired. Pete didn't have to work today so that took some of the pressure off. I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs. Donna comes on Monday's and she's probably sitting on the porch! Not exactly - she was peering in the window next to the door. Oh Lord I'm gonna be so late. I helped bring the girls downstairs and that was it. No time to get them dressed. Their clothes were already out so someone else was able to do that. I had to jump in the shower and get ready for work. Then Pete jumped in the shower real quick.

I pretty much just kissed the girls goodbye since I didn't have time to play.

Got to work on time (what?). Worked. Went to school. Came home to sleeping babies.

Pete has a totally different version of today since he was the one home with the girls all day. He can edit to add info if he'd like. But...

Time for bed. Pete and I are both tired.

1 comment:

  1. I give you guys credit for starting a blog 365 days. Its gotta be hard to post every day. t will be worth it to look back when they are older. Hope the sleep fairy visits soon. Maybe it's their 2 year molors coming in early thats keeping them awake.
