Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 171

Of course the girls slept in this morning. It never fails - when we use them as our alarm clock - they sleep in. When we want them to sleep in on the weekends...they're up by 6:00! We made it to work on time though.

Pete and I worked. The girls played. Well they 'worked' too because Titi Rosemary was home and since she's a teacher - they had work to do! But she makes it fun for them so of course they don't even know that they're working on anything at all.

Then it was time to come home and have dinner. We played outside for a bit since it was warm again and we had some time.

We ate, girls went to bed (no crying at all tonight! Yay!).

I went to the grocery store and to get gas while Pete stayed behind and cleaned up after dinner. Now we're both just hanging out and doing stuff on the computer. Well he's actually watching TV (some crazy movie) while I work on the computer. But we're sitting next to each other if that counts for anything LOL

1 comment:

  1. Im on the computer sitting next to my husbabnd too:) I think it counts:)
