Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day 179

Another long day. The girls didn't go right to sleep last night and Hailey cried so hard she threw up all over the place. This happens more often than I'd like to admit. At the age of 2 - can you really make yourself throw up? Grrrr

It still hurts to breathe today - but I needed to go to work. So we got up and did the morning thing. Then the girls and I headed off to Pete's moms.

Pete and I worked -the girls had fun. Well most of the day. Hannah took a pretty hard hit to the head today while playing outside. She was running for her mittens and fell. You can check their blog for a pic.

I picked up the girls...they were taking turns going down the slide outside when I got there. Since they didn't nap today - they were fast asleep in the car before we even hit the highway. Except Emily. She talked to me the whole way home. She pointed out the big trucks, told me a million times that I was 'Emmie's mommy and even yelled at me when I stopped at a red light. She said 'GO!' lol

We got home, had dinner, played for a bit and then it was time to put the girls to bed. We always brush their teeth 1st. So we're in the bathroom brushing teeth when Hannah hesitates to give me her toothbrush. She says 'Books. Not night night. Books.' So I say 'Yes. We'll read 1st then we'll go night night.' She repeats herself 'Yeah - books. No night night.' They are so in tune with their schedule. If someone is here at night when we go upstairs and they say 'good night' to the girls...they get so upset. They start yelling 'No! Teeth!' Because they know they need to brush their teeth 1st.

After the girls went to sleep (not without a hassle) Pete and I headed for the grocery store. An hour and 1/2 later - we were back home putting all the groceries away. Now it's time for computer stuff and then I'm off to bed. I feel better than yesterday but still don't feel well. It hurts to breathe!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there - stay firm with the bed time routine. It will get even harder as it's light out longer and longer. Christopher is in the same phase right now, as soon as he see pjs he knows. We say our good nights and take our deep breaths and he gives in, nigh night Christopher.
