Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 164

I'm still not 100% but hopefully will be back to my usual self soon. Thank God for Pete taking over and doing things that I usually do - and without complaint. I think I owe him a huge vacation when I'm better. I still haven't had time to process all that has happened. But what the official diagnosis is: Left Vertebral Artery Dissection.

It's not something that happens to young, healthy people so thankfully there was a doctor on call in the ED that knew his sh*t. Once he heard my symptoms he had a feeling it was a dissection - and he kept me there for more testing to confirm his diagnosis.

Not only am I recovering from an angiogram where they caused a huge hematoma in my leg - I have a cold that I caught from some germ-sharing old person in the hospital. Ok - it might not have been an old person but I bet it was....there were way more old people than young people there so the odds are against them.

So once all of this 'crap' clears the air I'll be back to blogging and hopefully back to my old self again. Minus the daily injections in my stomach that I'm so thankful Pete and Lucy are able to give me because I can't do it myself!

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