Sunday, November 29, 2009

Day 64

The girls slept from 5:30 last night until 7:00 this morning. Yippie! We dragged our feet for the morning. Got up, had a lazy breakfast and just hung out and played with toys all morning. Uncle Pete (one of my other brothers) came to visit us today so he was here hanging out and playing toys too.

I went shopping last night after the girls went to bed - and I shopped until 10:00! I ended up buying the girls a fishing game where you hold a fishing pole and try to catch fish when they open their mouth (ummm...duh right? Lol). I thought it might help with their hand/eye coordination. Hailey has it down pat but Emily and Hannah need to work on it some more. The 3 of them (and us) love the game though so it's a big hit. We spent a lot of time playing that today.

When the girls went down for their naps Pete went to a few stores to get a few things he needed to some 'Mr. Fix it' stuff in the house. My brother was here most of the morning and into the afternoon until he had to go to work so we just hung out and chatted.

The girls woke up and we FINALLY got out of our pj's and put some real clothes on. Then we decided to go to the mall and visit Uncle Joey at work. We walked the girls in (less attraction without the wagon) but we ended up carrying them most of the time. I'll bring the wagon from now on - they're heavy! Lol! My arms were soooo tired by the end of the mall trip that we skipped our planned stop at Babies R Us and headed right to the grocery store.

We shopped. And shopped. And shopped. How on earth do people feed families with more than 3 children?!?! Ugh! The girls did really great at the store. No complaining (thank-you-very-much Fruit Loops). My new found love in life is Fruit Loops. They are colorful and yummy! And most of all - the girls love them! Yup...full of sugar I know. But we limit their sugar intake already so what we do give them is just fine.

Then it was home to unload groceries and play some more. Oh - Pete bought a new storage bin for the girls toys so I spent some time rearranging their toys in the living room. I can't seem to part with any of them right now - so basically we just added one more big thing in the living room instead of downsizing and giving ourselves more space. Oh well. I'll work on that.

We had dinner, changed into pj's, brushed teeth, read books and in the cribs they went. Pete and I cleaned up a bit - he did some Mr. Fix it things and now we're both on the couch lounging. I need to make some peanut butter fudge for him to bring to an office party tomorrow. I should be working out. My energy level isn't up to par though. I'm sleeeeeeeeeeepy after this weekend. I still have laundry to do and packing up the girls clothes for a few days because I have school tomorrow night.

Only 3 more nights of class till the semester is over! I took 2 classes next semester too but one of them is online. But the other class is twice a week for 2 hours. I like having to go only once a week but I'm at the point where I have to take what's offered because the classes I need are for my major so there's not as many classes offered. We'll manage though - we always do.

Tidbit: I bring snacks and juice to the grocery store so the girls have something to munch on while we're shopping. I get hungry looking at all that food - so I can imagine they do too.

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