Thursday, November 12, 2009

Day 47

OMG - rewind, replay and repeat the past 2 days but now insert "Emily" for the child of the conversation. Are you kidding me? For real?!?! This is unreal. Unfreakin'believable!!!

Emily whined and whined until 4:00 this morning - at which point I got up (again...Pete and I had been getting up all night to this point to make sure they were all ok) and got her up out of her crib. Then Hannah woke up so I picked her up so that Hailey didn't wake up. I was a walking zombie by this point. 4:00am and I hadn't slept yet. So I have the two in my arms and before I could make up my mind what I was going to do with them - Emily started throwing up all over me. I run to the bathroom and call for Pete. He takes Emily and holds her over the sink. I take Hannah to our bedroom so I can change. Then we switched. Emily was done throwing up and I took her downstairs to sleep on the couch with me while Pete kept Hannah in bed with him.

Emily slept on top of me on the couch from 4 - 7. Pete had to go to work today - so I stayed home. I got the girls ready and brought Hannah & Hailey to Pete's moms house so that I didn't have to take all 3 to the doctor. Got home with Emily after dropping the other 2 off and she threw up all over me again. And herself. Poor kid. Little Brother had just walked upstairs so he took Emily after I stripped her down and then I went upstairs to change - again.

She slept on the couch some more while I sat next to her. Doctors office called back - appt at 1:00. I know she has an ear infection but I need to bring her just to be sure. Yup - ear infection. Get an Rx. I go to the SAME pharmacy that I got Hailey's Rx (we didn't fill Hannah's as we can just use the bottle of antibiotic that we have for the two of them). But now that 3 of them are taking it...I need another bottle. So I ask the pharmacist to double check the dose/directions of Hailey's with Emily's to make sure it's the same thing because I plan on giving all 3 of them the medicine from the same bottle. Yup - she assures me it's the SAME EXACT Rx. Great. We go to D&D to wait for them to mix the meds. I get a bagel - she gets a donut. I eat my bagel - she doesn't eat her donut.

I get the Rx and in my haste to pick up the other 2 and get all 3 of them home - I don't check the bottle. You would think I should know better. But I give Emily dose #1 in the car wanting to get it into her as soon as possible. Pick up the other 2, get home and get them all inside. Finally go to put Emily's Rx in the fridge when I realize the bottle is different from Hailey's. Why? That doesn't make sense. I asked the pharmacist to check the dose - she said they were the same. I went to the same both bottle should look exactly alike right? Exactly. But they filled the wrong dose of meds for Emily. Are you fkn kidding me?!?!

I call the pharmacy and get 'oh yeah - ooops. Sorry. Come on down - I'll have another one ready for you when you get here'. Yeah - I live 1/2 hour away from this pharmacy. It was on the way home and it's not like I'm packing up 3 sick kids to come there and get it. But it has to be the same pharmacy so that I don't have to pay for it. WTF I'm pissed. So I say I'll be back later after the kids go to bed.

Pete gets home and we all (Little Brother and Kristin are here) eat dinner, then the usual nighttime routine. After the girls are in bed - Little Brother, Kristin and I leave while Pete stays behind. He cleaned up the mess today ;-) The rest of us went to Brianna's 1st basketball game! (It was good and Bri Bri started!!!).

Then we head to the pharmacy to pick up the Rx. Eh...let's just say that was less than fun because the tech didn't know what was going on. Whatever - I got the right Rx this time.

Now we're all home and I'm going to bed. I hope the girls sleep tonight because we all need it.

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