Saturday, November 7, 2009

Day 42

Our feet hit the floor at 6:30 (well mine did with the girls...we let Pete 'sleep' in a little bit today). We cancelled the gym so we weren't in any hurry to get going this morning. AND the girls slept from 5:30 last night until 6:30 this morning! Yippie!

The girls and I had milk and cheerios before playing with flash cards and working on using our words. When Pete woke up he made us breakfast and then we got the girls dressed. They were going to his parents house today so we could get some shopping done. We would normally bring them with us but with them not feeling 100% still we figured it was best to keep them out of the stores. (plus it's 'lock down' time for them until April. That means our 'outings' will be limited to not so public places). So Pete brought them to his parents house while I stayed behind to get some cleaning done before we went out.

He got back, we went shopping and then went and picked up the girls at 3:00. We went to Babies R Us real quick and bought POTTY SEATS!!!! Ugh...I'm not looking forward to potty training - but we have to start sometime. We only bought the seats that go on the toilet itself. We just want to introduce them to it so it's not completely foreign when it comes time to start using it.

We came home and played with play dough (I really think I like playing with it more than they do). Then Little Brother came home and cooked us all dinner before we headed into our nighttime routine of bath, pj's, brushing teeth, reading books and in the cribs. They've been sleeping since 6:00 and I'm hoping they sleep all night.

Pete went is out with some friends and Little Brother & Kristin went to a movie. I worked out, did some work on the computer, did some laundry and now I'm headed to bed.

It was a really good day again with the girls. I love the weekends.

Tidbit: We took a seat out of the minivan when we 1st got it. It's so much easier to put 2 of them in the 3rd row with all the extra space of not having one of the seats in the 2nd row. Plus - it gives me a place to change them when we are on the go.

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