Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Day 39

Our feet hit the floor at 5:30 - the girls woke up screaming and it wasn't pretty. Usually they wake up all smiles but not today. I think they all have colds now. Oh boy. We all came downstairs and did our best to try to get from cranky to at least tolerable which wasn't easy. Finally I asked who wanted a vitamin! One should never underestimate the power of gummy vitamins. These girls went from clingy/whinny to smiles and sitting on the floor so they can all have their gummy vitamin. Haha...I hope they laugh when they read this. I got you to take your vitamins girls! (with the help of some genius drug manufacturer for making a gummy bear vitamin).

I went and got ready while Pete changed the girls and fed them. Then he helped me get them all in the car so we could head to his parents house. I dropped them off and headed to work.

Worked. Been busy at work lately - which leaves less time for emailing Pete about stuff. But I have a job - a pretty good for that I'm thankful.

Left work and went to pick up the girls. They were really tired when I got them (in good moods though). On the way home Hannah fell asleep! They never fall asleep on the car ride home. I always give them peanut butter crackers or a fruit bar to snack on during the drive. She gobbled up her bar and was knocked out. I had to turn the car light on and talk to her the rest of the way home so she'd stay awake. Lol...I must have looked like a food playing 'so big!' in the front seat of the van sitting in traffic! Haha. Oh well - what we do for our kids right?

Got home and Pete had dinner ready. We all ate, hung out for a little bit while getting in pj's then upstairs to brush teeth, read books and hit the cribs. They went down without a peep tonight. Hopefully they get a good nights sleep so they can kick these colds they're fighting.

Now it's almost GAME TIME! Game 6 of the World Series...GO YANKEES!!!!

I've just decided to add a 'tidbit' of information about the girls at the end of each post. There's a lot of 'little' things that we do/see/say/have or so on that I'd like to document for the girls but really don't 'fit' in anywhere specifically. So I'll just add something everyday and when they read this (how cool is that going to be for them?!?!) they'll be able to see the tidbits!

Tidbit: We buy Puffs Plus for the girls noses so they don't mind getting their noses wiped. Plus it keeps their noses from getting red and sore. BUT I cut the tissues in 1/2 and keep them in a wipes container. They don't need a whole tissue for their tiny noses. I used to cut them in 1/3 but now they're a bit bigger...1/2 does the trick!

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