Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Day 46

Rewind. Replay. Repeat yesterday. Insert "Hannah" for "Hailey" and you'll have 'today'. Ear infections AREN'T contagious. But they both have one? Can I see for myself? (well no - I didn't really ask because Pete was the one that brought her to the doctor today while I stayed home with the other two). But I might just have asked if I were there.

Thankfully Pete asked the doctor 'huh?' because what are the chances that 2 of them get ear infections when they've NEVER had one before. Their doctor seems to think that because they've been so congested for the past few weeks that their ear canals are not draining as well and with some mucus build up - it caused an ear infection. There you have it. If they would just let me give them some decongestant like I wanted!!!!!!!! But no no - not until they're older. Blah. I'll abide by the rules - but I don't have to like them. When I'm sick - I head right to the medicine cabinet for something to help. When they're sick - they're expected to suck it up and just deal. Not fair.

Pete and I did take a nap with the girls today because the past 2 nights have just been miserable. We ALL slept 2.5 hours.

And we played with playdough, listened to music, played with baby dolls, went to the store and bought everything to make a pizza, made a pizza, ate the pizza and then took baths, pj's, brush teeth, read books and in the cribs. Sleep my babies! Sleep.

Tidbit: We have a notebook for each of the girls that has all info from every doctors appt they go to. This way we know how much they weighed at their last visit, when their last visit was and so on. Any time one of them goes - their notebook goes with them. We've had them since they came home from the hospital. The 1st few pages are every feeding, diaper change, spit name it and it's there. But eventually we didn't need to write all of that down so now it's just for appts. It's been helpful more than once.

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