Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Day 60

Our feet hit the floor at 6:00. The girls were going to Pete's parents house today so Pete got them dressed and fed while I got myself ready. Then the 4 of us headed out and left Pete behind to a nice quiet house where he was able to get ready in some peace!

I dropped the girls off and headed to work.


Pete got out at 3:00 today so he was able to come home and get a jump start on everything that we needed to do in order to be ready for our trip tomorrow. I'm still frustrated over this whole pack-n-play vs crib situation. We're still going...and we're going to do our best to have the girls sleep in the pack n plays but I don't have high hopes that they are going to sleep well.

I got out of work and went to pick up the girls. Emily was kind of whiny when I got there. Pete's dad was home and Titi Rosemary only worked 1/2 day so the girls had plenty of people to play with today. I think Emily was just in need of some 'Emmie' time. She tends to get overstimulated very easily and when she's overwhelmed her behavior shows it. She whines, pushes, bites, gets into things she normally wouldn't get into and so on. Sometimes all she needs is 5 or 10 minutes all to herself. I think that's where she was tonight when I got there. I just held her for a few minutes and let her chill out for a bit. I also think she was very tired because she went right down to bed tonight and didn't even want to eat dinner.

Anyhow - we tried to feed the girls dinner. Pete made home made pizza - yummy! Hannah & Hailey ate but Emily just wanted to go to bed. So we finished up dinner, took baths, got in pj's, read books and off to sleep.

Then it was time to pack. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. We kept it to a minimum. We're only gone for 3 days and 2 nights. So hopefully we have what we need and don't forget anything important!

Not sure if we'll be able to post until we get back but we'll try. ;-)


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