Sunday, November 8, 2009

Day 43

Our feet didn't hit the floor until 7:00 this morning! Wow! The girls slept another 13 hours last night. Hannah woke up at some point and I guess she was really crying but Pete ended up getting up with her for a few minutes before putting her back to bed. She's actually been having night terrors lately. We know because we can hear her on the monitor before we go bed. She cries/whines and says 'no no no' in her sleep.

Pete didn't get home until late (early?) lol - so we all came downstairs quietly to let him sleep but...he forgot to buy milk on his way home! Oh no! We've never run out of milk before! So he got up and came downstairs and it turns out we had just enough milk for the 3 of them so he didn't have to go right out.

By 8:00 we had all decided to go to Denny's for breakfast. We LOVE eating breakfast out on the weekends. Sure - it costs $ but it also teaches the girls how to act appropriately in public and they get full doing it! Little Brother came with us (not Kristin...she had to work - but we missed her). After breakfast we came home so the girls could nap.

While the girls were 'napping' Pete and I put more stuff in storage and went to the grocery store. But before we even checked out Little Brother had texted me and said that all the girls were up. I guess sleeping 13 hours at night means they don't need 3 hour naps during the day.

Pete and I came home, unloaded groceries and then we all got back in the car to head over to my friend Lucy's house. She had a play kitchen set up when we got there and the girls went crazy for it. They love to play with anything kitchen related (even the garbage!). So this was a big hit for the girls. And it was so nice that we spent a lot of time outside as well. We stayed for a few hours before heading home. We made a pitstop at Sam's club for diapers (and a few other things before we got to the checkout). Once home we had dinner, pj's, brushed teeth, read books and in the cribs by 5:30 (their lack of a long nap was showing).

Then Lucy and Bryon came back over with Alex and Brianna to have some coffee and hang out some more. Once they left I worked out (and did some laundry at the same time), Pete worked on the computer and Little Brother left to bring Kristin back to school.

Now it's time to shower (we haven't done that yet today haha!). And then we'll probably go to bed ourselves. Pete had a late night and I could use some extra sleep.

Tidbit: We put the girls in their cribs from day one home from the hospital. And Pete and I slept in their room (we moved our bed into their room) for the 1st 3 months. That way they didn't have to transition to a new room when the time came for them to sleep 'alone'. By putting them in their cribs and keeping them in their room - we never had to fight with them at bedtime/naptime. It's always been easy to put them in their cribs and walk away. They don't know anything different other than that their cribs in their room are for sleeping so once they're in them - that's what they do. And we are OH SO THANKFUL for this now.

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