Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sunday Sunday Sunday

Pete had to do some work on his car.  So as not to be in his way - the girls and I spent the day away from home - and left Pete to do his thang.  It was hard to get motivated this morning but we managed to get dressed and out the door by 10.  We headed over to my friend Lucy's house and started the morning there by making banana pancakes.  Alex and Brianna were there so the girls had fun playing with them while Lucy & I had COFFEE!  We left there and headed to Toys R better place to make a Christmas Wish list! 

I really have been meaning to get the kids there so I could see if they were ready for some of the things I had picked out for them.  We can take tricycles, helmets and big wheels off the list.  We can add My Little Pony interactive noisy toy things though!  LOL  They were drawn to the My Little Pony section and mostly to the things they were able to play with that talked, whistled or made some loud obnoxious noise.  They also love coloring - so the Crayola section was stimulation overload for them.  It's hard to choose the things I think we will get the most use out of - especially knowing how expensive these things are when you have to buy them new.  I'm a BIG fan of used toys.  I was also recently reminded of how on their 1st Christmas I wrapped empty boxes just so it looked like we had tons of stuff when really we didn't.  Hahahahaha (I'm STILL laughing at this!). 

Christmas is really weighing on my mind.  Last year I think I did a post about how I just can't keep telling people 'no' and accept what people give to the kids.  Just say 'thank you' and move on.  Because I am EXTREMELY thankful for anything we receive.  But there has to be boundaries.  And I'm convinced already that xmas and bday's in this house are going to be pure gluttony.  I don't want it to be that way.  The girls are SPOILED ROTTEN by everyone they know.  They come from a big family and we have a lot of close friends.  We have had 3 BIG bday parties for them EACH year (and probably will each and every year going forward).  We have a minimum of 3 Christmas parties to attend every year as well.  I don't want these 2 holiday's to become all about presents and getting things.  I have to start thinking now about how we're going to prevent this from happening. 

The girls did great today being out all day and not having the chance to take naps.  They didn't have one melt down - not a single one.  And they also went to bed and right to sleep at 6:00 tonight.  Extra bonus for us!!!!

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