Saturday, October 2, 2010


So today I was thinking "I wonder how long I've been doing the 365 blog?"  Because my plan was to blog everyday for one year straight.  And I did it (sort of).  I missed a few days back in March when I was in the hospital.  And there were a couple of days when Blogger was down.  But - I started the 365 on Sept 27, 2009!  That means it's been over a year!!! 

But - I'll continue to blog.  I think it'll be nice for the girls to read when they're older (or until they ask me to stop blogging about them...). 

Today the girls woke up on the WRONG SIDE OF THE BED to say the least.  They were up at 6 and from that point on it was just pure whining and crying and tantrums.  I had plans to hang out with my friend Lucy and her 2 kids today.  At 9 we started getting ready.  I brought the girls upstairs to watch their video on the computer while I showered.  Then after I showered and dressed - I got them dressed.  But throughout all of this they were still being so wicked cranky.  In the back of my mind I was saying 'they should really take an early nap and we shouldn't be going anywhere' but I really wanted to get out of the house.  So I convinced myself that once we were out of the house they would be fine. 

Usually it doesn't take me long to get us all ready but it took me 2 freakin' hours today.  By the time we were ready to walk out the door I was spent.  They were each on my last nerve.  I got them to the car, buckled them in and yet they were still crying.  I lost my flipping mind.  I unbuckled them, brought them kicking and screaming right back into the house, upstairs and put their little butts in bed.  Hailey was screaming at me that she wanted her blanket which was in the car.  By the time I went to the car and came back in - they were ALL sleeping.  And they slept for a solid 2.5 hours.  And so did I.  I knew better.  I should have gone with my instinct that they were too tired to try and get them to do anything or go anywhere.  They're only 2 - they can't tell me that they're tired...they rely on me to read their behavior.  But it was ME that wanted to go.  And I was just as tired as they were to tell the truth. 

When they woke up - we were all in much better moods.  We got up, got changed and left right away.  We met Lucy and her kids at Friendly's for lunch and then the girls went to spend some time with Titi.  I took full advantage of being trio free and hit the store for diapers, pull ups and wipes. 

After picking up the girls and coming home, LB helped me feed them, give them a bath and get them to bed.  They're now sleeping soundly :)

Pete is coming home from his camping trip tomorrow.  Yay!!!

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