Thursday, October 14, 2010

Go with the flow

One thing I've learned since having kids is that if you get worked up over change - you're gonna lose your mind.  You MUST go with the flow and make things as easy as possible in every situation. 

I had a post op appt this morning at 8:00.  My mother in law came here to watch the girls and I was up, showered and out of the house by 7:30.  (It felt great too).  After my appt (thing went well) I headed to Target because the girls needed leotards and tights for their very 1st dance class today.  Then it was back home to the girls to make sure these things fit right and we were ready for dance. 

I bought 5 leotards.  I knew one would fit Emily.  I bought 2 sizes each for Hannah & Hailey.  I will return the 2 that don't fit...but needed to make sure they had something for today.  My own fault for waiting until the last minute but so goes life sometimes.  The wedding, then surgery - dance took last place. 

They tried them on - loved them and didn't want to take them off.  Great!  We're off to a good start because tights aren't something they wear everyday so this could have gone the opposite direction.  I've got a good feeling this is all going to be perfect.  They went right down for naps today with the promise that as soon as they woke up - we'd get in the car and head to dance class.  And that's what we did...but we detoured to get my friend's daughter 1st.  I wasn't sure how much help I would need having the 3 of them in the class so I opted to get my friends daughter and have her help me out.  The girls can get pretty cranky (aka: pissy) about someone being in the car with them so all the way there I kept saying 'We're going to get Alex and then we're going to dance!'  They got excited - I got excited...yay! 

I get there....and no one was home!  Her grandfather took her to HER house and was waiting for me there.  I was waiting at her grandfathers house!  Mixed signals turned into lost time and we ended up missing the dance class.  I DID consider just leaving and going to the class without Alex.  But the girls were so excited that as soon as I started pulling out of the parking lot they flipped out.  "Noooo!  You forgot Alex!!!!!!!!!"  So I called and said we wouldn't make it to dance, waited for Alex, came back home with all 4 of them, Pete ordered pizza...and we enjoyed the evening at home hanging out.  The girls didn't really care they missed dance.  They were just as happy to stay in the dance outfits and hang out at home with Alex.  So no worse for the wear (I have no idea what that phrase even means).  We'll try again next week to make it on time :) 

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