Thursday, October 28, 2010

Story time & Dance

I brought the girls to story time today for the 1st time.  It was great because there were actually other kids there (even a set of identical twin girls a little younger than the trio).  The woman was dressed up like Cat in the Hat!  She read them a book, then they had some craft, then they were handed a musical instrument to march around the store with (we were at Barnes & Noble) and the parade ended at the cafe where there was someone waiting to hand them a cookie! 

After story time - we came home and the girls took a 2 & 1/2 hour nap.  That left NO time to get ready before leaving for dance.  So they literally woke up, got changed and we were out the door.  Went to dance where they participated for a little bit towards the end of the class.  Of course they were willing to show off their skills of being able to do somersaults. 

Then it was off to McD's for food and fun with Grumps.  The girls just love that germ infested play scape.  They also love hanging out with Grumps :)


  1. Got so nervous, I FORGOT to get their autographs!!!

  2. AT least they don't have ball pits anymore!
