Wednesday, October 6, 2010

And the wait goes on and on and on and........

With no 'job' to report to - waking up and getting ready in the morning is a slow process now.  This morning was no different.  Pete and I wake up around 6:30 - 6:45.  We get the girls, head downstairs and I've taken over the morning routine of making their milk and getting them dressed.  The getting dressed part isn't high on the morning priority list lol.  Also - since we opt to sleep in a bit...I have to shower after Pete leaves - which means I can wait until the girls take a nap and then shower.  Or I can (and do) have them watch a video on the computer in the bathroom while I shower.  Then I move the computer to our bed & let them finish watching their video while I get dressed. 

Today - Hailey REALLY wanted to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse BABY GOOFY!  (Insert cute toddler voice saying BABY GOOFY PLEASE!).  I just wanted to have my cup of coffee.  She was so cute and persistent that I said fine and we all went upstairs where I showered and dressed while they watch their show.  I thanked Hailey for this later because...

I had been talking to a friend that works in the ortho dept where I need to have my ganglion cyst removed.  I was trying to get my surgery scheduled for this month (the pain sucks!) and she was trying to make this happen.  At 10:30 I got a phone call asking if I could be in Avon by 12:00 (it was a 40 min drive).  The girls were still in their pj's but luckily - I was showered and dressed :) 

I said yup - made the appt, hung up the phone and yelled down the basement stairs to LB that I need help!  He got the girls dressed while I got their stuff ready to go.  We were out the door in less than 15 minutes.  We got to the doctors office at 11:30 and.............waited.....and waited......and waited....and left to go get the kids McD's for lunch.......and waited and waited......until 1:30. 

It was a long wait.  But I have to say - the girls were EXCELLENT.  They weren't whiny or cranky AT ALL.  That's a long time for them to be couped up inside and not go stir crazy.  I won't lie though - I was hoping to be rescued.  This was one of those times when I would have gladly taken someone up on a 'I can come and get them' offer. 

But we made it through the appt - and made it home...without naps!  By 5:30 they were fed, bathed and sleeping for the night.............................

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