Saturday, March 26, 2011


Well yesterday after the girls woke up from their 2.5 hour nap - I knew we had to do something or else they'd be up all night.  So we scooped out some bird seed into 3 separate containers and headed to the school yard.  We fed the birds and then played on the playground for a while before walking back home.  The girls were so excited to feed the birds...they kept saying 'C'mon birdies!  Here's your food!'   Well on the way back...we saw a bird pick a worm out of the ground and eat it!  So funny!  The girls were like "No!  Your supper is over there!"

Then today - we went and hung out with Lucy, Alex and BriBri.  We found our way to T-Bowl and had SO MUCH FUN!  The girls loved it!  I would have never thought to bring them bowling.  But Lucy suggested we go as something different to do (usually it's off to the mall).  They didn't have bowling shoes that fit the girls so they ended up wearing their own shoes but that's ok.  Better for me :)  With bumpers up and brief tutorial...they were good to go! 

After spending most of the day with Lucy and her girls, we headed home for dinner and bed.  The girls were quick to fall asleep after a long day filled with fun. 

This is a really fun age to be around the girls.  They love trying new things and it's the simple things that keep them entertained.  You should see their face when we see a water fountain.  It's great!  They love to push the button and have me hold them to drink some water.  I wish I could get that excited over something so small! 

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