Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Good girls

My girls are very well behaved (when we're out in public...).  When we're home that's a different story all together lol.

Today we went to story time at Barnes & Noble.  Being behind as usual - I grabbed the girls each a peanut butter granola bar on my out the door.  We get to B&N, park in the street, puddle hop our way over to the book store and make story time with 20 seconds to spare!  The place was pretty crowded (probably about 15 kids today).  So I sit the girls down, open their bars and they sit quietly eating.  I noticed the 'look'.  OMG what did I do now?  (We don't usually visit this particular B&N for story time so this was our 1st appearance here).  So I'm thinking - and my mind is going a mile a minute.  'The girls are quiet. We didn't push anyone out of the way.  WTH is it?!?!'  Then it dawns on me.........holy shit I gave them something with peanut butter.  There are other kids around...what the hell was I thinking?!?!  Now I know why I'm getting the 'look'.  Ok so I make a mental note not to do this again.  And I also decide that we'll skip the craft after story time and get a head start on the rest of our plans for the day. 

With that said - when it came to craft time (the girls are used to stories then crafts...) I said to them "We have to skip crafts today.  But we'll do it next time."  They all got up and said "Ok Mommy."  And we left.  (Yeah...I'm sharing a bragging moment).  Off we went to visit Kim at work - who had some yummy cupcakes for the girls to eat.  Then it was off to the mall (we spend a lot of time at the mall because we live only a 5 minute drive from it!!!). 

Hailey's Boo Boo Bear needed some repairs as did my cell phone.  I had a feeling it was going to take FOREVER in AT&T so I prepared all of us.  I told the girls our plan was to go get Hailey's bear fixed, get some Swedish fish from the candy store and then go to the cell phone store.  We got the bear fixed.  We got the candy (each got their own bag to 'fill' and carry around).  Then I said "Ok - you CAN'T eat your candy till we get to the cell phone store."  I did this so that I would have some much needed SILENCE when talking to the employee at the store.  We walked from one end of the mall to the other - and they didn't touch their candy.  I even stopped for a coffee!  All they kept saying was 'Not yet right Mommy?'  And I kept saying 'Almost!!!!  We're almost there!!!!'   We get there, I say go ahead and eat your candy, sign my name on the list to be helped and go about my business of paying my bill with their kiosk.  Well I didn't hear them call my name (trust kids were chomping on candy so it wasn't them being too loud!).  So I try to sign my name on the list again but the machine isn't working (figures!  This is why I'm here in the 1st place!).  So in my frustration I say 'This thing works about as well my damn phone.'  More to myself than anything.  But to my surprise I got some help :)  Well...not much help.  I was told they couldn't swap out my phone and that I needed to go to the Apple store. 

There is an Apple store in the mall.  I didn't debate going there.  The girls were already being so well behaved that I couldn't make them sit through one more boring store.  So we leave AT&T and my plan WASN'T to leave the mall.  We hadn't visited Mickey Mouse at the Disney store yet.  BUT when leaving AT&T I see a young man with a black hooded sweatshirt, hood up covering his head and he was carrying a black back pack that was full.  This would have NEVER concerned me in the past.  I probably wouldn't have paid any attention to the kid.  But we left the mall :(  It's a sad world we live in some days.  I was thinking in my head "Why on earth am I leaving?"  But at the same time I was saying "Because it's better to be safe than sorry." 

This post rambles.  But I have to say that my girls are good girls and I'm thankful for that.  I'm pretty hard on them but days like today make me realize that we do what works best for us. 

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