Thursday, March 10, 2011

Story Time

I took the girls to Barnes & Noble for story time today.  They really enjoy it and they sit quietly for the whole book that's being read to them.  After the story they do a craft of some sort (today it was coloring a skunk) and then we usually go to the cafe for a snack.  Usually I bring one with us (today they ate their snack on the way lol).  But they had pizza pretzels!  It was a big, fat, soft pretzel filled with pizza on the inside.  The girls shared one and they loved it!  What a great idea...though I'm not sure I could recreate it at home. 

Back at home and they're napping again.  And again they went to bed on their own.  They napped yesterday and still went to bed without any problems last night.  They also slept the whole night so I guess maybe they're not really ready to ditch the day time snooze?  I don't know.....

Today at Barnes & Noble a woman said something pretty rude and obnoxious to me.  I'm use to this really.  But there are some days when I just don't have the patience to hold my tongue.  Today was one of them.  It started with her pointing to Hannah & Hailey and she said "These 2 are obviously twins but what is she?" as she pointed to Emily.  I simply said "They're triplets."  Because at this point I already don't like her tone so it's not worth my time speaking to her.  Now I'm back to giving them their pretzel and trying to be happy and this woman says to me "Oh you must have done that drug thing.  Well I hope you're happy cuz you got what you asked for!"  Now - if you don't have multiples then you're jaw is probably on the floor.  But if you have triplets or more...then you are shaking your head saying 'yup...been there done that' because this isn't new to those of us who have to explain our offspring on a daily basis. 

I shot my head up and replied "Yes - I asked God for a child to kiss and hug and He gave me THREE.  I asked for a perfect little angel and He gave me THREE.  I asked for a child to call me Mommy and He gave me THREE.  I see you don't have any and it's probably best that way.  Have a nice day."  

I don't get why people can't just accept that A: it's none of your fucking business how I conceived.  B: it's certainly none of your fucking business if I have my hands full and C:  if you don't have something nice to say then don't say a fucking thing at all.  I'm still pretty irritated.  I shouldn't let people get to me like this but it's so hard not to.  Some days I'm worn pretty thin as it is.  Things like this are what can put me over the edge.  I'm simply trying to have a good time with MY kids.  I'm not bothering anyone.  I didn't ask anyone where they got their leather bag or shoes.  Imagine "Hey - what animal did that come from?"  or "Hey - did you know that those shoes were made in a sweat shop by some 8 year old?" 

Shit just leave me the fuck alone when I'm out with my kids.  Or tell me they're cute or that you like their hair.  Tell me how awesome it is to have 3 at the same time.  Tell me I'm a saint for taking them out in public and having to deal with assholes every turn we make.  Tell me they're well behaved...better yet - tell THEM they're well behaved.  Tell THEM how cute they are and how lucky they are to have friends for life.  But leave it that PLEASE. 


  1. oh I would have slapped her! You are a saint for having come up with a great response and not hitting her!

  2. what a sad heart that poor ignorant woman has - your response was fabulous and I agree - God did give your three beautiful little girls to call you Mommy and Pete, Daddy - how lucky we all are to be able to love these prescious girls. XXOO Tant-Tant
