Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Temper and Will Power

These are two things that Hannah has.  Tonight at bedtime she was SCREAMING...and it went on for 25 straight minutes - not even a single minute went by where she let up the screaming or the effort!  I finally went up there and gave her the 'IF I HEAR ONE MORE SOUND YOU'RE SLEEPING IN THE HALLWAY!'  Ugh I'm so done with the screaming and whining.....................


  1. Have you ever tried screaming and crying in return? I did that once when Jen and Kate were little and it shocked them into silence! What is Mommy doing? Stopped them long enough so they forgot why they were crying in the first place - pretty funny actually.......lol

  2. Tant tant I HAVE done this! LOL - they totally freak out and start yelling at me "NO MOMMY! YOU NO CRY! IT'S MY TURN TO CRY!!!"
