Sunday, January 2, 2011


Happy New Year! 


I have never in my life despised a period of time before.  That is until last year.  So much happened and the bad certainly outweighed the good. 

Starting off the new year - I had a double ear infection.  Today - Hannah & Hailey both have fevers and aren't feeling well.  But we can handle it!  Colds are certainly nothing new to us. 

Resolutions for 2011?  I guess the usual - work out more, eat less, eat healthy and so on. Pete and I need to work on finding more time for us as a couple.  I am determined to get the girls out to more play dates so they can have friends.  Though if they keep dripping snot from their noses that might not be so easy. 

There's a possibility of a move in our very near future as well.  If all goes well - we'll be in a H O U S E by the girls 3rd birthday.  Speaking of which - I need to get to planning!  They are going to be 3 in less than 2 months!!!!!!! 


  1. We can help on many of your new resolutions.
    1) Happy to babysit - even willing to take em overnight - or come stay overnight.
    2) We love play dates!
    3) Will help you move. MOVE CLOSER!
    a) closer = even more helping with numbers 1 & 2
    4) Willing to help plan the party!

  2. Oh yeah - not afraid of snot or the runs! Goes with the territory. Not particularly found of vomit though. Gotta draw the line somewhere. :-)
