Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow Pink Eye Croup Ear infections

We have all of the above! 

Yesterday Pete went to work while I got myself ready for a long day.  I knew I had to call the doctor to make an appt (I don't know why I didn't call the day before but whatever).  The doc opens at 9:15.  I fed the kids breakfast, gave them a bath and got them ready.  Called the doc at 9:30 and they only had a 2:00 appt.  That means they had to take a nap early and we would have to leave here at 1:15. 

They went to sleep at 11 without much of a problem.  I got everything ready to go while they were sleeping and right before I woke them up I started the car.  I put their snack and juice in the car and prepared for meltdown city.  The girls don't like to be woken up.....I couldn't expect to wake up them up and hear angels singing.  Or could I.....

I woke them up with my nicest mommy happy voice and explained how we had to go.  I said that their snacks and juice were in the car waiting for them and we just had to put on shoes and coats.  Somehow they fell for this happy fairy dust I sprinkled on them and it worked! 

The 'new snack' I gave them was a protein bar.  They didn't have lunch and this is what I came up with for nutrition for the day.  My cousin Jen has a son that loves protein bars - and what a good way to get some grub-on-the-go!  (Better than fries and nuggets).  Well Emily LOVED it.  Hannah ate all the chocolate off the outside of the bar.  Hailey took one bite and said "No thank you Mom.  I don't like this candy bar." 

At the doctors office with all 3 and there is NO FREAKIN' PARKING!  I don't care about taking my kids out...I'll take them anywhere at anytime.  But parking lots SUCK.  People are impatient, never paying attention to what's in front of them (they're always looking for a parking space) and because of this it makes it extra dangerous for us.  Add to this the fact that Emily is so easily distracted.  She loves to look at everything around her besides what is in front of her.  So here we go - human chain walking thru the parking lot with me chanting "Emily!  Pay attention!  Cars!  Emily!  Cars!  Emily!  Look in front of you Emily!  Cars!"  I must look like a nut.  But when it comes to safety - who cares. 

We get into the doctors office and get our confirmed medical diagnosis of pink eye, croup, ear infections and head out with prescriptions, samples and pop pops.  Back to the song and dance in the parking lot to the car.  Then off to the pharmacy to drop off the Rx. 

We decided a trip to Friendly's was next.  Hannah & Hailey didn't eat lunch and I was pretty hungry myself.  Once we were there and seated - there was another little girl that was about the same age as our girls.  She wasn't having a great day.  And her father didn't seem to be having such a good day either.  She kept throwing fits, he kept spanking her and threatening things that just weren't humanly possible.  My girls were staring like they were watching a movie.  Finally Emily said "That Baby needs a time out!!!!"  It was loud.  Really loud.  I don't make judgements because I don't know anyones situation.  And Lord knows I have had my moments of meltdowns in public and I can't stand when people make assumptions. 

But that doesn't mean we can't learn from it!  So I quickly diverted the girls attention by saying 'Would you like if someone was staring at you while you were having a bad day?'  "No."  'Do you like it when people look at you when you cry?'  "No."  And just to make sure my trio didn't try the 'do not try this at home' technique I quietly whispered "She's not getting any ice cream today........"  Well don't you know I had 3 perfect little girls turn around, sit down, grab a crayon and in unison say "I am.  I'm a good girl right mommy?  I get ice cream.  I'm not crying." 

We enjoyed a late lunch/early dinner.  Hannah made us sit there until every ounce of her ice cream sundae was gone.  Then we headed home. 

I'd like to say that giving my kids medicine is a piece of cake.  I know it's not easy for most parents but for some reason my girls don't mind taking their medication.  A few times we've had some issues (the medication for the c-diff was horrible but we made it through that).  However; eye drops are a very different story. 

We had (and will have) to hold Hannah down to get these drops in her eye.  Twice a day.  5 days.  One eye.  Pink eye is contagious.  I'm not doing the math yet.................

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