Thursday, January 27, 2011


More snow today.  Potty training itself was eh.  Hannah did GREAT - she peed and pooped on the potty all day long!  She was dry after nap and she stayed dry the whole time we were outside playing.  Super special pop pop for her.

Pete got called this morning and told that he didn't have to go in to work until noon (thanks Gov!).  So I took the opportunity to let Pete take care of the girls while I went and shoveled off the cars.  I took my sweet time too. 

After the girls woke up from their nap we got dressed and headed outside.  We spent the better part of an hour (maybe more) out there and boy did we have fun!  Sledding rocks!!!!!!!!! 

I just figured out how to put videos from my phone to my youtube acct.  So there are 4 new videos up there...but the one MUST see is the girls sledding.  I can't wait to do it all over again tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. I like how you took you time would have done the same!!
