Monday, January 24, 2011

Love and Logic vs Potty Training Triplets

There's a parenting style that we (and a lot of other moms I know...especially triplet moms that I'm friends with on FB) try to use.  It's love and logic.  But let's face it - I'm not all about 100% being 'happy pants mommy' 24/7.  I definitely have a Mommy Dearest side.  Today was a day when both sides reared their heads.  The change happened in less than a minute. 

The morning went well.  Pete was off to work, I gave the girls a bath then my mom showed up.  She stayed long enough for breakfast and lunch.  When she left the girls went right down for naps and I was able to get a few things done in the house.  They woke up after 2.5 hours in great moods.  All day the girls had been in big girl panties.  And they had been doing ok so far.  Hannah pooped once in her panties and the other 2 peed once.  That's not too bad (afterall - that's only 1 accident each). 

After nap I was putting them back in big girl panties (diapers were on for nap time).  Hailey told me "Wait...I'm not done pooping so I can't change yet."  So I try the happy pants mommy "Let's go on the potty and finish!"  It was a no go.  She insisted on pooping in her diaper and that was that.  She did say "Maybe I'll try to go on the potty tomorrow Mommy."  Ok - I can deal with that. 

We all baked some peanut butter cookies (which came out awesome!) and after that we were in the living room playing with the train table.  Hailey works her way over the play kitchen and it didn't take me long to realize why she was there.  I said "Potty time!  Come on...let's all sit on the potty and try to go."  Ohhhh if I didn't hear Hailey AND Emily both say "I did poopy in my big girl panties!" 

Welcome Mommy Dearest! 

I had it.  I'm not cut out for this potty training shit.  IT SUCKS.  Period.  It's not pleasant.  It's not rewarding.  I mean...come on - it WOULD be easier for me to keep them in diapers!  Not cheap...but certainly much easier on the patience front.  I don't have to look for a bathroom every 3 minutes when we're out in public. 

But - they need to be potty trained.  So here I am with my head spinning exocist style and these 2 girls looking at me going "change me!"  What?  Change you?  That's what you want?  Hahahaha!  NOPE! 

That's right.  Mommy Dearest said "YOU pooped in your big girl panties.  I'M not changing you."  Trust me when I tell you this was better than the alternative.  Oh this is sooooo going against any psychology book, love and logic style, or even good parenting.  You're suppose to have PATIENCE and UNDERSTANDING and LOVING words when they have 'accidents'.  You're suppose to embrace the shit hanging off their ass and dripping down their legs with a loving tone and words of encouragement. 

I even went as far as to put together the pieces on the train table so they could run in circles around the table with their trains.  It's a favorite activity of theirs. Hannah was soaking up the moment.  She was able to run all around the table.  Emily cried and cried and said how she wanted to go poop on the potty NOW.  Hailey was semi-standing there yelling at me saying 'You need to change me!!!  I want to play!!!" 

Eventually I did change them.  I don't know why.  I really wanted to just leave them like that until Pete came home.  But something told me that Mommy Dearest needed to leave before then.  However; the threat was made.  "IF you poop in your panties again....I'm NOT changing you!" 

I've had it with this potty training.  If I could pay someone $5,000 to do it for me - I WOULD. 

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