Monday, January 17, 2011


For a review of what we did today - just read yesterday's post! I jinxed myself. Emily had a pretty bad croup cough last night and she really hasn't been feeling better since we went to the doc last week. So I figured I'd bring her in just to make sure I wasn't missing something.

I made an appt for 2:00 (that's all they had - kids had the day off today for MLK day). In addition to everything in yesterday's post you can add: wake the kids up from their naps. Oh and it figures that I did NOT have the backpack with diapers & wipes. I always leave it in the car but took it out because the wipes were frozen. I forgot to put it back.

We go there on time but it was a full house and a 1/2hr wait. Just enough time for Hannah to take a massive stinky poop. Well we finally get our butts called in and the nurse was kinda giving me the "you were just here a week ago so I'm sure this is a waste of time" look. But they are always nice and really - I even thought I was wasting my time.

We get in the room and I ask if they have a diaper. This is doubly embarrassing due to the fact that A: what mother leaves the house with 3 kids in diapers WITHOUT diapers? B: these same kids are going to be 3 in a month and shouldn't need me to ask for diapers! Oh and guess what? They didn't have any diapers. Sorry kid - you're sitting shitty...I mean pretty.

Doc comes in and is asking what has changed since last week other than the cough. I say nothing really but that's kinda the point cuz she's not getting better. Sure enough - she has a sinus infection and double ear infection plus croup. Not the kind of validation any mother wants but at least I know to always treat my 1st instinct.

Hannah got a "I'll take ur diaper off and clean u but u better not pee in your carseat!". And as if the day wasn't really shitty already - her pants didn't fit without a diaper on. So ALL the way to the car she was trying to hold her pants and not drop her lollipop...and hold my hand.

I do love my life - but some days I'd like a do-over.

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