Wednesday, January 19, 2011

After last nights battle with Hannah she actually stopped as soon as I told her she would be sleeping in the hallway by herself.  It only took about 3 seconds for them all to fall asleep once she stopped crying.  I think only Hailey woke up in the middle of the night - but I'm not sure since Pete got up with whoever it was.  :)

This morning all 3 of them wanted to be in big girl panties.  AWESOME!  And even more awesome was that from 7:00 - 10:30 we had NO accidents.  Not even after I gave them a bath (they seem to think it's fun to pee on the floor in their room).  They all used the potty when they needed to.  At 10:30 we decided to get dressed and head out.  I needed to make 2 stops - one at Staples and one at Walmart.  Both are right next to each other (we can walk from one to the other on a sidewalk).  Diapers were put on for this little excursion but I did ask if they needed to use the potty before we left and they all said no. 

We get to Staples, park the car and all walk inside.  We had a mission (and a gift card).  We needed notebooks.  So we go in, buy notebooks and leave.  We walked right over to Walmart and at this point it's about 11:30 (it takes us time to get out of the house and get places so an hour had already gone by).  Lunch time!  We opt to eat at Subway in the Walmart.  Lunch menu was great - turkey on wheat (a foot long fed all of us), apples, yogurt and milk.  They ate.  And then I smell something. 

Ugh...Hannah pooped.  I think in a matter of a millisecond I hit my over the edge moment of the day.  I ask and ask and ask and ask and ask and ask...."Do you need to use the potty?"  And I get told "No thank you Mommy.  I'm all set!"  And just a note - I ask EACH ONE INDIVIDUALLY EACH TIME.  "Hannah do you need to use the potty?"  "No thank you Mommy."  "Hailey do you need to use the potty?"  "No thanks Mom"  "Emily do you need to use the potty?"  "No thank you Mommy.  I'm all set."  50 times an hour! 

So here I am at Walmart - no shopping done at all...and I had a list...a long list.  The car is not too far away but it's a decent walk because I parked it next to Staples so we would be able to walk the sidewalk through to both instead of walking through the parking lot.  There's a Basset Furniture store in between - so the walk was the length of 3 buildings.  And it's pouring.  And I'm now so frustrated that I'm miserable. 

So we left.  And didn't go back.  I just didn't have it in me to take them all back out to the car to change Hannah and then take them all back in to go shopping.  It would have wasted about 20 minutes of time.  And our shopping could have been done in 30 minutes.  It was nearing nap time and I was now cranky!  I don't bring the diaper bag in to places like Walmart because the bathrooms are horrible for changing diapers.  I'd much rather change them in the van.  Plus - I didn't want to carry the back pack while trying to keep an eye on them walking while also pushing the cart.  And I didn't want to push 2 carts.  See....I was plain cranky. 

We came home and all of us took naps.  This just means I have to do my shopping later tonight.  I have a Tastefully Simple party to go to (which I'm actually excited about!) and then I'll have to hit Walmart on my way home.  Oh and when we came home - we were stuck parked out in front of the parking lot to our condo for about 20 minutes because they were plowing!  It was an 'it figures' moment.  LOL

We're back in big girl panties now after nap and we're ALL feeling better.  Sleep is a powerful thing. 

1 comment:

  1. And by the time I was done typing this post - Emily peed on the floor in her. Soooooooooooo soooooooo frustrating!
