Thursday, January 6, 2011

Change in name?

I should consider renaming this blog - since it doesn't look like I can get to it every single day!  Being home is much more demanding than going to 'work' at a 'job' everyday.  By the end of the night the last thing I feel like doing is recollecting what went on during the day.  To be honest - I don't even think I could remember lol. 

Yesterday the girls and I headed up to MA for a visit with the cousins.  It was an all day affair.  We left here around 10:00 and with just one stop to make (grocery store for dinner) we made it up there by noon. 

They have a dog.  And a cat.  And probably some lions, tigers and bears as well (oh my!).  I did what I could to get the girls to at least accept the fact that they were in the dog and cats house and they should be allowed to roam free but to no avail.  The cat landed in the basement while the dog stayed behind the gate in the front room.  I don't know what on earth has made Hannah so fearful of animals but it's a pain in the ass sometimes.  Hailey feeds off of whoever she is with.  So if she's with Emily - the animals are her best friends.  If she's with Hannah - animals mean imminent death and you should scream like hell until you've been picked up.  Trust me - these kids can JUMP like Tigger when it comes to the desire to be held.

After the animals found a second home for the day - we all had a blast.  C was WAY beyond tolerant of the girls.  Imagine being 4 and having your OWN room and your OWN toys just to have 3 whiny girls come over and take command?  They all fought, they all played, they all laughed, they all cried, and most of all - they all had FUN.  Emily woke up this morning and asked if we were going back to visit today.  When I said 'no' she said 'But C misses me!'   Yes - I'm sure he misses you riding his tricycle around the living room while screaming 'No MY bike! MY turn! No thank you!'   LOL 

We got home late - around 10:00 by the time the girls were actually in bed and sleeping.  The ride home was fine but it was a rough 1/2 hour getting them in the house, changed & ready for bed.  They weren't about to let the routine go even though it was so late.  We still had to brush teeth, read books, turn off lights, rub backs, say good night.............

And you would think that going to bed so late they would sleep in right?  NOPE!  Hannah was up at 6 while the other two slept until 7:00.  BUT - I'm blogging now because they took 3.5 hour naps today :)

Oh yeah - I also have awsome video of Hawk dancing to Michael Jackson while playing Wii. 

1 comment:

  1. YOU HAVE TO POST THE VIDEO - I will link it to his blog! Can't wait to see it. THANK YOU for coming. And yes being full time Mom is HARD! I am still working on finding the balance - not sure if thats possible - but at moments I think so.
